The Deadlands

Online:Treasures/The Deadlands

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The following are contraband items that originated in the Fargrave and the Deadlands zone of the Deadlands DLC.

Icon Item Description Value Type
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png Adolot's Cake Recipe (page) This Daedra's definition of cake is an imaginative interpretation of the word. Not a single ingredient is safe for mortals. 00000250250 Gold Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Measures.png Alchemical Calipers (page) Alchemical experiments require precises amount of biological reagents and this tool can measure with a high degree of accuracy. 00000100100 Gold Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Adornment.png Aldmeri Dominion Belt Buckle (page) A highly polished belt buckle in the shape of a eagle; the rest of the belt is missing. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Stone.png Anchoring Pact Gem (page) A gem that signifies the pact between a Daedra and mortal. This one is no longer used, but still bears inscriptions. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects, Magic Curiosities
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png Anti-Stricture Tract (page) Some mortal penned this screed, which urges open rebellion against the Stricture. It is stained with blood. 00000100100 Gold Writings
ON-icon-quest-Shadowfen map.png Arm of Bloodless Incision (page) The diagram of how a healer managed to remove his own arm, without spilling a drop of blood, is attached to the container. 00000100100 Gold Oddities, Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Stein.png Ashstained Stein (page) This stout cup was clearly intended to drink liquids, or magma, heated to very high temperature. 00000100100 Gold Drinkware
ON-icon-stolen-Vial.png Balm of Lavender and Many-Colored Coral (page) A vial of iridescent liquid that lets off a pleasing floral scent and brings tears of joy to the eyes of any who smell it. 00000250250 Gold Magic Curiosities, Cosmetics
ON-icon-stolen-Golden Toebells.png Banekin Earring Chain (page) A binding ritual focus as well as a dashing fashion statement. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects, Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Dream Catcher.png Barbed Finger Trap (page) This hollow tube's soft interior is lined with barbs that tear at inserted fingers. Intended for use during interrogations. 00000100100 Gold Games, Tools
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Beautifully Rendered Chart (page) This chart is highly detailed with different shades and ink. The strange symbols are rendered in perfect, steady writing. 00000100100 Gold Artwork, Maps
ON-icon-stolen-Spriggan Hoop.png Binding Cuffs (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
These rough iron cuffs suppress natural Daedric magic, preventing their escape from imprisonment. 00000100100 Gold Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Fishhook.png Black Iron Fishing Hook (page) Ragged flesh still hangs from the cruel barbs along its length. 00000100100 Gold Fishing Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Tools.png Black Iron Tongs (page) The high heat these implements can withstand make them perfect for Daedric smelting. 00000100100 Gold Smithing Equipment
ON-icon-stolen-Contraption.png Blaze-Vein Purifier (page) This small metal apparatus is heated to forge-hot temperatures to reach the purity needed for smithing. 00000250250 Gold Smithing Equipment
ON-icon-stolen-Spriggan Hoop.png Bloodfiend Restraining Manacles (page) Forged from iron, these manacles are used to hold feral bloodfiends until it becomes useful to release them onto prey. 00000100100 Gold Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Cloth.png Blue Floral Picnic Blanket (page) The cloth is sandy and a little damp from the fountains around Fargrave, but the colors are vibrant under the starlight. 00000250250 Gold Dry Goods
ON-icon-stolen-Inkwell.png Bottle of Suspicious Ink (page) The ink in this bottle is dark red and disturbingly vicious. Probably best not to open it. 00000100100 Gold Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Case.png Box of Fingernails (page) A wooden box filled with fingernails and clippings of different lengths. Each nail is catalogued and organized carefully. 00000100100 Gold Medical Supplies
ON-icon-quest-Daedric Embers.png Broken Speaking Stone (page) A smooth, oblong rock once used to communicate long distances between people. The power rune etched into it no longer glows. 00000250250 Gold Magic Curiosities, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Pillow.png Bubble Pillow (page) A translucent blue rectangle that molds itself delightfully under the pressure of something resting on it. 00000100100 Gold Dry Goods
