Name |
Antique Map of Summerset |
N/A |
- Amalien
- I'd recognize this map anywhere. Home. Summerset Isle. This map is old, but it's not too old. I've seen maps drafted by the Aldmer, and honestly, the landmarks are barely recognizable.
- Ugron gro-Thumog
- Amalien has the right of it. This map seems more utilitarian than strictly decorative. Something belonging to a ship's captain or a trader perhaps.
- Gabrielle Benele
- Odd that it doesn't include Auridon or Artaeum. I guess the cartographer wanted to express Summerset's primacy in the region.
Type |
Furniture |
Difficulty |
Simple |
Lead |
Name |
Apraxic Decanter |
250 |
- Gabrielle Benele
- Can't say as I've ever seen an object like this in Summerset. Everything there is so pristine. This vessel appears misshapen and cheap. Even so, the glass appears almost iridescent. Why would someone use such beautiful materials for something so hideous?
- Ugron gro-Thumog
- Yeah, looks like aetherquartz to me. High Elf aldarchs use it in their sacred chalices, and the like. I doubt this started as a shoddy decanter. Someone melted an object down and reshaped it into this.
- Amalien
- It was a calian--one of the precious spheres we High Elves receive as youths. If we commit a grave offense, an ascendent [sic] curate smashes it and demands we repair it. Seems an apraxic mer chose to make a decanter of it instead. It's ... disheartening.
Type |
Treasure |
Difficulty |
Simple |
Lead |
Name |
Jurisreeve's Eye |
1,000 |
- Verita Numida
- This appears to be an ancient badge of office. And what's this symbol? A great eye with three ebony pupils floating in a viridian iris. I suppose it could be literal. What creature in Summerset has three eyes?
- Amalien
- It's not literal. High Elf jurisreeves—inspectors of a sort—travel in groups of three, just as they have since the Aldmer first arrived on Summerset Isle. One member of a quorum is called the admanen, or "listening eye." I've never seen one wear a badge.
- Gabrielle Benele
- I beg your pardon, Amalien, but I don't think this belonged to a jurisreeve. At least not a jurisreeve as we currently understand the term. This looks like a religious talisman of some kind. Perhaps the jurisreeve tradition began as a religious order?
Type |
Treasure |
Difficulty |
Intermediate |
Lead |
Name |
High Elf Altar, Crystal |
20,000 |
- Verita Numida
- High Elf craftsmanship at its finest. The crystal has to be more than just a decoration, no?
- Gabrielle Benele
- I sense the lingering presence of magicka in the crystal. Not just a light source. Perhaps some kind of defense mechanism?
- Amalien
- I'll have to consult with Ugron, he may have some insight into the conceptual elements behind this. Thank you Gabrielle, a unique discovery indeed.
Type |
Furniture |
Difficulty |
Advanced |
Lead |
Name |
Lacquered Wooden Tone-Box |
N/A |
- Reginus Buca
- You can tell from the grain pattern here, the person who made this repurposed wood from another object. These minor warps make it no less beautiful. Hard to believe, given its finish, but I think this box used to be part of a ship.
- Gabrielle Benele
- Some of the oldest wooden relics on Summerset have a similar appearance. If they managed to turn something utilitarian like a boat into a magnificent object like this ... well, I would hate to be a woodworker looking at this.
- Amalien
- Maybe they took it from High Lord Torinaan's flag-swan! A lesser-known prophesy foretold that the lost children of Aldmeris would "make of their branches a new home on distant shores." The branches bit never made sense. Maybe they meant wooden ships!
Type |
Music Box Fragment (Aldmeri Symphonia) |
Difficulty |
Intermediate |
Lead |
- Jewelry Boxes in any zone
Name |
Kinlord's Tree of Aldmeris |
5,000 |
- Amalien
- I can scarcely believe it. This is a genuine kinlord's tree! This grand document details the bloodline of a High Elf calan, all the way back to the first Aldmer ancestor who stepped foot on Tamriel's shores! Notice the Jephrine motifs and twisting branches? Very few High Elves can trace their lineage back this far. The resources that went into creating a chart like this ... let's just say it would take far more gold than I'm likely to see in this lifetime. And we High Elves live a long time!
Type |
Treasure |
Difficulty |
Advanced |
Lead |
Name |
Alinor Allemande |
N/A |
- Amalien
- An ancient dance, eh? Judging by the spacing and the painstaking notation, it's definitely a High Elf creation. Ugh. We're so stuffy! Remind me to show you some real dancing once I grease the rear axle of my chair!
Type |
Emote (view collectible) |
Difficulty |
Master |
Lead |
Name |
Nautilus Shell Guards |
N/A |
- Reginus Buca
- The Sea of Pearls is known for the myriad shells that wash up on its islands' shores. Many of them have whorls consistent with nautilus shells, which tend to be lightweight but incredibly durable.
- Ugron gro-Thumog
- The Sload didn't have much use for shells in general. Way I hear it, they eschewed most tools. Slippery grip, you see? But they did use armor occasionally (if All Flags logs can be believed). Their flabby bodies couldn't boast much natural protection.
- Gabrielle Benele
- Apparently the nautiluses surrounding the island of Agonio are particularly large. Since it was the largest island in the archipelago, maybe it had more abundant resources which allowed them to grow larger than normal.
Type |
Mythic Item Fragment (Thrassian Stranglers) |
Difficulty |
Master |
Lead |
Name |
Prismatic Sunbird Feather |
N/A |
- Ugron gro-Thumog
- I've seen a few weathered mosaics depicting a feather like this alongside strange Aldmeri triremes, but I've never seen the genuine article. Looks like some kind of meteoric substance to me, but the color's unique. Gabrielle can probably speak to that.
- Amalien
- By all the stars ... it's a Sun Bird relic! Back in the Merethic, an order of Aldmeri explorers managed to pierce the veil between Mundus and Aetherius using raw magic of the Ehlnofey. Or something. This might have been a focus--an orienteering tool!
- Gabrielle Benele
- Yeah, I've read about them. I even traveled to Alinor to investigate. I'm sorry, Amalien, but I didn't find any proof of a successful journey to Aetherius. It makes sense for the Aldmer to have tried, but we need more proof than a beautiful glass feather.
Type |
Furniture (view furnishing) |
Difficulty |
Master |
Lead |