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Online:The Common Good

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Kill a dangerous beast which has been smuggled to the Gold Coast from Craglorn.
Zone: Gold Coast
Quest Giver: Bounty Board
Location(s): Anvil, Garlas Agea
Concurrent Quest: Debts of War
Reward: Gold Coast Daily Contract Recompense
Very High Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Very High Experience
ID: 5604
RepeatableRepeatable: Daily
A Gold Coast Trading Company ledger in Garlas Agea
I accepted a contract to destroy the beast named Ironfang. It's being held captive deep in the ruins of Garlas Agea by the Gold Coast Trading Company. Additionally, the job calls for me to appropriate company ledgers from their operations there.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Read the Bounty Board in Anvil and accept the bounty.
  2. (Optional) Talk to Laronen at Anvil docks for more info.
  3. Eliminate Ironfang in Garlas Agea and steal the ledgers.
  4. Return to Laronen to collect your reward.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

No Trolls Allowed[edit]

Head to the Anvil Bounty Board located just outside Enrick's Public House. There is a new bounty posted, announcing:

"The Gold Coast Trading Company has invited disaster to our shores. By secretly using the ruins of Garlas Agea to house dangerous monstrosities, the company has put the very safety of the general public in question.
A sum of gold has been set aside for anyone capable of destroying the beast known as Ironfang before it escapes to ravage the land. Seizure of company ledgers is also required to complete the job.
See Laronen with questions or to claim reward."

Laronen can be found outside All That Glitters on the Anvil docks. He appears to be agitated but nonetheless answers your questions. He reveals that Ironfang is a big armored troll, big enough to threaten the city. He explains that the Gold Coast Trading Company has been capturing and importing dangerous monsters from Craglorn. He wants the Gold Coast Company Ledgers as they contain evidence of the companies illegitimate activities, and he can use them as leverage to stop them complaining to the authorities about him.

A Friendly Debt[edit]

Garlas Agea is an Ayleid ruin northeast of Anvil and southeast of the Gold Coast Wayshrine. Around the ruin are a number of minotaurs, though only one is by the entrance. Inside the ruin is a friendly face, Razum-dar. He is here to kill a war criminal Captain Jena Apinia and asks for your help to get past the Gold Coast Trading Company mercenaries. This is acceptable as the quests overlap if you follow the "normal" path. However, going the "wrong" way will still leave you close to where the quests diverge.

The "normal" path heads east. There is a mercenary just at the entrance and around two corners an agent of the GCTC. The path leads to a large chamber where a number of ledgers can be found, but also a large number of mercenaries. There is also a skyshard inside a crate in the eastern part of this chamber. Going north there are yet more ledgers if you haven't picked up enough yet, as well as the stairs up and out.

At the top of the stairs take the northern path, which then turns west. There are a number of mercenaries and company agents along this path. Halfway along is a path to the north; this is where Razum-dar's quest diverges from this one, and as he will leave you when you complete his task you may want to delay that moment until Ironfang is dealt with. Continue west until the path turns 180° back east and down a flight of stairs.

The Secret Is Out[edit]

"Someone's looking to buy the largest, meanest troll I could find. If the gold's good, I don't ask questions."

At the bottom of the stairs are two enemies, and towards the middle of the room are two more. Between them walks an archer so watch his path and plan an attack accordingly. There is a single archer in the northeast corner, and in the southwest corner is another, though an archer patrols between this one and an agent in the middle-south of the room. Again there are a number of ledgers to complete your goal with.

In the eastern part of the room is Ironfang. It has broken its cage and as you approach it kills one guard while another flees. As an armored troll Ironfang can be somewhat hard to kill, and if the fight is prolonged it will start smashing the surrounding cages to release animals to aid its battle.


When you return to Laronen he is surprised to see you alive. He quickly gathers his composure to ask if you have completed his bounty. Confirming the deed is done and handing over the ledgers completes the quest. Laronen makes an attempt to say it was for the common good, but it is not very sincere sounding.

After accepting your reward he tries to excuse himself, but before he can leave you can ask him why he is acting strangely. He denies anything is wrong but further probing makes him confess that he works for a rival company that also imports monsters. So it turns out this supposed act of protection was nothing more than industrial sabotage, and the reason for his nervousness is that as Ironfang managed to escape its cage then his own monsters might not be as secure as he had thought.

Quest Stages[edit]

The Common Good
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I need to go to Garlas Agea to find and destroy Ironfang. I should also take any company ledgers I come across during my search or seize them from company functionaries in order to complete the job.
Objective: Kill Ironfang
Objective: Steal Company Ledgers: 0/3
Objective Hint: Talk to Laronen
Finishes quest☑ Ironfang is dead and I collected several ledgers containing the transactions of the Gold Coast Trading Company. I should find Laronen to collect my reward.
Objective: Talk to Laronen
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.