ON-icon-stolen-Sack.png Buds of Abdominal Avulsion (page) These vibrant petals are surrounded by carefully written notes warning against their use in all known languages. 00000250250 Gold Medical Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Purse.png Calling Cards of Arcana (page) A set of painted tarot cards, each with a unique magical signature inscribed upon them. 00000100100 Gold Magic Curiosities, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Pouch.png Carapace Love Charm (page) This keratinous chunk of Hunger flesh hangs from a leather thong, said to bring luck in carnal affairs. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Contraption.png Carved Daedric Frother (page) This finely carved tool is meant to froth various liquids. Consumption of these liquids is typically ill-advised. 00000250250 Gold Utensils
ON-icon-stolen-Beads.png Ceremonial Glass Prayer Beads (page) Worn by some mortal followers of Mehrunes Dagon, the maroon beads signify each sacrifice made in the Prince's name. 00000250250 Gold Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Candle.png Charm of Protection from the Night (page) Mortals burn this candle in front of the serpentine figurines to keep Vaermina from infiltrating their dreams. 00000250250 Gold Statues, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-quest-Diseased Flesh Sample.png Clannfear Brand Patch (page) This patch of skin comes from a Clannfear. A specific symbol was burned into the flesh to mark loyalty to a high ranking Daedra. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Spriggan Hoop.png Clannfear Bridle (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
Along this leather harness run runes speaking to the strength of this beast's master, a powerful Dremora named Kathutet. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-quest-Rod.png Clannfear Leash (page) Cut from an unknown scarlet leather, this thick leash restrains even the strongest clannfear as it guards against intruders. 00000100100 Gold Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Pen Knife.png Clannfear Scale Comb (page) A comb made from the hardened scales of a clannfear. The scales are spaced widely to accommodate many textures of hair. 00000100100 Gold Grooming Items
ON-icon-stolen-Statuette Daedric Dog.png Clavicus Vile's Loyal Dog Statue (page) A rusted and tarnished iron figurine of a shaggy dog given to servants by nobles during the New Life Festival. 00000100100 Gold Statues
ON-icon-stolen-Bugle.png Claw of an Ash Titan (page) The severed claw of a fearsome Ash Titan. It looks cracked and weathered and was likely used in some kind of dark ritual. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects, Magic Curiosities
ON-icon-stolen-Drinking Bowl 02.png Cobalt Lipstick (page) The striking color comes from the ground Yaghra carapace. 00000250250 Gold Cosmetics
ON-icon-misc-Compass.png Compass of the Deadlands (page) This compass would be a useful tool for mortals trying to navigate the Deadlands … if they could read it. 00000250250 Gold Devices, Maps
ON-icon-stolen-Nail.png Copper Fang Splints (page) These cosmetic extensions result in almost comically long fangs, but they make a dramatic fashion statement. 00000100100 Gold Cosmetics, Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Lantern.png Crimson Torchbug Lantern (page) A jar with leaves, grasses, and twigs which can keep torchbugs alive and let their light shine throughout a room. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Cup.png Crow's Perch Vessel (page) Carved from a tree that only grows in Nocturnal's Evergloam, the cup is marked by black and purple whorls. 00000100100 Gold Drinkware
ON-icon-stolen-Dream Catcher.png Crowfeather Crown (page) A circle of barbed wire woven with lice-ridden feathers. Acts as a focus and binding for the crow servants of Nocturnal. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Effigy.png Daedra Doll Kit (page) Clearly made by a mortal, these small-scale figurines would help a smith design armor for inhuman forms. 00000250250 Gold Smithing Equipment, Dolls
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Daedric Desk Reference (page) This small booklet contains an incomprehensible list of Daedric sounds and utterances and their translations. 00000250250 Gold Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Bugle.png Daedric Fishle (page) An enterprising sorcerer thought to create a whistle to call forth Oblivion fish. Works just as well as the original. 00000250250 Gold Fishing Supplies, Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Contraption.png Daedric Flavor Sampler (page) This arcaner contraption allows the curious Daedra to sample flavors of food without actually ingesting them. 00000100100 Gold Utensils
ON-icon-stolen-Skull.png Daedric Pseudomandible (page) This utensil is shaped like a mouth with carved teeth for Daedra curious about mastication in mortal consumption. 00000100100 Gold Utensils
