Gold Road


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Location Lucent Citadel
Race Skaafin Gender Female
Reaction Friendly

Neletai is a Skaafin crafter and merchant who can be found at the expedition camp outside the Lucent Citadel.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Dialogue[edit]

After a panicked Valaria Calidius meets you outside Skingrad, she will ask you to speak with Neletai at the expedition camp:

"You haven't attacked, so I'll give you one chance to answer my question. Are you one of Xoryn's or are you here to help?"
Valaria Calidius sent me.
"The assistant cartographer? I expected to find her under a pile of rubble.
I assume she sent you here to help. But why send you to me specifically?"
She said you would know what happened here.
"She flatters me, but she is right. I know exactly what happened. It's that fool Xoryn's fault. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
You came here out of curiosity. That's a value I like to encourage. Accept this as payment for showing interest."


After you have completed the quest, you can ask Neletai several questions about the situation:

"Right. Now I could explain everything, but you should really speak to Keshargo. He is supposedly in charge of this mess of an expedition.
I hope he sends you after Xoryn. If that battle broke my null arca, I'm going to be upset."
What is the null arca?
"A powerful container capable of pacifying even the most chaotic of magical items. This expedition inspired me to make it.
If I can prove that it works, I can sell them. Imagine, all the unruly objects of Oblivion contained and secure."
You don't know if the null arca works?
"I tested the null arca against my own relics, but tests do not convince Fargrave's elite. And I refuse to sell unverified merchandise.
Inside the citadel is the most unstable object I know of. If the arca contains it, then it's a success."
Who's Xoryn?
"He's a pompous waste of horns if you ask me.
Xoryn's the reason our camp is in shambles. Somehow, he got it in his head that he owns the arcane knot."
What's the arcane knot?
"The object of this expedition. I'm not too interested in the arcane knot specifically, but Xoryn won't stop until he's got his dirty claws on it.
I'm sure the knot is the only thing he thinks about, the idiotic fool."
It sounds like you have something personal against him.
"I helped him on one of his attempts to obtain the arcane knot a long time ago. We never found where it was being kept and he blamed me. But guess who was navigating? Xoryn.
Let's just say that I can't stand his personality."
How did Xoryn do this much damage on his own? (Appears after you ask one of the above questions)
"He had help—a group of necromancers who did most of the work.
Xoryn isn't a formidable mage himself. He has some power, but I've seen stronger casters. Still, you can see the damage they did. I'm surprised any of the mortals survived."
What did you mean when you said that Keshargo was supposedly in charge?
"He said his prince sent him on this expedition. If he was sent here, is he really in charge?
I guess I should not be so harsh. Keshargo is leader enough now that the rest are recovering from Xoryn's attack."
