Online:Tournament of the Heart
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Quick Summary: written by Kallykat, checked by Solomon1972
Quest Stages: written by Kallykat, not checked |
The gossip at Castle Navire is that the knight commander offered her daughter Aurelia as a marriage prize at the Sapphire Tourney. The daughter's best friend, Aspirant Isobel Veloise, wants to save her friend. I should investigate.
Knight Commander Jourvel has promised the hand of her daughter Aurelia in marriage. Isobel Veloise, a Knight Aspirant in the Sapphire Tourney, has sworn to free Aurelia from her mother's promise.
Knight Commander Jourvel has promised the hand of her daughter Aurelia in marriage. Isobel Veloise, a Knight Aspirant in the Sapphire Tourney, has sworn to free Aurelia from her mother's promise.
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to Isobel Veloise at Castle Navire.
- Complete the trials for the three Knightly Orders (in any order):
- Collect the Oldwood Staff for the Oaken Order trial.
- Collect the Gilded Lute for the Order of the Albatross trial.
- Collect the hilt of Redheart for the Order of the Iron Knot trial.
- Present the three trial trophies at the Sapphire Tourney ceremony.
- Talk to Knight Commander Jourvel in her office.
- Talk to Isobel.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
You can begin this quest in one of three ways: by speaking with Lord Remard DeFulley at Castle Navire wayshrine, by speaking directly to Isobel at the Castle Navire tournament grounds, or by equipping Isobel into an Allies quickslot and attempting to summon her. Either way, you'll end up heading to her family's castle.
You have to complete all three trials, which can be done in any order.
The Gilded Lute (Order of the Albatross)
- Head for the catacombs beneath the castle's chapel, next to the wayshrine.
- Isobel says you need a key, which could be at the knight-commander's office inside Castle Navire.
- Trade a favor to Nilsmon Booklover for the key.
- Go back to the chapel and head downstairs to unlock the door.
- Soon into the catacombs, you come across Aspirant Mortens. He offers to give you another key if you find his sword.
- The sword is south, and a spider miniboss will attack once you pick it up.
- After getting your next key, go east to the Deep Crypts.
- Kill the Mad Baron and retrieve the Gilded Lute of Sir Brenvale behind him.
- Take the shortcut outside and talk to Isobel to begin the next trial.
Hilt of Redheart (Order of the Iron Knot)
- Head to Castle Navire's library.
- Examine the open books and talk to Isobel, who marks the location of the next clue on your map.
- The Dufort Ruin is east, in the area below the Steadfast Hammer and Saw set station.
- Talk to Aspirant Langley LeTarte and Isobel Veloise at the ruins.
- Go to the opposite side to find the alternate path.
- Redheart's Hilt is near a large carved stone.
- Leave the area and talk to Isobel to begin the next trial.
Oldwood Oak Staff (Oaken Order)
- Head to the Coral Road Wayshrine and talk to Isobel.
- The Wizard's Grotto is directly south of the wayshrine, after collecting the nearby Skyshard.
- Examine the three pillars, then fetch three items: a heron's feather, cat's paw flowers, and a spriggan's veil. Locations are marked on the map.
- Place the items on the pillars and enter Erlibru's cottage. He says the staff is behind the cottage outside.
- Talk to Isobel to begin the next phase.
Tourney Pavilion
- Head to the Tourney Pavilion, west of Castle Navire, and talk to Isobel.
- Participate in the ceremony.
- Talk to Knight-Commander Jourvel in her private chambers, inside Castle Navire.
- Isobel will join you as a companion once the quest is complete.
- If you stray too far away from Isobel after retrieving the sword hilt at the Dufort Ruin she may vanish, making it impossible to talk to her and advance the quest ?
- Quitting the game and logging back in may respawn her and allow the quest to continue.
- Cannot talk to Isobel after retrieving the Guilded Lute outside the crypt, preventing you from advancing the quest ?
- Ensure you do not have another companion active as this prevents you from interacting with Isobel.
- When you go to Knight-Commander Jourvel's office at the end of the quest, her dialogue may trigger multiple times in quick succession, causing her audio to play numerous times. ?
- Cannot talk to Knight-Commander Jourvel at end of quest ?
- This can happen if you wander around her chambers, such as being busy looting her chambers, while the characters are talking and you don't respond to the verbal prompt to talk to her right away. Backing away to the chamber door through which you entered should restart their conversation and eventually end back with the prompt to talk to her.
Quest Stages[edit]
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g.,
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.