ON-icon-misc-Diamond.png Daedric Scrying Crystal (page) This crystal was likely used to scry the location of a certain artifact, or another Daedra. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects, Magic Curiosities
ON-icon-stolen-Hourglass.png Daedric Water Clock (page) For those Daedra fascinated by the concept of mortal time, this water clock measures the passage of moments. 00000250250 Gold Devices
ON-icon-quest-Tenderizer.png Daedroth Tooth Pickaxe Head (page) The grey head of a pickaxe made from one of few substances known to pierce Deadlands' stone—the preserved tooth of a Daedroth. 00000250250 Gold Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Dagger.png Dagger of Infinite Dullness (page) An exquisitely crafted golden knife with a blade so blunt it could not dent itself. 00000250250 Gold Devices
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Dark Seducer Summoning Idol (page) A Daedric summoning idol sculpted into the likeness of a Dark Seducer. It's incredibly detailed. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Jar.png Deadlands Dust Jar (page) Bright red and roughly textured, this jar appears made from the fire-resistant dust found in Mehrunes Dagon's realm. 00000100100 Gold Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Coins.png Deadlands Gaming Tokens (page) These tiny sculptures are made of onyx and serve as pieces in an elaborate game of Daedric strategy. 00000250250 Gold Games
ON-icon-stolen-Sundial.png Deadlands Storm Anemometer (page) This machine measures the speed of the fierce storming gusts in the Sever. 00000250250 Gold Devices
ON-icon-stolen-Pen.png Deboning Kit (page) An elegent set of ivory tools meant for removing the bones from large creatures. They are held in a pale leather satchel. 00000100100 Gold Tools, Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Defiled Aedric Statue (page) A statue of good quality and make, but the head and all defining features either went missing or were carved out. 00000250250 Gold Statues
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Detailed Apparatus Instructions (page) Instructions on how to activate a strange Daedric apparatus, rendered in elaborate black ink and complete with drawings. 00000250250 Gold Artwork, Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Dice.png Dice of the Daedric Princes (page) Each die corresponds to a separate Daedric Prince. Each corresponding symbol is filigreed in gold. 00000250250 Gold Games
ON-icon-stolen-Doll.png Dissection Doll (page) This faceless horror is stuffed with facsimiles of organs which can be placed in a variety of different locations. 00000100100 Gold Dolls
ON-icon-stolen-Wraps.png Dowry Sampler Napkin (page) A swatch of Imperial cloth embroidered with initials and a multitude of unfinished family crests. 00000250250 Gold Dry Goods
ON-icon-stolen-Harness.png Dremnaken Adjustable Harness (page) This mechanical harness is made to fit a wide variety of feral Dremnaken and helps control their movement. 00000100100 Gold Devices
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Dremnaken Hunting Fetish (page) A small totem shaped like a fierce Dremnaken. Its face has been worn smooth by whoever once carried it. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects, Statues
ON-icon-stolen-Inkwell.png Dremnaken Racing Paint (page) This specific paint is used to adhere to the flesh of the few Dremnaken who deign to race on behalf of other powerful Daedra. 00000250250 Gold Games
ON-icon-stolen-Tin.png Dremora Horn Polish (page) A thick, sticky substance with the consistency of honey. It is used to make horns sparkle to a mirror finish. 00000100100 Gold Grooming Items
ON-icon-stolen-Adornment.png Dremora Station Brooch (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
This complex ornamental pin announces the rank of an esteemed Dremora within their clan hierarchy. 00000250250 Gold Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-quest-Rod.png Dremora Tattoo Needle (page) An elegant needle often used in the tattooing of various Daedra, either willing or unwilling. 00000100100 Gold Devices, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Satchel.png Dried Mortal's Hearts (page) Each heart is expertly dried and preserved; a few smell faintly of marinades and spices. 00000250250 Gold Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Satchel.png Ear of the Watcher's Pet (page) Fur has been wrenched out of the ear in neat circles by the suction of the Watcher's tentacles. 00000250250 Gold Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Box.png Elaborate Daedric Puzzle Box (page) A whirring puzzle box made to entertain the eternally curious Daedra and delight their senses. 00000250250 Gold Devices, Games
