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Home City Bright-Throat Village
House Outside her house
Race Argonian Gender Female
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Commoner
Other Information
Faction(s) Bright-Throat Tribe

Vetra-Jat is an Argonian commoner who can be found relaxing outside her house in Bright-Throat Village. When Syl was separated from her group, Vetra took her into her home.


"I love this time of season. The whole village is teaming with visitors of all kinds. Like you …! And my new Nord friend. Though she is not here now. She gets lost very easily, but I will be glad to look after her!"
"Have you seen my new Nord friend? She is pale and smooth as fired bone-clay. I went to bring her a drink and she was gone.
I hope she did not think I abandoned her."