Online:Senche-raht Statue, Battle-Bound

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ON-icon-furnishing-Senche-raht Statue, Battle-Bound.png
Senche-raht Statue, Battle-Bound
Category Courtyard (Statues)
Quality Legendary
Limit Type Collectible Furnishings
Bind Collected
"Oh, yes! I've seen legionaries stand their ground against a battle-bonded Khajiit pair. Never seen one survive the experience, but you've got to respect anyone who faces a Senche-raht and their chosen battlemate." —Nallangaer, Vinedusk Ranger
Senche-raht Statue, Battle-Bound


An exclusive statue granted in the summer of 2019 as thanks for participating in an Elder Scrolls Online gifting promotion.

Release Notes

Update 22 (Elsweyr - June 2019)

  • Released
