Dark Brotherhood

Online:Red Sails Blade-Bearer

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Red Sails Blade-Bearer
Location Enclave of the Hourglass — Basilica of Eternity
Race Redguard Gender Varies
Health 13,846
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Red Sails
A Red Sails Blade-Bearer
A male Blade-Bearer listening to the Chanter's speech

Red Sails Blade-Bearers are Redguard members of the Red Sails pirates who wield greatswords. Only two of them are encountered in the Basilica of Eternity of the Enclave of the Hourglass, where they are being initiated into the Order of the Hour by Chanter Collatinus and must be killed.

Once they get up, they will attack in waves alongside Red Sails Archers, Enforcer, and Seacallers and Order Paladins. They only have one attack and are relatively weak.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.


  • Despite having the name "Blade-Bearer", they are not vanquishers, which this name is normally attributed to.