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Online:Telvanni Tomes

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Telvanni Tomes is a collection of 97 books found in the Telvanni Peninsula that make up part of the Eidetic Memory.

Title Author Description Location
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
Adventurers, Take Heed!
A flier for daily work in Necrom
ON-icon-book-Note 03.png
Another Letter from the Reformer
Sondivel Ulres
ON-icon-book-Elsweyr Tablet 01.png
Aralos Sarvrothi Gravestone
A lonely gravestone
ON-icon-book-Scroll 01.png
Archwizard Twelvane's Decree
Archwizard Twelvane A decree for the ascension of mages over everyone else
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Attention All Egg-Hands
Overseer Ulfengar A notice to the egg-hands in Anchre Egg Mine
ON-icon-book-Generic 115.png
Beverages for the Bereaved
Drink recipes from Necrom
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
Blightcrown's Orders
Blightcrown Orders for the occupiers of the Necropolis
ON-icon-book-Generic 121.png
Brave Little Scrib and the River Troll
Another tale about the Brave Little Scrib
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
Bringing Home the Trolls
Feralea Thenim A Camonna Tong's account of what they found on their latest trip
ON-icon-book-Generic 131.png
A Brief History of House Telvanni
Andunririe for the Court of Proxy-Queen Alwinarwe, Alinor A scholar's report on House Telvanni's History
  • Tel Dreloth, Main Tower, on a table left of the entrance
ON-icon-book-Note 03.png
Camp Update
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
Closed By Order of the Abbot
A notice announcing the temporary closure of the Necrom Necropolis
  • On a bulletin board before the door to the Necropolis
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Commentary on Fate Dialectal
Elydrina Nathriin A dissection of Azandar's thesis
ON-icon-book-Generic 454.png
Communications Between Nilphas and Thoryn
Nilphas and Thoryn
  • In the second room ('Antechamber') of Kemel-Ze, to the right of the entrance to the Inner Laboratory
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png
Compiled Research
Dreynis A compilation of research of an arcane scholar
  • Gorne, in Dreynis' office
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png
Correspondence from Torvesard
Torvesard A letter from a Dremora to a Telvanni Master
ON-icon-book-Scroll 01.png
Courier's Permit
Vanus Galerion A forged courier's permit assigned by the Mages Guild
  • Windhelm, The Adept's Retreat
  • <a href='//' class='eso_item_link eso_item_link_q5' questid='8303' quality='5' >Courier's Permit</a>
ON-icon-book-Generic 312.png
Critter Dangers: Telvanni Peninsula
Tel Varano A guide to some of the creatures found around the Telvanni Peninsula
ON-icon-book-Generic 141.png
Daedric Worship and the Dark Elves
Haderus of Gottlesfont An overview of daedra worship in Dunmer culture
ON-icon-book-Elsweyr Tablet 01.png
Dayldela Gilrom Gravestone
A lonely gravestone
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png
Death to All Mages
Exarchanic Yaseyla A call for the death of all mages
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Dres Message
A letter to a spy within House Telvanni
ON-icon-book-Generic 544.png
Dreynis's Notes, Entry 001
ON-icon-book-Generic 344.png
Dreynis's Notes, Entry 007
ON-icon-book-Generic 331.png
Dreynis's Notes, Entry 028
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png
Dusk Captain Zenfis's Orders
Dusk Captain Zenfis Orders about the new security measures at Tel Baro
ON-icon-book-Generic 121.png
Dusksaber Report
Dusk Captain Zenfis A report from a Dusksaber captain
ON-icon-book-Elsweyr Tablet 01.png
Elovul Alarndil Gravestone
A lonely gravestone
ON-icon-book-Generic 234.png
The Eye of Baan Dar
Eilirsu-dro A Khajiiti account of how a Baandari tricked a Telvanni Saint
ON-icon-book-Elsweyr Tablet 01.png
Favami Seravel Gravestone
A lonely gravestone
ON-icon-book-Generic 555.png
A Feast Among the Dead, Chapter I
Severia Quasitto, renowned traveler A traveler's journey to Necrom
ON-icon-book-Generic 423.png
A Feast Among the Dead, Chapter II
Severia Quasitto, renowned traveler An account of summoning an ancestor
ON-icon-book-Generic 411.png
A Feast Among the Dead, Chapter III
Severia Quasitto, renowned traveler An account of a eight-course feast held within the Necrom Necropolis
