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Online:The Skillful Seamstress

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The Skillful Seamstress
Location Mtharnaz
Species Spider
Health 736,396 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction Hostile
Lead: Aetherquartz Tonal Resonator
The Skillful Seamstress

The Skillful Seamstress is a giant spider found in the Mtharnaz group delve in Craglorn. It is one of the two bosses that must be defeated to clear the delve. It is accompanied by smaller spiders.

It has a chance to drop the Antiquity lead for Aetherquartz Tonal Resonator.

Skills and Abilities[edit]

The Skillful Seamstress takes a fierce bite, dealing moderate physical damage.
Poison Spray
The Skillful Seamstress sprays venom at you, indicated by a conal AoE, dealing massive continuous poison damage.
Summon Spiders
At 80% health, smaller weaker spiders will descend from the ceiling in large numbers to come assist the Skillful Seamstress.
Occasionally, the Skillful Seamstress will rush over to a dead spider nearby and feast on its corpse to regain large amounts of health fast. This can be interrupted.


There is one achievement associated with this creature:

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-UD Recruit.png Mtharnaz Explorer 10 Explore and clear Mtharnaz.