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Online:Waste of Flesh

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Waste of Flesh
Location Karnwasten
Species Flesh Atronach
Health 271,124 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction Hostile
Waste of Flesh

The Waste of Flesh is a burnt flesh atronach found in Karnwasten.

Skills and Abilities[edit]

A basic melee attack dealing moderate physical damage.
Rain of Fire
The Waste of Flesh raises its torch hand up and starts launching fireballs all over the arena one after the other, indicated by growing circular AoEs, dealing high flame damage on hit and continuous moderate flame damage in the lingering fields left after.
Wailing Slam
The Waste of Flesh begins to scream loudly, stunning you while drawing you towards it, as a very large growing AoE starts appearing. The screaming itself deals continuous moderate physical damage while inside the growing AoE.
Once the AoE reaches max size, the Waste of Flesh then slams the ground with its mace hand, dealing extremely high physical damage and knocking you down. Even if you break free while stunned, the follow-up slam will still occur at the end of the AoE build-up.


There are two achievements associated with this NPC:

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-Karnwasten Vanquisher.png Karnwasten Vanquisher 10 Defeat three of the champions in Karnwasten.
ON-icon-achievement-Karnwasten Conqueror.png Karnwasten Conqueror 50 Defeat all of the champions in Karnwasten.
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