Online:Mounts Furnishings/Constructs

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Image Name Cost Source Notes Description
ON-mount-All-Maker's Dwarven Spider.jpg All-Maker's Dwarven Spider (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: All-Maker Crate "I don't normally consult on the personal projects of other folk, but it was an honor to study beside you. Whatever gave you the excellent idea to overhaul it in the style of the Skaal?"—Neramo, in a letter to the artisan known as the Spidersmith
ON-mount-Baandari Dwarven Spider.jpg Baandari Dwarven Spider (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Baandari Pedlar Crate The long-lost Dwemer never spread as far as Elsweyr, but the Baandari Pedlars go everywhere, and will adapt even ancient technology to their uses.
ON-mount-Buoyant Armiger Dwarven Spider.jpg Buoyant Armiger Dwarven Spider (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Buoyant Armiger Crate "Intense shudders wracked the spider of Dwarven make. 'It smells most foul. Let us repair its workings for Lord Vivec. Its perpetual existence shall provoke needed change among us.' And so it joined the bear."—Armiger Tharys's Journal
ON-mount-Chroma-Blue Dwarven Spider.jpg Chroma-Blue Dwarven Spider (page) 040004,000 Crowns
Acquired: Crown Store
Crown Crates/Unknown
Rarest of all Dwarven Spider vamidiums are those powered by gems that emit a cold blue light, said to reflect the frigid stolen soul of the Dwemer engineer trapped within it.
ON-mount-Coral Crawler Dwarven Spider.jpg Coral Crawler Dwarven Spider (page) 016001,600 Crown Gems
1600016,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Sunken Trove Crate "Do these coral spiders simply mimic Dwarven spiders or did coral grow over a discarded animunculus? I haven't pried one open to find out—they really don't like that, so don't even try."—Wheezing Wilren
ON-mount-Dwarven Spider.jpg Dwarven Spider (page) 030003,000 Crowns
024002,400 Crowns ESO Plus discount
00100100 Crown Gems
036003,600 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Crown Store
Psijic Vault Crate
Of all the Dwemer animunculi, the Dwarven Spider is perhaps the most familiar and iconic! This versatile construct comes in several variations, and it should come as no surprise that one of them is a vamidium, or mechanical mount. Clankin'!
ON-mount-Ebon Steel Dwarven Spider.jpg Ebon Steel Dwarven Spider (page) 036003,600 Crowns ESO Plus
040004,000 Crowns
036003,600 Crowns ESO Plus
Acquired: Crown Store
Crown Crates/Unknown
Though Dwarven Metal was usually employed in building Spider constructs, for reasons unknown some rare variants were built with a darker Ebon Steel alloy. When found in working order, these automata are prized by collectors.
ON-mount-Ebony Dwarven Spider.jpg Ebony Dwarven Spider (page) 025002,500 Crown Gems
1600016,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Baandari Pedlar Crate Though Dwarven Metal was usually employed in building Spider constructs, for reasons unknown some rare variants were built with a darker Ebon Steel alloy. When found in working order, these automata are prized by collectors.
ON-mount-Frost Atronach Dwarven Spider.jpg Frost Atronach Dwarven Spider (page) 00400400 Crown Gems
080008,000 Seals of Endeavor
Acquired: Frost Atronach Crate Few mages possess the power to press a frost atronach into service—but twisting its form into that of a Dwarven spider? That takes a rare gift. And with the sun glinting off it as you ride it, you'll cut quite an imposing figure!
Glass Atronach Dwarven Spider (page) Acquired: Mirrormoor Crate "In pursuit of ever more esoteric materials, I have drawn upon the most curious of realmic threads. Shards of mirror unending, on to the horizon and more. The whole place permeated with the deepest sense of loss." —Journal of the Spidersmith
ON-mount-Infernium Dwarven Spider 04.jpg Infernium Dwarven Spider (page) 00600600 Crown Gems
00480480 Crown GemsDiscounted
Acquired: Crown Store "The Dwarven Spider Mounts from the Infernium Forge are unusual and distinctive, indicating to this Dwemer scholar that they all come from the hand of a single Deep Elf artisan." —Guylaine Marilie
Law of Julianos Dwarven Spider (page) Acquired: "Dwemer design married to the unyielding logic of Julianos. One of my finest creations. The first of this design was personally delivered to my patron in Wayrest, along with a fabulous bottle of wine."—The personal notes of the Spidersmith


  • Furnishings listed without a Source may not yet have been found in-game; while some of these may be rewarded through certain activities, such as fishing, theft, or pickpocketing, many are simply not yet available.
  • Items sold at the luxury furnishing vendor are sold during the weekend only, and are then replaced with new items the following weekend.