ON-icon-stolen-Quill.png Elegant Bloodthorn Quill (page) A quill made from the perfect blade of a Bloodthorn plant that's been magically preserved. 00000250250 Gold Scrivener Supplies, Magic Curiosities
ON-icon-food-Fondue.png Elemental Clock (page) A timekeeping contraption which can be set to spew water during the morning hours and light a merry flame at night. 00000100100 Gold Magic Curiosities
ON-icon-stolen-Vial.png Elemental Imbuement Phial (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A smidge of simmering red goo remains within, the focus for a ritual to imbue Atronach energies within a mortal shell. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Elite Guard Insignia (page) A platinum pin shaped like four clasped hands of Mehrunes Dagon. Worn by Dremora guards of higher caste. 00000250250 Gold Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Wraps.png Embroidered Ogrim Cloth (page) This rather lovely, stitched modesty cloth was once adorned by a fashionable Ogrim. 00000100100 Gold Artwork, Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Cage.png Escape-Proof Daedrat Habitat (page) A small wrought iron pen emblazoned with arcane wards. No Daedrat can escape this enclosure. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Vial.png Essence of Servitude (page) This bottled substance can be worn by mortals who are bound to a Daedra by a pact. It marks ownership to other Daedra. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Tusk.png Etched Twilight Fang (page) Capped with gold and inscribed with dark runes, this tooth came from a massive Grievous Daedra. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Lock of Hair.png Ever Sweeping Broom (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A household object that will clean the floor so long as there's a glyph embedded in the handle. 00000250250 Gold Magic Curiosities, Tools
ON-icon-quest-Wrothgar Stone 01.png Exquisite Whetstone and Polishing Kit (page) Inlaid with precious gems and the finest oils, this kit can hone edges that will not dull and keep hilts oiled for eons. 000015001500 Gold Tools, Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Jar.png Eye Charcoal of the Burn (page) This popular shade of eye charcoal comes straight from the magma pits of the Burn. 00000250250 Gold Grooming Items
ON-icon-food-Pig's Milk.png Eyeball Collection (page) A glass case of a variety of ocular organs. The eyes are arranged by a color, shape, and size. 00000250250 Gold Medical Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Purse.png Fang-Resistent Bat Leather Muzzle (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
This muzzle covers a vampire's mouth, preventing any fanged attack. Frequently used by family members seeking a cure. 00000250250 Gold Oddities, Tools
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Fargrave Inspirational Posters (page) A sheaf of small posters with inspirational quotes. "Bathe in Blood," "Carnage is Peace," Be Violence," and so on. 00000100100 Gold Writings
ON-icon-quest-Egg 03.png Fiendroth Cocoon (page) Dark sorcerers speak of foul rituals that use this silken shell as a way to draw the hive to Nirn. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Cup.png Flagon from the Bearer's Rest (page) This tin vessel is stamped with the sigil of Fargrave's tavern. Teeth marks pit its surface all around the rim. 00000100100 Gold Drinkware
ON-icon-stolen-Case.png Foot of Many Toes (page) A severed Orcish foot with the toes of other mortals sewn on at awkward angles. It inspires a simple question: Why? 00000250250 Gold Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Stone.png Fractured True Name Glyph (page) Smelling faintly of brimstone, this cracked glyph was once used by a mortal sorcerer to bind a Daedra to their will. 00000250250 Gold Oddities
ON-icon-misc-Monster Claw 01.png Gargantuan's Tooth (page) A massive, fossilized tooth, perhaps pried free from one of the enormous skulls littering the landscape beyond Fargrave. 000015001500 Gold Oddities
ON-icon-misc-Diamond.png Gem of Temporal Magic (page) A gemstone that undergoes all stages of its formation at once. The diamond layer on the outside hides the molten core within. 000015001500 Gold Magic Curiosities
ON-icon-food-Brown Hooch.png Gigantic Tongue (page) An enormous tongue suspended in oil. The tastebuds look inflamed and possibly infected. 00000100100 Gold Medical Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Golden Ever-Burning Flame Fetish (page) A flame, carved from pure gold and resting on a rounded base so that the fire is always in motion. 00000100100 Gold Statues
ON-icon-stolen-Pan.png Greased Onyx Skillet (page) The deep skillet appears jet black and feels slick to the touch. Attempts to clean the grease from it are unsuccessful. 00000250250 Gold Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Urn.png Handcrafted Mortal Perfume (page) This fragrance is purported to make one smell exactly like a mortal. "The divine odor of inevitable death! 00000250250 Gold Grooming Items
