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Online:Nisswo Dakee-Kai

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Nisswo Dakee-Kai
Location Teeth of Sithis
Race Argonian Gender Female
Health 39,959
15,000 (At the end of the quest)
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Clutch of Nisswo
Nisswo Dakee-Kai

Nisswo Dakee-Kai is an Argonian nisswo and one of the custodians of the Teeth of Sithis. She is one of the survivors of the Sun-Eaters depredations on the residents there after they attacked and has gained a fatalistic view of the situation.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

She is first encountered tied up in the lower level inside the xanmeer.

"You come to drain the sap from me again, but I have little left to offer your master.
When the last of us are bled dry, it will be you who quenches her endless thirst."
I'm here to rescue you. Xode sent me.
"It does not matter. We are too entangled in the rotting roots of our past to flee from it. They have spread far and wide, unnoticed beneath the surface, and now that they have broken into the light it is too late.
So, what would you have me do?"
Meet Xode on top of the western xanmeer. We'll decide our next move from there.

Once freed, she runs out of the xanmeer.

Once the survivors have been found and rescued, she can be found alongside them on top of the western xanmeer. She has become convinced the world is doomed.

"Are we all that remains? This world is doomed."
You think things are that dire?
"Shuxaltsei soaks the Teeth of Sithis in blood to stoke the great serpent's appetite. She is inviting it to take its first bite. The beginning of the end.
It will sink its fangs deep and swallow all creation."
I won't let that happen.
"Only if Sithis desires it …."

After killing Shuxaltsei, upon exiting the xanmeer, you can overhear a conversation between the nisswo.

Nisswo Xode: "Come, the Teeth of Sithis won't be safe until we get aid from the tribes."
Nisswo Nedhellas: "So we're not going back? Give'em a good bash ourselves?"
Nisswo Dakee-Kai: "I would rather gather support in Lilmoth. Get some rest, maybe a warm meal."
Nisswo Nedhellas: "I bet Sithis would want to bash…."
Nisswo Xode "Right now, I am strongly considering it."

She can then be spoken to and asked about her plans.

Sithis has spared us for another day. I will greet every dawn as if it is my last."
Things weren't so hopeless as you thought.
"What is hope? Change untended. Squandered and left to molder before the eyes of the weak and foolish.
Hope did not give me this life, nor did it spare it."
What's next for you then?
"There is a poison distilled from decay and reborn as a gift from Sithis. It kills fear and pain, bringing warmth and peace as it deadens the mind. I will drink deeply of it tonight and forget this torment for a time."
You're going to poison yourself?
"These little deaths are Sithis's mercy. We partake willingly. I know of few tribes that eschew the great serpent's venom. Is it so strange?
Nedhellas told me that Men and Mer around the world share this custom. Drinking alcohol, he called it."
Oh. Drink one for me then.
"I will raise many cups to you, I promise."