Online:Zone Guide/Western Skyrim

Sundered from Eastern Skyrim in years past, High King Svargrim rules the cold and unforgiving land known as Western Skyrim. Consisting of the holds of Haafingar, Karthald, and Hjaalmarch, the realm gives rise to hardy natures, brave warriors, and suspicious townsfolk.
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Zone Story Quests[edit]
Zone Story Quests are the main story arc for the zone. Completing these quests can award you with skill points, experience, gold, and gear.
The Gathering Storm
: Investigate a threat to Solitude and its king.
Dark Clouds Over Solitude
: In light of a tragedy, hunt down the creature responsible.
Danger in the Holds
: Work with Svana to warn the Holds of Western Skyrim of a coming threat.
The Vampire Scholar
: Find Fennorian in Blackreach and bring him back.
The Gray Host
: Create a defense against the Harrowstorms and learn the Gray Host's plans.
Greymoor Rising
: Prevent a Harrowstorm from being unleashed on Solitude.
Daughter of the Wolf
: Check in with Solitude's survivors after the Harrowstorm.
Wayshrines allow free, instantaneous travel between wayshrines that have been discovered and unlocked. You can also travel directly to any unlocked wayshrine from anywhere in the world for a small amount of gold.
Kilkreath Temple Wayshrine — Located near Kilkreath Temple. (map)
Morthal Wayshrine — A wayshrine on Morthal's west side. (map)
Mor Khazgur Wayshrine — A wayshrine at the entrance to Mor Khazgur. (map)
Dragon Bridge Wayshrine — Located in Dragon Bridge. (map)
Southern Watch Wayshrine
— A wayshrine east of Karthwatch. (map)
Frozen Coast Wayshrine
— Located on the eastern coast of Western Skyrim, just east of Hordrek's Hunting Grounds and south-southeast of the wreck of The Silver Cormorant. (map)
Solitude Wayshrine — A wayshrine in the center of Solitude. (map)
Solitude Docks Wayshrine
— A wayshrine at the docks of Solitude. (map)
Deepwood Vale Wayshrine
— Located northwest of Dragon Bridge in Western Skyrim. (map)
Giant's Coast Wayshrine
— A wayshrine in the northwestern corner of Western Skyrim. (map)
Northern Watch Wayshrine
— A wayshrine on the northeastern coast of Western Skyrim. (map)
Dusktown Wayshrine
— Located in the northwestern corner of Dusktown Cavern in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns. (map)
Greymoor Keep Wayshrine
— Located south of Greymoor Keep in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns. (map)
Lightless Hollow Wayshrine
— Located south of the Lightless Hollow Great Lift in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns. (map)
Dark Moon Grotto Wayshrine
— Located in eastern Dark Moon Grotto within Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns. (map)
Dwarven Run Wayshrine
— Located in the very north of Dark Moon Grotto in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns. (map)
Grotto Falls Wayshrine
— Located in Dark Moon Grotto, just west of the door leading to Dusktown Cavern. (map)
Deep Overlook Wayshrine
— Located in the southern tunnel of the Lightless Hollow in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns. (map)
Western Greymoor Wayshrine
— Located west of Greymoor Keep on the western edge of Greymoor Cavern in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns. (map)
Cave Delver[edit]
Delves are solo-able dungeons found throughout the world. Delves will always contain a single skyshard and a boss who drops item set gear.
Chillwind Depths
— A cave and delve in Karthald Hold of Western Skyrim, located north of Karthwatch containing Falmer and their livestock. (map)
— A Nordic barrow and delve in Karthald Hold of Western Skyrim, located northwest of Mor Khazgur containing Dragon Cult cultists with their atronachs, and draugr. (map)
Frozen Coast
— The northeastern shoreline of Western Skyrim. (map)
Midnight Barrow
— A Nordic ruin located in the Lightless Hollow section of Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns, containing Draugrkin and undead. (map)
— A delve in Haafingar Hold of Western Skyrim, located northwest of Solitude containing Reachmen and wildlife. (map)
The Scraps — A Dwemer ruin found in the Dark Moon Grotto section of Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns, containing Dwarven automatons and Falmer. (map)
Points of Interest[edit]
Points of Interest are self-contained stories that explore the lore, characters, and locations within a zone. These can award you with experience, gold, and gear.