ON-icon-stolen-Adornment.png Hanging Stars (page) Small star-shaped ornaments with holes poked through one point so they can be hung on walls or strung from the ceiling. 00000100100 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Fork.png Hardened Magma Fork (page) A fork lovingly crafted from the hardened magma deposits from the Deadlands. 00000250250 Gold Utensils
ON-icon-quest-Broken Frieze.png Harvest Heart Fragment (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A pitted, jagged fragment from one of Molag Bal's Harvest Hearts in Coldharbour. Light around it seems to dim. 00000250250 Gold Oddities, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Hermaeus Mora's All-Knowing Eye Idol (page) A large metal orb said to be modeled after the Lord of Secrets' own golden eyes. 00000100100 Gold Statues
ON-icon-quest-Wrothgar Bracelet.png Hooves of the Great Stag Cuffs (page) Formal wear fashioned from fine metals in the form of hooves to honor the Great Stag. 00000250250 Gold Oddities, Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-food-Golden Malt.png Horn Wax (page) Applying just a small dollop of this mash of skein wasp comb and carapace to your horns results in more lustrous, vivid color. 00000100100 Gold Cosmetics
ON-icon-stolen-Vial.png Hunger Acid Sac (page) Extracted from a hunger Daedra, this preserved sac can hold acids known to burn through more common materials. 00000250250 Gold Tools
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Illicit Letters from Fargrave (page) Extremely spicy correspondence between a mortal gentleman of means and a Daedric warrior poet. 00000250250 Gold Writings
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png Illustrated Fargrave Folio (page) A book of colorful illustrations for a variety of Daedric armors and weapons throughout the planes of Oblivion. 00000250250 Gold Smithing Equipment, Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Ivory Lamae Bal Figurine (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
Carved from a solid piece of ivory, this small figure of the first vampire always feels cold to the touch. 00000250250 Gold Oddities, Statues
ON-icon-stolen-Jar.png Jar of Daedrat Powder (page) A beige flaky powder sprinkled around a dungeon to keep daedrats from chewing on prisoners. 00000100100 Gold Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Tin.png Jar of Healing Flame (page) A glass jar marked with a Dragon. It is sealed very tightly and there does not seem to be a way to feed the fire inside. 00000100100 Gold Medical Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Jar.png Jar of Mortal Eye Jelly Polish (page) Well-known among Daedra as the best polish for metal weaponry, this substance is made from freshly crushed mortal sight organs. 00000100100 Gold Medical Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Stein.png Khajiiti Commemorative Mug (page) Apparently painted in celebration of the naming of a new Mane at the city of Dune. The Mane's name has been chipped away. 00000250250 Gold Drinkware
ON-icon-stolen-Plate.png Leovic Commemorative Plate (page) This plate bears the silhouette of Emperor Leovic in commemoration of his ascension to the Ruby Throne. 00000250250 Gold Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Effigy.png Lost Spirit Marionette (page) A ghostly looking doll whose eyes seem to follow you regardless of where you move. 00000250250 Gold Dolls
ON-icon-stolen-Wraps.png Lover's Kerchief (page) A decadently lush purple pocked kerchief that would succeed in catching an amorous eye anywhere. 00000250250 Gold Dry Goods, Grooming Items
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Lycanthrope Guardian Totem (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A small totem carved with symbols of lycanthropy. It seems to be imbued with Hircine's protection. 00000250250 Gold Oddities, Statues, Ritual Objects
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png Madam Whim's Little Black Book (page) Penned in a scrawl incomprehensible to mortal eyes, this is no doubt one of many such tomes kept by the secret-monger. 000015001500 Gold Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Lantern.png Magma Siphoning Lamp (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A lamp that holds molten magma and harnesses its natural light. 00000250250 Gold Devices, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Teeth.png Mantikora Tail Spikes (page) A collection of spikey protrusions taken from the tails of Mantikora. 00000100100 Gold Oddities
