Online:Missing in Murkmire
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Meet Xukas at Alten Meerhleel.
- Talk to Lozwug and distract him, then talk to Xukas about the documents.
- Infiltrate the Dragonstar Caravan Company Depot and find more evidence--preferably without killing anyone in the depot.
- Bring the documents to Xukas.
- Warn Famia and meet Kassandra.
- Meet Xukas outside of Bright-Throat Village and meet with the Dead-Water warrior, Jaxsik-Orrn.
- Follow Jaxsik-Orrn and convince her to let you help her track the Blackguards.
- Burn the Blackguard wagons, destroy the supply crates, and free the prisoners.
- Return to Jaxsik-Orrn and interrogate Hostia.
- Decide Hostia's fate, then return to Famia and tell her what you've learned.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Continuing Famia Mercius's conversation from the end of Sunken Treasure will begin this quest.
- "It's my missing companions, Eshraf and Dinia—the explorers whose bags we found out in the marsh. Remember?
I told you I sent them to recover vakka stones, but that wasn't all they were looking for. They were looking for the Remnant of Argon." - The Remnant of Argon? What's that?
- "A legend. Some say it's a massive gem. Others a magical egg. Either way, I fear Eshraf and Dinia's disappearance is linked to their search.
Xukas agreed to look into it, and it seems he's found something. Could you speak with him?"
She sends you to Alten Meerhleel. Before leaving, you can read Lost Tales of the Famed Explorer: Fragment I, located on the table behind Famia.
Xukas can be found at the teeba-enoo court just north of Alten Meerhleel. On approach, an Orc will be shouting at the players on the court. Ask him what he's discovered:
- "Only the scent of conspiracy. But for now, the scent is enough.
The Dragonstar Caravan Company—a dishonest flock of thugs and traders—funnels information to someone outside Lilmoth. Notes on Cyrodilic Collections' business dealings, I think." - Did you get your hands on any of this correspondence?
- "Not yet. But that is soon to change.
The Orc, Lozwug, who watches my egg-kin play teeba-enoo—he serves the Dragonstar Caravan Company. A courier, I think. He carries a letter filled with his trade-kin's secrets. With your help, I will take it."
He'll ask for your help distracting an Orc, one of the teeba-enoo players. During the conversation, Xukas will approach and pick the letter from the distracted Orc's pocket. You can choose to continue listening to Lozwug's impassioned description of teeba-enoo, or you can leave the conversation outright and speak to Xukas, who is waiting near a boat. The note you helped recover tells of the group spying on Famia:
- "On Famia and her explorer-kin also, I think. We cannot be sure, though. Simple Lozwug carried only this letter.
I know a place where more information can be found, but you will have to go alone." - What is this place?
- "The Dragonstar depot in Lilmoth. I leased them the land. They were pleased ... until it sunk. Now they slop around in there like angry mud-moles. No one is welcome. Least of all me.
If you sneak into the depot, you may find more clues."
He asks you not to kill anyone at the depot, if possible. Continuing the conversation with Xukas will reveal his history with the Company. One of the options will offer you an easier entry to the depot:
- "Yes. As the depot is sinking, the fence up against the swamp is in poor repair. There is a spot near the back of the camp where you can get in, but not out. This may be better than going in the front, yes?
Here. I'll mark the spot on your map."
Before leaving the area, you can read A Culinary Adventure, Volume 2, located in the boat furthest from Xukas.
Infiltrating the Stockade[edit]
The Dragonstar Caravan Stockade is located on the northeastern edge of Lilmoth. If Xukas has marked your map, the quest marker will lead you to a damaged fence outside the city limits. Keep in mind that you will now be trespassing. Invisibility potions and other sneaking items will make the job easier, especially if you want to avoid killing anyone, but they are not required. Entering through the fence will place you on a ledge, behind a building at the very back of the compound. This Sunken House holds the "Gather Any Other Clues" quest objective. Be wary of the torch-bearing sentry that patrols the area just below the ledge, as well as the associate near the building's stairs.
