Gold Road

Online:Traveling Knife

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ON-icon-book-grimoire-Dual Wield.png
Twirl and throw an enchanted dagger at an enemy, which returns to you after a short delay and hits additional enemies in the path.

Traveling Knife is a Scribed skill Grimoire, on the Dual Wield skill line. It can be purchased after earning the Dual Wield Master achievement from Chronicler Firandil in the Scholarium once per character.

It costs 0005000050,000 Gold the first time, and 0001000010,000 Gold for other characters on your account after that. The name of the scribed skill changes depending upon your choice of Focus Script.

Traveling Knife causes you to throw a knife at an enemy target, which causes damage to the target, and then to any enemies between the target and you on return (except for Shattering Knife, which damages other enemies around the target instead). The exact effects depend on your choice of scripts.

The trick to using this skill is that in order to get the most effect from it, you want to target the most distant opponent in a group, so that it hits as many other targets as possible on the way back. This can be difficult as the game generally wants to prioritize closer targets. You can of course move between the throw and the return to line up more potential targets. One thing to note is that you always throw with your right hand and catch with your left. This means that it's easier to throw to the right side of the closer targets and then move to the left than it is to do the reverse. (Shattering Knife makes this irrelevant, of course.)

  • Cast Time: Instant
  • Target: Enemy
  • Range: 15 meters

Focus Scripts[edit]

Script Skill Name Effects
ON-icon-scribing-primary-Bleeding.png Bleed Damage Bloody Knife
ON-icon-scribing-primary-Magicka.png Magic Damage Magic Knife
  • Deals 2014 Magic Damage to an enemy and 3022 Magic Damage to enemies between you and them on return.
  • Cost: 3553 Magicka
ON-icon-scribing-primary-Multihit.png Multi-Target Shattering Knife
ON-icon-scribing-primary-Increase Damage.png Physical Damage Sundering Knife
  • Deals 2014 Physical Damage to an enemy and 3022 Physical Damage to enemies between you and them on return.
  • Cost: 3402 Stamina
ON-icon-scribing-primary-Poison.png Poison Damage Venomous Knife
ON-icon-scribing-primary-Pull.png Pull Leashing Knife
ON-icon-scribing-primary-Stunned.png Stun Dazing Knife
Most Grimoires using this script have the word "Magical" in the name. This is the only one where it's just "Magic".

Signature Scripts[edit]

Script Effects
ON-icon-scribing-secondary-Status Effect.png Assassin's Misery Increases the chance to apply status effects on enemies by 100% for 10 seconds.
ON-icon-scribing-secondary-Classmod.png Class Mastery Depends on class. See Class Mastery page for full details.
ON-icon-scribing-secondary-Bladeturn.png Fencer's Parry Deflects the next direct damage attack used against you within 3 seconds. This can occur once every 3 seconds.
ON-icon-scribing-secondary-Snare.png Hunter's Snare Reduces the Movement Speed of enemies by 30% for 4 seconds.
ON-icon-scribing-secondary-Live Steal.png Leeching Thirst Heals you for 20% of the damage done.
ON-icon-scribing-secondary-Damage Over Time.png Lingering Torment Deals 5950 Physical Damage over 20 seconds to enemies.
ON-icon-scribing-secondary-Damage Shield.png Warmage's Defense Grants you a damage shield that absorbs 3777 damage for 6 seconds.
ON-icon-scribing-secondary-Opportunism.png Warrior's Opportunity Enemies hit take 8% more Martial Damage for 5 seconds.
ON-icon-scribing-secondary-Battle Technique.png Wayfarer's Mastery Enemies hit are susceptible to your Ruffian passive ability for 6 seconds.

Affix Scripts[edit]

Script Effects
ON-icon-scribing-tertiary-Berserk.png Berserk Grants you Minor Berserk for 20 seconds, increasing damage done by 5%.
ON-icon-scribing-tertiary-Expedition.png Expedition Grants you Minor Expedition for 20 seconds, increasing Movement Speed by 15%.
ON-icon-scribing-tertiary-Lifesteal.png Lifesteal Afflicts enemies with Minor Lifesteal for 20 seconds, healing attackers for 600 Health every 1 second.
ON-icon-scribing-tertiary-Maim.png Maim Afflicts enemies with Minor Maim for 20 seconds, reducing damage done by 5%.
ON-icon-scribing-tertiary-Off Balance.png Off Balance Sets enemies Off Balance for 7 seconds.
ON-icon-scribing-tertiary-Savage Prophecy.png Savagery and Prophecy Grants you Major Savagery and Major Prophecy for 20 seconds, increasing Weapon and Spell Critical rating by 2629.
ON-icon-scribing-tertiary-Uncertainty.png Uncertainty Afflicts enemies with Minor Uncertainty for 20 seconds, reducing their Weapon and Spell Critical rating by 1320.
ON-icon-scribing-tertiary-Vulnerability.png Vulnerability Afflicts enemies with Minor Vulnerability for 20 seconds, increasing damage taken by 5%.
