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Quick Summary: written by Majestriks, not checked
Walkthrough: not written
Quest Stages: written by Majestriks, not checked
Help a cipher return books and undo an endless trap. |
Help Meenai-Shai return books and put an end to the never-ending trap.
A cipher by the name of Meenai-Shai seems to be at the center of a mysterious plot housed within the Sidereal Cloisters.
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Quest Stages[edit]
Under Malign Stars |
Finishes Quest |
Journal Entry |
A note directed me towards the Sidereal Cloisters in the Endless Library.
Objective: Go to the Sidereal Cloisters
After arriving at the entrance to the Sidereal Cloisters, I encountered an Argonian Cipher who is seeking my attention.
Objective: Talk to Meenai-Shai
I should meet Meenai-Shai inside the Sidereal Cloisters.
Objective: Meet Meenai-Shai in the Main Hall
A ghostly Dremora appeared right after Meenai-Shai was killed. I should speak with her.
Objective: Talk to the Morbid Observer
Meenai-Shai returned from the dead. He tole me he needs to return one of his books to the Calamitous Gallery. I should try to help him navigate the gallery unharmed.
Objective: Guide Meenai-Shai
Optional Step: Talk to Meenai-Shai
Meenai-Shai died again before we were able to return the book, I should talk to the Morbid Overseer to see what to do next.
Objective: Talk to the Morbid Overseer
I should return the book, Portents of Celestial Bodies, to its proper place in the Calamitous Gallery.
Objective: Return Portents of Celestial Bodies to the Shelf
Returning the book caused a projection to appear within the room. I should investigate it.
Objective: Explore the Scene
After hearing the voice of Hermaeus Mora, a portal opened up. I should take it to get back to the Main Hall.
Objective: Return to the Main Hall
Optional Step: Talk to the Morbid Overseer
Meenai-Shai is back and says he needs to return one of his books to the Loggia Infinitum. I should try to guide the hapless Argonian to his destination.
Objective: Guide Meenai-Shai
Optional Step: Talk to Meenai-Shai
Meenai-Shai died before we were able to return the book. I should return the Encyclopedia Praedictionem to its proper place.
Objective: Return Encyclopedia Praedictionem to the Shelf
Returning the book caused a projection to appear within three room. I should investigate it.
Objective: Explore the Scene
After hearing the voice of Hermaeus Mora, a portal opened up. I should take it to get back to the Main Hall.
Objective: Return to the Main Hall
Meenai-Shai is back and says he needs to return one of his books to the Empyrean Ascent. I should try to keep him alive once again, but the odds are apparently not in his favor.
Objective: Guide Meenai-Shai
Optional Step: Talk to Meenai-Shai
Meenai-Shai died before we were able to return the book. I should return Fathomless Gaze to its proper place.
Objective: Return Fathomless Gaze to the Pedestal
Returning the book caused a projection to appear within three room. I should investigate it.
Objective: Explore the Scene
I should talk to the Morbid Overseer about what transpired here.
Objective: Talk to the Morbid Overseer
Meenai-Shai and an unknown stranger traced the Sigil of the Great Eye. The Morbid Overseer believes I should do the same.
Objective: Trace the Sigil of the Great Eye
Tracing the sigil opened a pathway to the Divinatory Forums. I should see what's inside.
Objective: Enter the Divinatory Forums
I need to explore the area and look for another book.
Objective: Explore the Divinatory Forums
I should continue on to the Divining Overlook to return the Atlas Obscurum to its rightful place.
Objective: Go to the Divining Overlook
I should return the Atlas Obscurum to its rightful place.
Objective: Place the Atlas Obscurum on the Pedestal
Returning the book caused a projection to appear within three room. I should investigate it.
Objective: Explore the Scene
I should see what occurs after exploring the scene at the Divining Overlook.
Objective: Witness the Outcome
I should meet with Meenai-Shai and the Morbid Overseer in the Main Hall.
Objective: Meet Meenai-Shai in the Main Hall
Finishes quest |
It seems thot returning the Atlas broke the cycle of torture that bound Meenai-Shai and the Morbid Overseer to the Cloisters. I should speak with Meenai-Shai and conclude our business.
Objective: Talk to Meenai-Shai
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g.,
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.