ON-icon-stolen-Seal.png Markynaz Wax Seal (page) A The official wax seal of one of Mehrunes Dagon's most loyal servants. 00000250250 Gold Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Token.png Mehrunes Dagon Kyn Emblem (page) A Dremora might add this metallic emblem to their cuirass to declare their allegiance to Mehrunes Dagon. 00000100100 Gold Ritual Objects, Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png Menu from Madam Whim's (page) Point by point list of the experiences, types of information, sensations, urges, and memories available at the Madam's. 00000250250 Gold Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Blade.png Miniature Mehrunes' Razor (page) A very small, but exquisitely detailed replica of the Daedric Prince of Destruction's mythic dagger. 00000250250 Gold Ritual Objects
ON-icon-stolen-Urn.png Molag Bal Canopic Jar (page) A tall, slender jar meant to hold viscera for future purposes. The lid is shaped like the head of Molag Bal. 00000250250 Gold Dishes and Cookware, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Effigy.png Monstrous Shadow Puppets (page) Ranging from stalking beasts to a hand clutching an axe, these spindly puppets cast horrifying shadows. 00000100100 Gold Dolls
ON-icon-stolen-Dice.png Mortal Fingerbone Dice (page) Gambling is quite popular among some Daedra. These dice, made from Khajiiti fingers, are used in such games. 00000100100 Gold Games
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Movements of the Stars and Rituals (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A hefty star-studded tome held closed by a thick leather clasp. 00000100100 Gold Magic Curiosities, Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Needle.png Nickel Etching Needle (page) A permanent mystical imbuement means the tip of this tool smolders without ceasing. 00000250250 Gold Smithing Equipment
ON-icon-food-Brown Bottle.png Obsidian Teeth Gloss (page) This dark mixture is intended to be applied directly to one's teeth to create a more fearsome scowl. 00000250250 Gold Cosmetics
ON-icon-stolen-Spoon.png Ogrim Belly Spoon (page) This thin, curved piece of obsidian aids in easing Ogrim torsos into armor or through narrow doorways. 00000100100 Gold Wardrobe Accessories, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Plate.png Ogrim Nipple Caps (page) These copper accents add a splash of color and style to the Daedra about town. 00000100100 Gold Cosmetics, Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Pen Knife.png Ogrim Tooth Sharpener (page) A sharpened pick made specifically for cleaning out the stubborn crevices between ogrim teeth. This one looks unused. 00000100100 Gold Grooming Items, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Attunement Sphere.png Ogrim Toss Ball (page) A crude ball made to withstand the hefty kicks of ogrims. It's not clear if the game of Ogrim Toss has any actual rules. 00000100100 Gold Games
ON-icon-stolen-Vase.png Old Mournhold Painted Vase (page) This gold-rimmed vase bears an underglaze painting depicting Mehrunes Dagon's destruction of Mournhold. 00000250250 Gold Dishes and Cookware, Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Corkscrew.png Oversized Stuffed Bat (page) The bat's fangs protrude from its mouth and its wings are leathery. It looks like it could leap up and attack at any moment. 00000250250 Gold Dolls
ON-icon-quest-Shadowfen map.png Painted Pocket Dimension Map (page) A colorfully painted map of a previously unknown pocket dimension in Oblivion. 00000100100 Gold Artwork, Maps
ON-icon-stolen-Tin.png Painted Spit Bowls (page) Daedra who enjoy the act of eating often bring these spit bowls with them to collect their post-meal leavings. 00000250250 Gold Utensils
ON-icon-food-Covered Pot.png Palate Infusing Dome (page) This specialized glass dome is placed over meals in order to preserve the essence of flavor. Curious Daedra inhale said essence. 00000100100 Gold Utensils
ON-icon-furnishing-Fishing Rod.png Planar Sextant (page) Notations along its length make it clear this would be useless for sailing the oceans of Nirn. 00000250250 Gold Fishing Supplies
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Plaza of Portals Cheat Sheet (page) A hastily scrawled tract reminding its writer which portals go where. There are many corrections and crossouts. 00000100100 Gold Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Contraption.png Polished Hookah Chamber (page) A sturdy glass chamber, once connected to a pipe to facilitate smoking. 00000100100 Gold Devices
ON-icon-stolen-Mirror.png Polished Watcher Monocle (page) Specially crafted to fit a Watcher's primary eye, the lens focuses their magic while also appearing stylish. 00000250250 Gold Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Lantern.png Portable Lantern Frame (page) Light enough to carry on patrol, the frame of this lantern was constructed from the bones of a small animal. 00000250250 Gold Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Net.png Prey Tracking Tag (page) Once attached to a creature, this thin metal tag cannot be removed. It emits a magical beacon used to hunt the prey. 00000250250 Gold Tools