ON-icon-book-Generic 412.png
A Feast Among the Dead, Chapter IV
Severia Quasitto, renowned traveler The end of a feast and the fulfilment of a spirit's final wish
ON-icon-book-Generic 145.png
First Mate Dalmir's Log
First Mate Dalmir A log of the Stormwing's latest voyage
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Folsi's Report
Folsi Othril A hastily written report for the Morag Tong
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png
From the Journal of Balver Bemis
Balver Bemis The journal of a Telvanni retainer with a plan
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
Hidden Kindred Instructions
Blightcrown Orders for a cultist plot in Necrom
ON-icon-book-Generic 133.png
History of Necrom: The City of the Dead
Meralyn Randas An overview of Necrom's history
ON-icon-book-Generic 124.png
History of the Dreamstone
Researcher Marenia Colus An overview of the morbid history of the Dreamstone
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
House Dres Orders
Order's regarding a House Dres operation in Ald Isra
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png
House Telvanni Song
Song lyrics about climbing the ranks of House Telvanni
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
Letter Concerning Tredecim
Movis Dres A spy's report about their infiltration of House Telvanni
ON-icon-book-Scroll 07.png
Letter from Azandar
Azandar al-Cybiades A personal letter from Azandar
ON-icon-book-Scroll 07.png
Letter from Sharp
Sharp-as-Night A personal letter from Sharp-as-Night
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
Letter from the Reformer
The Reformer An offer made to backstab a former colleague
  • On the edge of a cliff, south of (?)
ON-icon-book-Note 03.png
Letter to Deredrien
R.T. A letter asking for help from an old colleague
  • On a desk in Deredrien's Place, in the Palace View Apartments in Necrom (map)
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png
Letter to Elistrenne Starflower
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
Letter to Magister Meln Rendys
Mouth Vabdru A letter requesting audience with a reclusive Telvanni Magister
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Letter to Mouth Vabdru
Master Shelreni Baro A letter from a Telvanni Master berating their Mouth
ON-icon-book-Generic 132.png
Life in the Camonna Tong
Goval Sadryon A Dark Elf's journey to becoming a member of the Camonna Tong
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png
Master Shelreni's Notes: The Restoration
Master Shelreni Notes on the restoration of a statue of Vaermina
ON-icon-book-Note 03.png
Master Shelreni's Notes: Torvesard
Master Shelreni Thoughts on a strange ally and their goal
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png
Master Shelreni's Orders
Master Shelreni Baro Orders to the captain of the Dusksabers
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png
Master's Warning
Master Foves A warning for the servant's of Ald Isra
ON-icon-book-Note 03.png
Meln's To-Do List
Meln the Mouthless A Telvanni Magister's to-do list
ON-icon-book-Generic 135.png
Mouth Vabdru's Journal
Mouth Vabdru
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png
Mud-Covered Letter
Orders to a spy in House Telvanni
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png
Mysterious Letter to Federo
An unsigned letter, giving a way out
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png
The Never-Woven
Martina Abor A researcher's journal on fateweaving
ON-icon-book-Generic 355.png
A New Cult Arises
Ordinator Kilao A report on the Hidden Kindred operating in the Telvanni Peninsula region
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
Note from Gadri to Federo
Gadri A complaint about a previous job to their broker
ON-icon-book-Scroll 05.png
Note to Nathyn
Dacia Caro A breakup letter, apparently from Dacia
  • On a table in the north of the dungeons of Tel Dreloth
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Note to Rilasi
Lark of Rosgard A letter from a thief to his pursuer
ON-icon-book-Generic 153.png
Oath of the Keepers
The set of oaths for the Keepers of the Dead of Necrom
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png
Oblivion Gateway Instructions
Master Shelreni Instructions for the creation of a gateway to Apocrypha
ON-icon-book-Generic 355.png
On Joining the Keepers of the Dead