— A city that serves as the capital of Haafingar Hold and the hub of Western Skyrim. (map)
— A town that serves as the capital of Hjaalmarch Hold in Western Skyrim. (map)
— The capital town of Karthald Hold in Western Skyrim. (map)
Dragon Bridge
— A town in Haafingar Hold of Western Skyrim, located southwest of Solitude. (map)
Kilkreath Temple
— A Nordic shrine dedicated to Meridia in Haafingar Hold of Western Skyrim, located west of Solitude. (map)
Mor Khazgur
— An Orc stronghold in Karthald Hold of Western Skyrim, located north of the Karthald Great Lift. (map)
The Silver Cormorant
— A Redguard merchant ship from Rihad found locked in ice east of Solitude. (map)
Karthald Great Lift
— An entrance to Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns, located in Karthald Hold, on the western edge of Western Skyrim. (map)
Hjaalmarch Great Lift
— A dwemer ruin in Hjaalmarch Hold of Western Skyrim, located west of Morthal. (map)
Eastern Great Lift
— An entrance to Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns, located in Hjaalmarch Hold, on the eastern edge of Western Skyrim. (map)
Coastal Giant Camp
— A giant camp in Haafingar Hold of Western Skyrim, located southwest of Ysmgar's Beach. (map)
Karthald Giant Camp
— A giant camp in Karthald Hold of Western Skyrim, located just east of Karthwatch. (map)
Kilkreath Giant Camp
— A small giant camp in Haafingar Hold of Western Skyrim, located south of Kilkreath Temple. (map)
Highland Giant Camp
— A giant camp in Haafingar Hold of Western Skyrim, located near the coast north of Solitude. (map)
Deepwood Giant Camp
— A giant camp in Haafingar Hold of Western Skyrim, located west of Kilkreath Temple. (map)
Mor Khazgur Giant Camp
— A giant camp in Karthald Hold of Western Skyrim, located southeast of Mor Khazgur. (map)
— A small mining town located in the Dusktown Cavern section of Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns. (map)
Greymoor Keep
— A massive fortress and home of the Gray Host, which occupies the entire northern section of Greymoor Cavern in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns. (map)
The Lightless Hollow
— A mine in the Lightless Hollow section of Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns, located in the eastern side of the cavern. (map)
Dark Moon Grotto
— The western cavern of the Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns cave system.
Lightless Hollow Great Lift
— An exit from Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns in its Lightless Hollow section, located north of the Lightless Hollow Wayshrine. (map)
Dark Moon Grotto Great Lift
— An exit from Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns, in its Dark Moon Grotto section, located slightly northwest from the Dwarven Run Wayshrine. (map)
Greymoor Cavern Great Lift
— An exit from Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns, in its Greymoor Cavern section, located south of the Greymoor Keep Wayshrine. (map)
Striking Locales are places of interest within the world. Discovering all of the Striking Locales in a zone will award that zone's Pathfinder achievement.
Lendoran Ruin
— A Nordic ruin found in Haafingar Hold of Western Skyrim, located northeast of Mor Khazgur. (map)
Storm-Hawk's Altar
— A Nordic ruin in Hjaalmarch Hold of Western Skyrim, located at the base of the Great Arch, below Solitude. (map)
Sword's Point Watchtower
— A ruined watchtower found in Haafingar Hold of Western Skyrim, located southeast of Ysmgar's Beach. (map)
Wolf's Eye Lighthouse
— A lighthouse in Haafingar Hold of Western Skyrim, located north of Solitude. (map)
Darkrise Overlook
— A striking locale overlooking the Lightless Hollow section of Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns, located east of the Gloomforest Ritual Site. (map)
Gloomstalker Village
— A primitive Falmer settlement in Dusktown Cavern. (map)
Set Stations[edit]
Set Stations are locations in the world where you can craft items with specific item set bonuses.
Hunter's House
— An hunting cabin in Hjaalmarch Hold of Western Skyrim, located southeast of Dragon Bridge. (map)
Dragon's Belly
— A Nordic ruin in Haafingar Hold of Western Skyrim, located just east of Lendoran Ruin. (map)
Parasite's Cave
— A Dwemer ruin found in the Dark Moon Grotto section of Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns, located south of The Scraps. (map)
Public Dungeons[edit]
Public Dungeons are open world dungeons found throughout Tamriel and beyond. These are designed for four player groups. Completing different parts of Public Dungeons can award you with a skill point, experience, gold, and gear.
— An extensive Nordic ruin complex found in the mountains of Hjaalmarch Hold, southeast of Morthal. (map)
— A Dwemer ruin in Dusktown Cavern in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns. (map)
World Events[edit]
World Events such as Dark Anchors are activities that occur in the world that are best tackled by a group of adventurers. Completing a World Event can award you experience, gold, and higher tier gear.
