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Gold Road


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Location Vashabar, West Weald, Caelum Cellars Inner Vaults, Skingrad Outlaws Refuge
Race Wood Elf Gender Female
Reaction Friendly

Valenia is a Wood Elf who was once a private in the West Weald Legion, and was part of squad nicknamed the Scarlets. After deserting, she and her squad turned to banditry and theft and were eventually imprisoned after a disastrous break in.

After she was release from prison, she eventually made her home in Vashabar and has been attempting to reconnect with her estranged son.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

After meeting with Hooke in Skingard, he will ask you to find some of his old comrades after hearing several of them have died in suspicious circumstances. One of the people he asks you to find is Valenia, who can be found outside her home in Vashabar, with her son Regomor and granddaughter Noraine:

Valenia: "Noraine needs to learn to hunt. You know it's time, Regomor."
Regomor: "She will. But not from you."
<Noraine notices you approach.>
Noraine: "Who's that stranger?"
Regomor: "I knew it. Trouble follows you again, Mother."
Regomor: "Noraine—to me. Now."
<Regomor and Noraine enter the seed pod house.>

Speak with Valenia to explain what is going on:

"This is not a good time, stranger. If you have business with me, make it quick."
Hooke needs you to come to the Outlaws Refuge in Skingrad. Someone's killing the Scarlets.
"Oh. Oh, no. Someone is hunting the Scarlets? It's just as my son feared. My past has caught up to me again.
I should have known it when I found the note on my doorstep."
Tell me about this note.
"The note said an old friend wanted me to meet them in the woods to the west. I … don't have any old friends. I threw it away. But if what you say is true, it might be the killer waiting for me!
I need to get Noraine and my son away from here!"
Stay here. I'll see if anyone is waiting in the woods.

Speaking to her again:

"I need to get my son and Norraine away from Vashabar. Away … from me, where it's safer for them. I'll make the arrangements. But I'll still be here when you're back.
If you want to read the note, I think I tossed it somewhere beside my home."

You can find the letter Valenia is talking about on the ground nearby. After reading it you can search the forest to the west of her home, you soon come across a campsite that was recently abandoned, finding a Cracked Spyglass, some Warm Embers and a Burned Fragment of some writing. After you search the campsite, you can return to Valenia:

Valenia: "Ah! Oh, it's only you."

Tell her what you found:

"I convinced Regomor to take Noraine and return to Marbruk. He didn't need much persuading, so long as I promised to stay away until I was sure it would be safe. I suppose it's for the best.
Was anyone waiting in the woods?"
They were already gone, but I found a camp with a spyglass and a scrap of a threatening note.
"A spyglass? They were watching me—and my family. A family I barely even know myself. I should have known someone with a past like mine doesn't get to retire and watch their grandchildren grow up."
So you'll meet with Hooke?
"I have to. If something happened to my family on my account, I couldn't live with it. I have to face my past: the years in prison, Caelum Vineyard, the fire. All of it.
But I haven't even spoken to Hooke since … never mind."
I'll see you in the Outlaws Refuge of Skingrad, then.
[Persuade] Go on. When was the last time you spoke with Hooke?
"The night before we hit the Caelum vineyard. Hooke was supposed to return for a second scout before we broke in. An extra precaution.
Instead, he wanted to meet that night to talk about … us."
Were you two close?
"We were, but I was married. He urged me to leave the Scarlets after we split the vineyard prize. Go back to my family. But I loved the thrill of it all.
Prison changed that. By the time I got out, I wanted nothing to do with the Scarlets."
I see. I'll meet you in the Outlaws Refuge of Skingrad.
"I'll need some time to make arrangements in case I don't come back. But I'll be there. For the others, and for my family. I promise."

