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Online:The Sounds of Home

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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project.
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Quick Summary: not written

Walkthrough: not written

Quest Stages: written by Talyyn, not checked
Help a local crafter export his musical instruments outside Murkmire.
Zone: Murkmire
Quest Giver: Nesh-Deeka
Location(s): Lilmoth
Prerequisite Quest: Sunken Treasure
Reward: Tribal Equipment Crate
Average Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Standard Experience
ID: 6265
Nesh-Deeka tuning his vossa-satl
A local crafter, Nesh-Deeka, hopes to establish a trade agreement with Captain Jimila to sell an Argonian musical instrument abroad. He wants me to act as his agent and secure a deal for his vossa-satl.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Nesh-Deeka outside his music shop near the western gate of Lilmoth.
  2. Speak to Tolwin Bordier, Claws-the-Ghosts and Ruja-Wan who can be found around town.
  3. Speak with Nesh-Deeka in the Countinghouse.
  4. Catch Moss-Foot Croakers in area west of Lilmoth.
  5. Find and chase Ruby Hopper around town till gets to tree then catch it.
  6. Head outside town to Indigo Tree Frog Grove. Catch fleshflies hanging around trees, lure frogs down and catch them.
  7. Collect plants needed for Toad Musk which can be found just outside Lilmoth.
  8. Create Toad Musk.
  9. Head to Toad Mud Pit and use musk.
  10. Catch Sun-Blessed Toad.
  11. Return to Nesh-Deeka and give him frogs. Wait for him to tune up vossa-satl.
  12. Take vossa-satl to Captain Jimila in tavern and convince her to start business arrangement.
  13. Speak with Nesh-Deeka.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]



  • The people dealing with Captain Jimila won't exist in Lilmoth before starting the quest.
  • The various frogs won't exist in and around Lilmoth before starting the quest or reaching the related objectives.
  • If you frigthen off the Ruby Hopper, it won't flee again when met at the tree, even if not sneaking up to it.
  • After completing the quest, some Argonian bards playing the instrument will appear in other parts of the world. These include:


  • After they descend from the trees, the Indigo Tree Frogs have the follower icon showing above them, despite not being followers. ?
  • The Sun-Blessed Toad, once your follower, has an infinite follow range, unlike most followers, and will continue to trail behind you even after walking far enough away to make the musk wear off. ?

Quest Stages[edit]

The Sounds of Home
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Nesh-Deeka asked me to talk to a few people around town who have dealt with Captain Jimila in the past. He wants to learn enough about the Captain to make a good impression.
Objective: Talk to Tolwin Bordier
Objective: Talk to Claws-the-Ghosts
Objective: Talk to Ruja-Wan
I spoke to a few of the people in Lilmoth who have worked with Captain Jimila in the past. Now I should talk to Nesh-Deeka and let him know what I found out.
Objective: Talk to Nesh-Deeka
Nesh-Deeka suggested I start by gathering the moss-foot croakers from the marsh east of Lilmoth. If I need additional information, I can refer to the written instructions he provided me with.
Objective: Gather Moss-Foot Croakers: 0/3
Hidden Objective: Catch Moss-Foot Croaker
Optional Step: Read Nesh-Deeka's Notes
Next I need to find a ruby hopper. They like to sun themselves on stones near water around Lilmoth.
Objective: Catch a Ruby Hopper
Objective Hint: Find a Stone Near Water in Lilmoth
Hidden Objective: TRACKER GOAL TEXT
I need to find the ruby hopper I frightened off. Nesh-Deeka's note suggests I can find it hiding by the big tree at the center of Lilmoth.
Objective: Catch a Ruby Hopper
To catch the next frog on the list, the indigo tree frog, I need to locate a grove of trees where they have congregated.
Objective: Find the Indigo Tree Frog Grove
I found a grove of trees housing the indigo tree frogs. Now I need to gather fleshflies to use as a lure to get the frogs out of the trees.
Objective: Gather Fleshflies
I gathered fleshflies. Now I need to release the flies beneath the trees to lure the tree frogs down so I can capture a few of them.
Objective: Release Fleshflies
The indigo tree frogs have descended from the trees to feast on the flies. I should grab a few of them before they hop away.
Objective: Gather Indigo Tree Frogs: 0/2
Hidden Objective: Catch an Indigo Tree Frog
To attract the elusive sun-blessed toad, I need to gather ingredients to make an odoriferous musk that will trick them into emerging from their mud pit. I need to find the following plants: stench sedge, salt rush, and joymallow.
Objective: Gather Stench Sedge
Objective: Gather Salt Rush
Objective: Gather Joymallow
(Optional Objective appears once you have collected one of the ingredients.)
Optional Step: Talk to Nesh-Deeka
I gathered the ingredients. Now I need to mix them together to create the pungent toad musk.
Objective: Create Toad Musk
I created enough toad musk to attract the sun-blessed toads. Now I need to locate a toad mud pit and see if it contains any of the yellow toads.
Objective: Find Toad Mud Pit
According to Nesh-Deeka's instructions, I need to pour the musk onto myself to attract the attention of the sun-blessed toads.
Objective: Use Toad Musk
Now that I'm drenched in the musk, I need to turn the crank of the croak-wheel to simulate the sound of a frisky toad. Between the smell and the sound, it should attract a sun-blessed toad.
Objective: Use the Croak-Wheel
The combination of sound and smell lured a sun-blessed toad out of the mud pit. I need to catch it for the vossa-satl.
Objective: Catch a Sun-Blessed Toad
I gathered all of the frogs Nesh-Deeka asked for. I should return to Lilmoth and talk to him.
Objective: Talk to Nesh-Deeka
I gave the frogs I gathered to Nesh-Deeka. Now I should follow him into his shop and see how the vossa-satl works.
Objective: Talk to Enter Nesh-Deeka's Shop
I should stay out of the way while Nesh-Deeka tunes the vossa-satl.
Objective: Watch Nesh-Deeka
Nesh-Deeka seems happy with the way the instrument sounds. He wants me to take it so I can present it to Captain Jimila.
Objective: Take Vossa-Satl
I should talk to Nesh-Deeka and ask him if he knows where I can find Captain Jimila.
Objective: Talk to Nesh-Deeka
I need to find Captain Jimila at the Lilmoth tavern, give her the vossa-satl, and then attempt to convince her to agree to a deal to export them for Nesh-Deeka.
Objective: Talk to Captain Jimila
Finishes quest☑ Captain Jimila agreed to take five of the vossa-satls and see how they sell. I should inform Nesh-Deeka that he has a deal.
Objective: Talk to Nesh-Deeka
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.

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