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Online:Pelinal Predicant

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This character only appears during the Midyear Mayhem event
Pelinal Predicant
Home Settlement Southern High Rock Gate
Northern Morrowind Gate
Eastern Elsweyr Gate
Race Imperial Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Pelinal Predicant

Pelinal Predicant is an Imperial priest of St. Alessia who can be found at the Southern High Rock Gate, Northern Morrowind Gate, and the Eastern Elsweyr Gate. He was added for the Midyear Mayhem event, and spends his time near his fellow priests, including Predicant Maera, Predicant Malpenix, and Sacerdote Aloisia, as well as being joined by the Empowered Soldier and a group of Supplicants.


He's going to ask if you're going to take the blessing:

"Are you prepared to don the mantle of the Whitestrake and strike down your foes for double rewards?
Now is the time! The holiday is all too brief. Bathe in the blood of your enemies!"
Does the blessing usually have this effect?
"Only during the period of our celebration! Then it seems to imbue warriors with a holy fervor for righteous carnage.
In fact, I overheard some soldiers say it doubled their normal contributions to the war. Praise Pelinal!"