Speaking to her again that you can ask about the fire she mentioned and her family:

"Merchants make the journey to Skingrad regularly for supplies. I'll join one of their caravans and travel as part of a group. See you at the Outlaws Refuge."
What were you talking about earlier? About the fire, and Caelum Vineyard?
"It was the last job the Scarlets ever did. We weren't killers. We never were, not even when living as outlaws.
But our break-in at Caelum Vineyard cost a family their lives. One was a child only a fewer years younger than Noraine."
Noraine? Your granddaughter?
"Regomor had Noraine while I was still in prison. They settled here in Vashabar shortly after King Nantharion put out the call for Wood Elves to join him in building a new homeland for our people."
What do you think of that?
"I think Regomor's judgment is clouded. Uprooting a child from the life they know isn't easy. But I have no right to tell Regomor how to raise his daughter. Not after what I did to him."
Tell me more about Regomor.
"I don't blame Regomor for his anger toward me. I saw him so rarely when he was small. And after we deserted the Legion, I kept my distance. Living with a mother who steals from caravans isn't any kind of life for a child."
Why did you resort to stealing?
"At first it was only to survive. Pickpocketing and petty theft was too small a gain for the risk. Then things just continued to grow. I'm ashamed to say I found it fun. Prison cured me of that, but it was already too late."
Too late? What happened?
"When I was released, I learned my husband had been killed in a skirmish in Reaper's March. Not only did I lose the chance to see Regomor grow—he'd been left to fend for himself for years.
No wonder he doesn't want me around Noraine."

Once you have found all the people Hooke told you about, you can meet with them at the Skingrad Outlaws Refuge. You will find Valenia, alongside Hooke, Fallen-Knives and Big Urm. Speaking with her before Hooke:

"I had hoped to move on from all this. To never look back. But it's been a long time since I've seen Hooke this driven. It reminds me of the good things I found among this group.
Not everything about those days was evil."

Speaking with Hooke, he will ask you to find another former Scarlet, Naku who has become a miner, while the rest of the crew investigates leads. Talking to Valenia before you leave:

"Prison was harder on Naku than the rest of us. Something about being in chains or cages when he was younger. When we were released, he couldn't get away fast enough. He had to know he was free and clear, for certain."

When you reach Naku's small claim to the south of the city, you will find his backpack and a letter addressed to him. It goads him to seek out a richer vein found in Fyrelight Cave, when you search for Naku in the cavern, you find Naku pleading for his life before he is killed. His killer warns you to stop helping the Scarlets as they don't deserve it, before he leaves. After collecting some clues, you return to the Scarlets to bring them the bad news.

They will be gathered around a table near Gold Road Goods, examining the notes they all received. If you talk to Valenia before Hooke:

"You're back. But where's Naku?
I think you'd better talk to Hooke, friend. Quickly."

Talking to Hooke, he will realise that the person killing the Scarlets is Marcan Caelum, the master of Caelum Vineyards and formerly unknown survivor of the fire that killed the rest of his family. Hooke ask you to meet with them at the Vineyard ruins, speaking with Valenia after this:

"I'm sorry you had to see Naku struck down like that. If I hadn't been so distant, then maybe we would have come together to meet this threat sooner.
Please make sure Hooke doesn't do anything he will regret at Caelum Vineyard."

When you arrive at the ruins of the Caelum Vineyard, the group will be waiting for you:

Valenia: "It's so desolate. How much of this is our doing?"
Hooke: "Don't lose focus! Val, Knives, Big Urm—search the far side of the vineyard for signs of Marcan Caelum. I'll take this side with our friend."
Big Urm: "Keep safe, everyone. May the Divines watch over us."

You and Hooke will search the ruins, finding some well-maintained graves and a sewer grate leading beneath the ruined building. When you go search for an entrance to the old cellars, Old Urm and Fallen-Knives will run up to you with bad news. Valenia was abducted by Marcan, and you will need to find them before she is killed.

The group will enter the cellars and eventually gain entrance to the inner vaults. You and Hooke will go ahead, while Fallen-Knives tends to Big Urm's hurt shoulder. When you enter the Inner Vaults, you can follow the passage until you reach a hole that leads to a larger cavern. Hooke will poke his head around to observe Valenia and Marcan on the wooden platform and comes up with a plan. While you speak with Marcan and stall him, Hooke will sneak around and free Valenia.

You can then approach Marcan who will have a knife to Valenia's throat. Your conversation and its result will depend on your knowledge of Marcan's family and your words. If you leave the conversation prematurely or get his family's names wrong, the conversation will end. If it is later in the conversation, Valenia will be freed but she will be injured in her escape. If the conversation ends before Valenia is freed, she will be killed.

