Online:Nomeg Zozumiralpachar

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Nomeg Zozumiralpachar
Location Balamath
Species Frost Atronach
Health 146,600 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile
Nomeg Zozumiralpachar

Nomeg Zozumiralpachar is a frost atronach found inside the Balamath delve in Craglorn. He is summoned after dispatching the nearby Blackcaster mages and is accompanied by weak frost imps.

Skills and Abilities[edit]

Nomeg Zozumiralpachar uses the base frost atronach's attacks.

Ice Spear
A basic melee attack that does moderate frost damage.
Ice Shards
A basic melee attack that does moderate frost damage.
Hoarfrost Fist
Nomeg Zozumiralpachar swings its left arm, dealing high frost damage as well as knocking back all enemies as indicated by a red cone.
Frozen Ground
Nomeg Zozumiralpachar stomps, and icicles burst from the ground as indicated by four red circles. This attack does high frost damage over time and snares, and should be avoided. The player should be ready to move as soon as this attack is cast, as one circle will always appear under the player's feet.
Chilling Aura
Remaining close to Nomeg Zozumiralpachar slows you until backing away.


There is one achievement associated with this creature:

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-UD Recruit.png Balamath Explorer 10 Explore and clear Balamath.