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Online:Page 71: Erendette's Account

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Book Information
Page 71: Erendette's Account
ID 3324
Collection Hew's Bane Bookshelf
Related to That Which Was Lost
Found in the following locations:
Page 71: Erendette's Account
A skooma dealer's account of a debtor

Second Seed
Another happy customer!
Total Owed: 15 gold

Credit: 5 gold, Erendette restacked and carried items as requested.
Debit: 22 gold. E. is a thirsty lass!
Debit: 9 gold. E. helped herself to my stock!

Total Owed: 41 gold

Sun's Height
Credit: 7 gold. Determine if E. is stealing again.
Debit: 31 gold. E. certainly loves my secret product!

Total Owed: 65 gold

Note: Credit discontinued until debt is paid. No more product for E.

Note: Payment must be in gold. E. costs me more in lost stock when I let her work off her debt.