Stalled long enough for Hooke to free Valenia: Valenia is freed but injured: Valenia is killed:

When you tell Marcan "That's where you're wrong." He will turn around and see Valenia is gone:

Marcan Caelum: "What? No!"
<Marcan holds up a torch.>
Marcan Caelum: "You cannot deny my vengeance. You wanted my riches? Take them to your graves!"
<Marcan lights his surroundings on fire and he catches alight as well.>
Marcan Caelum: "Ah ha ha ha!"
<The fire spreads everywhere and the cavern will be lit with red light.>
Big Urm: "The fire's spreading!"
Fallen-Knives: "The exit is blocked! We're trapped!"
Hooke: "There! The sewer grate! We can get out that way!"
Marcan Caelum: "Enough of this!"
Marcan Caelum: "What? No!"
<Valenia is struck at and injured.>
Valenia: "Argh!"
<Big Urm and Fallen-Knives will appear beside you.>
Marcan Caelum: "So … all the Scarlets have come. Good. We'll all burn here … as they did."
<Marcan lights his surroundings on fire and he catches alight as well.>
Marcan Caelum: "Ah ha ha ha!"
<The fire spreads everywhere and the cavern will be lit with red light.>
Big Urm: "The fire's spreading!"
Fallen-Knives: "The exit is blocked! We're trapped!"
Hooke: "There! The sewer grate! We can get out that way!"
Marcan Caelum: "Enough of this!"
<Marcan strikes at Valenia, killing her>
Hooke: "Valenia!"
<Big Urm and Fallen-Knives will appear beside you.>
Marcan Caelum: "So … all the Scarlets have come. Good. We'll all burn here … as they did."
<Marcan lights his surroundings on fire and he catches alight as well.>
Marcan Caelum: "Ah ha ha ha!"
<The fire spreads everywhere and the cavern will be lit with red light.>
Big Urm: "The fire's spreading!"
Fallen-Knives: "The exit is blocked! We're trapped!"
Hooke: "There! The sewer grate! We can get out that way!"

After escaping the cellars, you will need to head to the road where the Scarlets will be waiting. The conversation and their mood will depend on what happened to Valenia:

Valenia is unharmed: Valenia is injured:
Hooke: "I hoped things could have ended differently with Marcan. But we're all safe. I couldn't ask for more."
Valenia: "Thanks to you. And your new friend."

Speaking with Valenia before Hooke:

"I can't believe I'm here. I was only out of sight of Fallen-Knives and Big Urm for a moment when Caelum grabbed me and dragged me into a hole. The tunnels were dark, but he knew his way.
I was sure I was done for. Then you and Hooke showed up."

When you arrive, you will find that Valenia is badly injured. Hooke will have Fallen-Knives tend to her arm, and the Argonian announces that the wound is severe and her arm may never the same again.

Speaking with Valenia before Hooke:

"Ah … I'm sorry. Everything hurts at the moment. Thank you for saving me, friend. Arm or no arm, I have my life, and I'm grateful for it.
Although I don't think I'll be teaching Noraine archery, after all."

Once you have spoken with Hooke and completed the quest, the group will talk about what they will do next:

Valenia is unharmed: Valenia is injured:
Big Urm: "Friends, we should remember the Scarlets who aren't here. Before we go our separate ways again."
Fallen-Knives: "I have places to be, but they can wait. I'll be there. And I won't be drinking."
Valenia: "I agree. I wish we had come together before all this. Hooke?"
Hooke: "I'd like that. Aye, I'd like that a lot."

Talking to Valenia afterwards:

"I don't know how to thank you. Not just for saving my life, but for bringing us together to face this. I've spent years trying to run away from who I used to be. But I really needed to turn around and face my past honestly."
What do you mean?
"I made mistakes, but I also stood with true friends. They can help me make things right—there's still time. I don't need to run away again. I can be there for Noraine and Regomor.
And yes, Hooke too."
Big Urm: "Hooke. If you're planning to escort Valenia to her family, I'd like to join you."
Fallen-Knives: "I'll meet you soon. There's something I have to do in Black Marsh. It might help Val."
Valenia: "You all … don't have to do … so much for me."
Hooke: "Well, maybe we're not quite ready to part again just yet."

Talking to Valenia afterwards:

"Sorry, friend. Can't talk much. But … thank you for saving my life. I won't waste this second chance you've given me. Not for all the gold on the Gold Road."