ON-icon-food-Pig's Milk.png Quick Cordial (page) A vial of thick liquid printed with instructions to give to anyone afflicted by Mantikora venom. 00000250250 Gold Medical Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Blanket.png Quilt of Fallen Flags (page) A quilted blanket made from the banners of defeated armies and cities. 00000100100 Gold Dry Goods
ON-icon-stolen-Tin.png Redeye Fading Agent (page) For those who suffer from the ill effects of Redmaiden use, this solution clears the eyes of the infamous redness. 00000250250 Gold Grooming Items, Medical Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Parasol.png Reinforced Twilight Umbrella (page) Made from the wings of a Greivous Twilight, this item protects the most haughty Dremora against the Deadlands' savage storms. 00000250250 Gold Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Reman's Death Bookends (page) One bookend shows a dagger emerging from the books while the other is a figure of Reman III falling dead. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Tin.png Rose Foundation (page) Imported from the realm of Moonshadow, its subtle pinks are from the delicate petals of flowering trees. 00000250250 Gold Cosmetics
ON-icon-stolen-Skull.png Rose Painted Skull (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A skull carefully painted with roses and surrounded by petals. Hidden inside one of the eye sockets is a dried peach. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Red.png Ruby Heart of Quartz (page) An orb of clear quartz surrounding a moderately sized ruby, there are no facets or evidence that the quartz has been opened. 00000250250 Gold Trifles and Ornaments
ON-icon-stolen-Cloth.png Ruinach's Apron (page) This massive apron would allow a four-armed smith to work at a forge. 00000100100 Gold Smithing Equipment
ON-icon-stolen-Purse.png Sack of Daedroth Teeth (page) In the hands of the right smith, these teeth are even better than nails. 00000100100 Gold Smithing Equipment
ON-icon-stolen-Glass Bowl.png Scamp Reagent Bowl (page) A ceramic bowl shaped like a smiling Scamp. A lid on its head opens to a hollow area for storing alchemical reagents. 00000100100 Gold Dishes and Cookware
ON-icon-stolen-Skull.png Scamp Skull Paperweight (page) A perfect, cleaned skull of a Scamp. Oddly heavier than one might expect. 00000250250 Gold Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Chess.png Scamp-Skin Painted Tray (page) A board game tray made from stretched and dried Scamp skin. Various unintelligible instructions are tattooed across the surface. 00000100100 Gold Games
ON-icon-stolen-Jar.png Scene of Ancestral Duty (page) A collection of miniature urns and offering plates. A comfort to many Dark Elves who are far from home. 00000250250 Gold Statues, Artwork
ON-icon-food-Ale.png Scricture Officer's Canteen (page) Emblazoned with the symbol of Fargrave's Stricture, the liquid inside is pungent and foul. 00000250250 Gold Drinkware
ON-icon-stolen-Glass Bowl.png Scryer's Basin (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A polished metal bowl that's deep enough to hold water but shallow enough to see images of faraway places. 00000250250 Gold Magic Curiosities
ON-icon-stolen-Oghma Infinium Page.png Sculpted Bearer Pipe (page) A delicately carved pipe, fashioned in the shape of one of the giant skeletons that looks over the city of Fargrave. 00000250250 Gold Artwork
ON-icon-stolen-Contraption.png Self-Moving Scamp Feeder (page) This feeder siphons incentivizing treats for Scamps in order to alter their behavior. 00000100100 Gold Devices, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Tin.png Silver Saliva Catcher (page) For those Daedra who wish to taste the strange phenomenon of mortal saliva. 00000250250 Gold Devices, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Paperweight.png Solar Cycle Stone (page) A jagged geode that exudes a soft golden glow. Standing next to the stone feels like bathing in a pool of sunlight. 00000250250 Gold Medical Supplies
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png Soulforged I.O.U. (page) An itemized list showing a debt to a shifty character named Xyxevan. The currency being exchanged is apparently not coins. 00000250250 Gold Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Chalice.png Soulskull Goblet (page) Pale light emanates from the sockets of this drinking vessel, made from the skull of a Ruinarch. 00000250250 Gold Drinkware
ON-icon-stolen-Dagger.png Spear of Bitter Mercy Toothpick (page) A very tiny rendering of the Spear of Bitter Mercy, meant to clean in-between teeth. 00000100100 Gold Oddities, Utensils