Old Karth Ritual Site
— A Harrowstorm ritual site in Karthald Hold of Western Skyrim, located northeast of Karthwatch. (map)
Black Morass Ritual Site
— A Harrowstorm ritual site in Hjaalmarch Hold of Western Skyrim, located south of Solitude. (map)
Giant's Coast Ritual Site
— A Harrowstorm ritual site in Haafingar Hold of Western Skyrim, located on the northwestern coast. (map)
Chilblain Peak Ritual Site
— A Harrowstorm ritual site in Karthald Hold of Western Skyrim, located Dragon Bridge. (map)
Hailstone Valley Ritual Site
— A Harrowstorm spawn point in Hjaalmarch Hold of Western Skyrim, located east of Morthal. (map)
Northern Watch Ritual Site
— A Harrowstorm ritual site in Haafingar Hold of Western Skyrim, located on the coast north of Solitude. (map)
Gloomforest Ritual Site
— A harrowstorm ritual site in the Lightless Hollow section of Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns, located north of Tzinghalis's Tower (map)
Dwarf's Bane Ritual Site
— A Harrowstorm ritual site in Dusktown Cavern. (map)
Miner's Lament Ritual Site
— A Harrowstorm ritual site in Dusktown Cavern. (map)
Nightstone Ritual Site
— A harrowstorm site found in the Dark Moon Grotto section of Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns, located southeast of The Scraps. (map)
World Bosses[edit]
World Bosses are difficult enemies meant to be tackled by a group of adventurers. Defeating a world boss can award you higher tier gear.
Hordrek's Hunting Grounds
— A small camp in Hjaalmarch Hold of Western Skyrim, located north of Morthal. (map)
Circle of Champions
— A small arena in front of a watchtower ruin in Haafingar Hold of Western Skyrim, located southwest of Dragon Bridge. (map)
Ysmgar's Beach
— A camp in Haafingar Hold of Western Skyrim, located on the northern coast. (map)
Shademother's Haven
— A small river island in Hjaalmarch Hold of Western Skyrim, located southwest of Morthal. (map)
Vampire Feeding Grounds
— A small cave found in the Greymoor Cavern section of Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns, located west of Greymoor Keep. (map)
Colossus Charging Station
— A small Dwemer ruin located in the southern end of Dark Moon Grotto within Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns. (map)
Skyshard Hunter[edit]
Skyshards are scattered throughout the world and can be identified by the bright beam of white light they emanate. Discovering three Skyshards will grant you a skill point, which can be used to unlock or morph new abilities.
Clue | Location | Notes | |
At the top of a waterfall in the Lightless Hollow | The Lightless Hollow | (map) | South of the Lightless Hollow Wayshrine, reached by hugging the left wall |
Tucked in the Dwarven ruins south of Dark Moon Grotto | Dark Moon Grotto | (map) | |
Near the outer walls of Greymoor Keep | Outside of Greymoor Keep | (map) | |
Where a storm is brewing east of Dusktown | Dwarf's Bane Ritual Site | (map) | |
At the top of the Circle of Champions' tower | Circle of Champions | (map) | |
Close to Storm-Hawk's Altar near Solitude | Storm-Hawk's Altar | (map) | |
Near Jarl Olfwenn's Hall | Karthwatch | (map) | Cliff above Bleakridge Barrow |
At a henge south of Morthal | South of Morthal | (map) | |
By the Dragon's Belly | Dragon's Belly | (map) | |
Near an altar close to Hunter's House | East of Hunter's House | (map) | |
Within Labyrinthian's burial mound | Labyrinthian | (map) | |
Overlooking the crescent pool in Nchuthnkarst | Nchuthnkarst | (map) | |
Through the Frostvenom Spiders' nest in Chillwind Depths | Chillwind Depths | (map) | Accessed through a half-hidden passage behind webbing |
Near the cliffside altar in Dragonhome | Dragonhome | (map) | |
Among the crags of the Frozen Coast | Frozen Coast | (map) | Accessed via a tunnel from the southeast |
By the Wispmother's pond in Midnight Barrow | Midnight Barrow | (map) | |
On one of the highest precipices in the Shadowgreen | Shadowgreen | (map) | |
In a junk heap rotunda in the Scraps | The Scraps | (map) | In the round alcove of the easternmost chamber in the delve |
Shalidor's Library Books[edit]
Shalidor's Library Books are scattered throughout the world. These books are identified by their distinctive purple glow. Discovering these books will improve your Mages Guild rank and advance the associated skill line.
- House Ravenwatch Proclamation by Count Verandis Ravenwatch — A House Ravenwatch pamphlet denouncing Baron Wylon Montclair and the Lightless Remnant
- Nords of Skyrim by Hrothmund Wolf-Heart — An essay professing the finer qualities of Nords
- Varieties of Faith: The Nords by Brother Mikhael Karkuxor of the Imperial College — An excerpt of Varieties of Faith in Tamriel regarding the Nordic belief system
- The Brothers' War — On the duel between Jorunn the Skald Prince and his brother Fildgor
- Orcs of Skyrim by Thora Far-Wanderer — A history of the Orcish settlers and strongholds of Skyrim
- The Crown of Freydis by Taleon Mythmaker — A history of the second royal crown of Skyrim
- All About Giants by Bonorion the Wanderer — Observations on the Giantish Peoples of Skyrim
- On Stepping Lightly by Narsis Dren, Treasure Hunter — A warning on what to expect in the ruins of Skyrim
- The Road to Sovngarde — An overview of the Nordic afterlife
- The Wandering Skald — A song on being a skald