Abbot Ilvel, the Necropolis of Necrom A pamphlet discussing reasons for joining the Keepers of the Dead
ON-icon-book-Note 03.png
On the Purchase of the Alavelis Mine
Master Shelreni Baro A letter to a Kynreeve from a Telvanni Master
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
On the Work at Alavelis
Kindred Rector Nyleth
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Orders to Kindred Rector Nyleth
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png
Organization Notes
Notes on an unnamed organization
ON-icon-book-Generic 533.png
Our Dunmer Heritage
Oathman-Applicant Mornsu Baram, in service of House Redoran, 330th year of the Second Era A speech about Dunmer superiority and cultural links to the ancient Aldmer
ON-icon-book-Generic 255.png
Our Puny Allies
Rigurt the Brash A Nord ambassador's thoughts on the Dark Elves
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png
Parables of Saint Vorys
Parables relating to the Patron Saint of the Telvanni
ON-icon-book-Generic 133.png
Peryite's Salvation
Rayna Bradyn A dark elf's musings on Peryite
ON-icon-book-Generic 322.png
Preparing Necrom Kwama, Fifth Draft
Arsyn Herandus A draft of a text describing the use of kwama in Necrom funerary rites
  • At a kwama farm just outside of Necrom, south of the river, shortly after the large white stone fence after the Battlegrounds camp
ON-icon-book-Generic 553.png
The Prior's Fulcrum
Abbot Ilvel A biography on Prior Durdryn
ON-icon-book-Generic 443.png
Ranks and Titles of House Telvanni
scholar Andunririe for the Court of Proxy-Queen Alwinare [sic], Alinor An overview of the social structure within House Telvanni
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
Ransom Note from Shadeya
Shadeya A ransom note from a mercenary captain
  • On a tent pillar in the abandoned Baandari Camp
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png
Report on Operation Siphon
Tanel Dres
ON-icon-book-Generic 443.png
A Report on the Dusksabers
Chapel Guard Eratio Flenna A chapel guard's encounter with the Dusksabers
ON-icon-book-Generic 251.png
Reynila's Journal
Reynila Research notes about restoring lost memories
ON-icon-book-Generic 132.png
Sathile's Research Notes
Sathile Dreloth Research notes written by Mistress Sathile Dreloth
  • On a table in the north of the dungeons of Tel Dreloth
ON-icon-book-Elsweyr Tablet 01.png
Savienie Mavlyn Gravestone
A lonely gravestone
ON-icon-book-Generic 113.png
A Servant's Tale
The ambitions of an unknown servant
ON-icon-book-Generic 123.png
Sondivel's Journal
Sondivel Ulres Research notes on tyranite calx
ON-icon-book-Generic 311.png
Song of Fate
A song about wishes and deals with Mora
ON-icon-book-Generic 255.png
The Spires of the 34th Sermon
Zamshiq af-Halazh, University of Gwylim A story of a Dunmer journeying to Vivec to learn the truth behind the thirty-fourth sermon
ON-icon-book-Generic 411.png
The Spotted Towers
A poem dedicated to the mushroom towers of Morrowind
ON-icon-book-Elsweyr Tablet 01.png
Sunvys Golsathyn Gravestone
A lonely gravestone
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
Survey of the Alavelis Mine
Surveyor Tenisu Vashon
  • In a cart turned on its side, directly near the entrance to the mine
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Tainted Egg Mine Report
A Peryite Cultists report on their efforts to infect a Kwama colony
ON-icon-book-Elsweyr Tablet 01.png
Triys Rehlo Gravestone
ON-icon-book-Generic 112.png
Uluscant's Manifesto
Uluscant An Ayleid priest's words to his followers in Bisnensel
  • The Disquiet Study, Shrine of Hyrma Mora, on the ground before the portal to the Pool of Inquiry (map)
  • In the first room, northeast corner (post-quest) (map)
ON-icon-book-Generic 335.png
Visitor's Guide: Telvanni Peninsula
Olyn Varkenel A guides to locations around the Telvanni Peninsula
ON-icon-book-Generic 451.png
The Waiting Door
A song about Ancestor Worship
ON-icon-book-Paper 02.png
Warlock Vanton's Research Proposal
Warlock Vanton A proposal for the study of the Dreamstone
ON-icon-book-Generic 311.png
We Reject the Pact
Archmagister Nelos Otheri House Telvanni's formal refusal to join the Ebonheart Pact
ON-icon-book-Generic 242.png
What's an Arcanist? Part 1
Gabrielle Benele A mage's speculation on how Arcanists gain their abilities
ON-icon-book-Generic 252.png
What's an Arcanist? Part 2
Gabrielle Benele A mage's speculation on the thaumaturgical underpinnings of the arcanist abilities