Online:Rules and Regulations
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to General Gavryn Redoran.
- Find Ragna Stormcrag.
- Investigate the General's quarters.
- Talk to Captain Valec Doronil.
- Find the new Redoran retainer.
- Talk to Ragna.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
The quest can be started with the General himself, but you're most likely to pick it up from Sergeant Hadril at the east entrance to the fort or Sergeant Aamrila near the southeastern bank of the fortress. Either will direct you to General Gavryn Redoran, telling you he is acting strangely.
Upon entering the main keep, you'll see General Redoran in a heated discussion with Captain Valec Doronil. He will be annoyed with his soldiers and ask you to expose potential spies:
- "No matter how often I punish them, some of these soldiers must adhere to rules and regulations. Where's the fun in that, I ask you?
Since you're here, I think we have a Nord spy in the fort. Expose this spy and I'll make you a captain." - Aren't the Nords part of the Pact?
- "That's what makes this spy so dangerous! And never question my orders again. Never! Go expose Ragna Stormcrag for the spy she is. I command it!
Now get out of here, both of you. I have things to do." - All right. I'll look into it.
Ragna is at the front door of the keep, and is obviously not a spy. She will share with you her concerns:
- "What fresh madness has the General come up with today?"
- He thinks you're a Nord spy.
- "Well, that's a new one.
I've been the General's bodyguard for nearly a decade. If I was plotting against him, I think I'd have made my move by now." - He wants me to expose you.
- "I'm risking my neck telling you this, but I don't know what else to do.
I think the General's gone mad. One moment he sees traitors everywhere, the next he's canceling security patrols. There's no telling what crazy whim will spur him on next." - You certainly don't seem like a spy to me.
- "I've devoted my life to protecting the General and helping the Pact. That's why I need to find out what's wrong with him.
Maybe you can help me." - What do you want me to do?
- "The General ordered me to stay out of his quarters on the lower level. He's never done that before and I want to know what he's hiding.
He's posted a guard, but if you can get past him and search the room, maybe you can find out what's going on." - I'll see what I can find.
You can also ask her for some more (with the Persuasive Will perk), when she will also admit that the guard in front of the General's quarters hasn't been paid recently and can be bribed.
Go downstairs and bribe or persuade Defender Furen to access the General's room. You can investigate several items within to notice nothing has been touched in a while. The nightstand:
- <This nightstand contains a pristine comb, a silver container filled with a musky lotion, and neatly folded handkerchiefs. A fine coating of dust covers everything.>
- Nothing in here has been touched in a long time.
The wardrobe:
- <This wardrobe holds finely tailored dress uniforms. A thin layer of dust covers the uniforms.>
- None of these outfits have been worn recently.
On the desk, there ware also two scrolls: a Public Notice of Promotion appointing a new retainer for the General, and the General's Order 12008 calling for the execution of Captain Doronil for insubordination.
Go back out into the grounds and inform Captain Doronil about the order, but he will take the news stoically. You can also go to the mess tent on the north side of the compound to find the retainer, but he is nowhere to be found. All that exists is a scroll addressed to Durel Gilveni mentioning the ruins by the river.
Report your findings back to Ragna in the keep. She will think about the information and give you some leveled gold and the next quest.
Quest Stages[edit]
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.