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Location Onsi's Breath
Race Orc Gender Female
Health Follower: 31,364
Otherwise: 39,959
Reaction Friendly
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Follower Rising Against Onsi's Breath

Snaruga is an Orc bandit who's been captured by the Seventh Legion occupying Onsi's Breath. She is unrepentant for her past acts, seeing banditry as preferable existence to being a status symbol for her husband in an Orc Stronghold. If she can't be the chief, then she wants no part of it.

You will be asked to rescue her Rahannal's behalf, who has a vitriolic friendship with her. Snaruga's reaction to you is less friendly if you're an Imperial.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Accepting the Quest From Snaruga[edit]

She can be found tied up near some crates in the Imperial camp. When you approach her without the quest being active, she says: "You there! Untie me!"

Speak to her to begin the quest.

If you're an Orc:
If you're not an Orc:
If you're an Imperial:
"I endured their lashes. I endured the burns and the beatings. I will endure the humiliation.
I see the look in your eye, brother. I will endure your disgust and pity as well!"
"I endured their lashes. I endured the burns and the beatings. I will endure the humiliation."
"I endured your Imperial lashes. I endured your burns and the beatings.
I—wait! You're not one of them, are you? What do you want with me?"
Who are you?
"I am Snaruga, the Thorn of the Fallen Wastes! Bandit Queen of … Bangkorai Pass!
You probably won't have heard of me, you don't look like a lazy merchant. Not really, anyway …."
Thanks, I think. Why are you tied up here?
"Why indeed! Rahannal, the thrice-damned traitor, that's why! He wants to overthrow this place now that he's freed himself.
I saw him lurking by the mine entrance to the east. Free me and we will free this place, with or without him!"
I'll help you escape.

At this point, you can ask her a few questions.

"I know it's hard to tell what's wrong, but my hands are bound behind my back. Maybe you can do something about that?"
Let me unlock those shackles.
"By Mauloch's sulfurous hatred! And here I thought that traitor and bandit was our only hope … where's Rahannal, that bastard?
Left me here to rot. I'll rot him!"
Who's Rahannal?
"My best friend and occasional partner, when he's not trying to pull the wool over my eyes, that is.
Now, the key to these shackles is kept in their surveyor's tent on the hillside across from us. Free me, so I can kill Rahannal!"
Why do you want to kill Rahannal? Sounds like you're friends. / Why do you want to kill Rahannal? I thought you were friends.
"Friends? Friends? He's a liar, a thief, and a cheat! What kind of friend is that?
I may be a bandit, but I've got standards, unlike that desert low-life!"

Accepting the Quest From Rahannal[edit]

Snaruga tied up

If you speak to her after getting the quest from Rahannal, the conversation will go a bit differently. You can ask her some similar questions.

Let me unlock those shackles.
"By Mauloch's sulfurous hatred! And here I thought that traitor and bandit was our only hope … where's Rahannal, that bastard?
Left me here to rot. I'll rot him!"
He sent me to free you.
"He did, did he? Wait till I get my hands around his throat!
The key to these shackles is kept in their surveyor's tent on the hillside across from us. Free me, so I can kill Rahannal!"
Why do you want to kill Rahannal? He said you were friends. / So why do you want to kill Rahannal? He said you were friends.
"Friends? Friends? He's a liar, a thief, and a cheat! What kind of friend is that?
I may be a bandit, but I've got standards, unlike that desert low-life!"

Regardless of Quest Start Conditions[edit]

The following line is only available if your character is an Imperial:

You know that I'm an Imperial too, don't you?
"No, really? I wouldn't mind giving you a swat or two, too. Especially if you're going to try to talk my ears off."

All characters can ask the following questions after Snaruga tells you how terrible of a friend she thinks Rahannal is.

You're a bandit? / You're really a bandit?
"Don't tell me you've never borrowed anything without permission.
I've always been free-spirited, otherwise I'd be in a stronghold somewhere living like some toothless villager!"
If you're an Orc:
If you're not an Orc:
There is nothing shameful about belonging to a stronghold
"Only if I can be the Chieftain with a hearth-husband … forge-husband … but no!
This is not the way that our people live, is it? So I say, to Mauloch's hoary nethers with all strongholds!"
Being a bandit is no better than being the chieftain's wife, no matter how you look at it.
You chose banditry over living in a stronghold?
"Not that you would understand firsthand, but if I can't be the Chieftain with a hearth-husband … forge-husband … then no!
So I say, to Mauloch's hoary nethers with all strongholds! I am not a sign of status for any man."
Being a bandit isn't a solution, there are other options.
"So you say! You better not deny that you're a thrillseeker at the very least.
It's carved in your every bone! You are like me, you thirst for the glory of combat!"
Not everyone chooses this life of their own accord.
"Then I say it is they who are fools in the end!
I may look a fool today, but I will feel the warm spray of Imperial blood across my lips, and it will cleanse this weakness!"
I won't deny that I enjoy the fight.
"Then let's stop all this toothless prattle!
Let us feel the warm spray of Imperial blood across our faces! Let us feast upon the cries of our enemies!"
How'd the Imperials catch you?
"Are you mocking me? Ask Rahannal how they caught us!
Besides, I can't change my passion for adventure. Would you give up a life of danger to be a swineherd?"

If you return to her before finding the key, she will reiterate its location.

"What are you, lost? It's over there, in the other big tent just up the way!
Don't tell me you're as useless as Rahannal."

Come back with the key, and she says:

"You have a triumphant look about you. Spit it out, have you the key or not?"
Yes, I have it.
"Good. Release me so I can give Rahannal the thanks he so richly deserves."
He's waiting for me by the eastern mine entrance.

As she runs off, she'll yell:

"I'll get a weapon and catch up to you and Rahannal!"

Causing a Distraction[edit]

As you are speaking to Rahannal at the mine entrance, she'll will walk up to the two of you saying:

Sharuga in armor
Snaruga: "Is he still alive? A pity."

At this point, she will become your follower, if she is spoken to she will impatiently say:

"Why are we standing around when Imperial heads remain attached to their necks?"

Once the distraction is set off and the guards defeat, Snaruga will hear something and then run up the passage to outside the mine.

Snaruga: "Did you hear that? Rahannal's in trouble!"

Killing Panthius[edit]

When you catch up with her at the exit to the mine, she will be crouched over an injured Rahannal. Despite her current issues with him, Snaruga is angry Panthius Varro almost killed him.

"Came out here to find lazy bones dying on the job! I'm not having it. No one kills him but me!"
Is Rahannal all right?
"He'll do. Go kill Panthius Varro!
I'll get Rahannal to our friends before he bleeds out."
Where's Panthius Varro now?
"Rahannal said he's on the hill looking out toward the desert.
I'd go with you, but someone has to carry this big baby to safety. Good luck."

Once Panthius Varro is dead, she can be found outside with other escapees from the mines. Snaruga seemingly finding a niche for herself as leader of their little group.

"You're back! I told Rahannal not to worry about you. Unlike some people I could name, you can handle yourself in a pinch."
Panthius Varro is dead. What'll happen now?
"I had no doubts you'd triumph.
This may not be a stronghold, but there are people who need me. We'll fight back until the Imperials are beaten, or we die in glorious battle!"

If she is spoken to again, she will muse on Rahannal's qualities as a possible husband.

"Shame about Rahannal's injuries, he'd make a good hearth-husband once he's healed up.
Think he's interested?"


  • If you steal something in view of her while she is a follower, it will incur a bounty.