ON-icon-stolen-Dagger.png Spear of the Hunter Earring (page) A miniature Spear of the Hunter figurine made into an earring with a small hook. 00000250250 Gold Oddities, Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Cameo.png Sphere of Nirn (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
This fine marble orb features a rough etching of Tamriel, Yokuda, and Akavir, but the locations appear totally out of place. 00000250250 Gold Statues
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png Spiddal Plant Paper (page) This paper is thick and rough to the touch--crafted from pulped petals of the tenacious spiddal plant. 00000100100 Gold Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Comb.png Stag Horn Fur-Comb (page) This comb is meant to get through tough hides and knots and is shaped like two splayed stag horns. 00000100100 Gold Oddities, Utensils
ON-icon-stolen-Satchel.png Stomach Purse (page) A tanned mortal stomach stuffed with crimson geodes. 00000250250 Gold Oddities, Wardrobe Accessories
ON-icon-stolen-Pipe.png Storihbeg Smoking Pipe (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
A grand smoking pipe fashioned to honor Storihbeg. The smoke pours out of his mouth. 00000250250 Gold Oddities, Utensils
ON-icon-stolen-Doll.png Stuffed Watcher (page) The Watcher's tendrils hang limply in the air and its pupils list aimlessly in whichever direction it is tilted. 00000250250 Gold Dolls
ON-icon-stolen-Wraps.png Tapestry Tablecloth (page) A thickly woven tapestry depicting a hunting scene. The fabric is saturated with candle drippings. 00000100100 Gold Dry Goods
ON-icon-stolen-Royal Carpet.png Tattered Havocrel War Blindfold (page) A ragged sash of dark cotton embroidered with silver runes along the seams. Splashes of blood stain the edges. 00000100100 Gold Wardrobe Accessories, Smithing Equipment
ON-icon-stolen-Fishhook.png Titan-Eye Fly (page) This fly has been tied with several crow feathers and adorned with a Daedric Titan's eye. It is still twitching. 00000250250 Gold Fishing Supplies
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Tome of the Irritating Dead (page) A thick book filled with the names of mortals who disappeared or died mysteriously across Tamriel. 00000100100 Gold Oddities, Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Effigy.png Tortured Effigy (page) This doll's smile is stitched closed, its stuffing leaks from various stab wounds, and its legs are blanketed with scorch marks. 00000100100 Gold Dolls
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Vampiric Lineage Chart (page) This pocket-sized chart supposedly provides quick reference to the different forms of vampirism, for use in identifying kin. 00000100100 Gold Oddities, Writings
ON-icon-stolen-Ruby.png Vitrified Sand of Old Mournhold (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
This foggy shard of glass was reputedly formed from a lightning strike during Mehrunes Dagon's First Era attack on Mournhold. 000015001500 Gold Magic Curiosities, Oddities
ON-icon-quest-Wrothgar Stone 01.png Voidstone Masonry Set (page) Made of shined grey voidstone, these tools are used to shape rock and mortar when constructing buildings in Oblivion. 00000100100 Gold Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Blade.png Watcher Tentacle Letter Opener (page) A brutally sharp letter opener made from the severed, petrified tentacle of a Watcher. 00000100100 Gold Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Whistle.png Water Testing Rod (page) This thumb-sized steel rod, when dipped in water, reveals whether a mortal may safely drink it. Useful in non-mortal planes. 00000250250 Gold Scrivener Supplies
ON-icon-stolen-Letter Opener.png Waxed Neck Tap (page) A vampire inserts this small wooden device into the neck of a mortal providing ease of access to its vital contents. 00000250250 Gold Oddities, Devices
ON-icon-stolen-Teddy Bear.png Well-Loved Bear (page) This toy's fur is worn and it's missing an eye, signs of many years of nights spent cuddled to a sleeping chest. 00000250250 Gold Dolls, Children's Toys
ON-icon-stolen-Case.png Whispering Puzzle Box (page)
(datamined – confirmation needed)
The sides of the box are inscribed with runes and a voice can be heard calling out from a crack in the lid. 00000100100 Gold Magic Curiosities
ON-icon-stolen-Effigy.png Woven Stress Deer (page) This tightly woven plaything resembles a deer. Perfect for grawing, squeezing, and clawing in times of stress and frustration. 00000100100 Gold Oddities, Dolls
ON-icon-quest-Rod.png Xivilai Tattoo Pen (page) This device is used to put ink deep beneath the flesh. It can give one elaborate and detailed tattoos when used properly. 00000250250 Gold Grooming Items, Tools
ON-icon-stolen-Cup.png Zealot's Jug (page) A brown clay drinking vessel absolutely writhing with sigils from the Shivering Isles' realm of Mania. Hurts to look at. 00000250250 Gold Drinkware