On entering the Sunken House, a Dragonstar Caravan Company employee, Gromjolf, will spot you and start shouting. That's as far as he gets, however, before a sneaking Argonian appears, kills him, speaks to you in Jel, and disappears. Grab the Cracked Dead-Water Knife from the chest and exit the Sunken House. Head southeast. There is an associate leaning on the railing near the chest containing the Varo Dossier, as well as an associate that patrols the entire upper walkway. There is a Hiding Spot next to the chest, if you need it. Head farther southeast and enter the Dragonstar Hut. There are no associates in here. The chest containing the Newcomer Dossier is at the back. Exit the hut and head west, avoiding more associates on the way. Zadaza's dossier is located on a ground-level platform near the stockade's main entrance. There is one associate that patrols this area, but a Hiding Spot is available next to the dossier chest. Loot the chest and leave through the unguarded front door.
Meeting a Patron[edit]
Xukas can be found near a well just outside the stockade.
- "Success? Do not let my lack of dancing and cheering fool you—I am very impressed. I did not think you would secure the clues we need so quickly.
How did you fare in there?"
Tell him you found spy reports addressed to the Blackguards, as well as an unusual weapon. He will recognize it as belonging to the Dead-Water tribe.
- "Please let Famia know I will arrange a meeting with the Dead-Water tribe very soon. You should attend, I think. When you are ready to go, meet me at Bright-Throat Village's southern gate.
See you soon, beeko."
Return to Cyrodilic Collections and speak to Famia. She will relate that more people have gone missing. Tell her about the Blackguards and Xukas's intent to ask the Dead-Water tribe for help.
- "Really? I can't imagine that they'd be enthusiastic about helping us, but I suppose Xukas would know best.
Before you go, would you mind sharing what you've learned with someone else? Cyrodilic Collections primary benefactor is just upstairs." - Your benefactor? Who's that?
- "Goodness, I never even mentioned her before did I? Her name is Kassandra—a wealthy antiquarian of great renown. She's been an invaluable partner. Just like you! If you'll just follow me upstairs, I'll—
Oh, wait. Here she is now!"
Two Argonians, Kassandra and Whiptail, will have entered the room just behind you. Speak to Kassandra about Xukas's intent to meet with Jaxsik-Orrn from the Dead-Water tribe:
- "Yes, I'm familiar with Jaxsik-Orrn. A very proud warrior. Hopefully not too proud. If we have common cause with the Dead-Water tribe, it only makes sense to cooperate.
Compromise and collaboration rest at the very heart of all great endeavors."
Linking Up with a Naga Legend[edit]
After wrapping up your conversation, exit Cyrodilic Collections and make your way north to the Bright-Throat Wayshrine. Xukas will be waiting at the entrance to the village.
- "Welcome to my home, beeko. You arrive just in time. I arranged a meeting with my Dead-Water friend, Jaxsik-Orrn.
She is very proud, so we must use a breeze-light touch. This will be a brief and probably bloody meeting if we do not."
He will go on ahead to find Jaxsik. Head west to find him at a large tree; Jaxsik-Orrn is waiting behind it. They have a brief verbal exchange, but Jaxsik will not give you a chance to speak with her directly. She will run to the west and vanish. Speak instead to Xukas.
- "So, it is true. The Blackguards take hostages from the Dead-Water tribe as well.
As I said, Jaxsik is very proud, but she would be a valuable ally if we could convince her to let us help. Too bad she runs away, yes? At least we have a lead." - Lead?
- "Yes. She said she was hunting a Blackguard even now, right? Did you see how her throat fins spread? How her pupils dilated and her tail stiffened as she turned to leave?
Her prey is very, very close. We only need to follow her."
Face west and crouch, and nearby clusters of plants will become highlighted. These form a trail for you to follow. The trail meanders northwest, past a Haj Mota, a Wamasu, a Salamander, and finally a book-laden ruin with Blackguards standing over a dead crocodile. From here, head west and you will find Jaxsik stalking her prey. She's not particularly pleased to see you.
- "I grind my fangs. Following a Dead-Water kaal is the act of a fool or a maniac. Tsojei says fools and maniacs both bleed red.
I will repeat myself. Once. I do not need your help. I hunt these Blackguards alone. Our business is settled. Leave." - We're not going anywhere.
- "The ojel stands its ground? Brave. Or stupid.
A flock of flat-toothed Blackguards took refuge in this ravine. They snatched up some of my egg-kin—your allies too—and threw them in cages. Now, Tsojei and I will hack these greels to pieces." - If they have Famia's explorers, we have a common enemy.
- "I narrow my eyes. You and the Bright-Throat wish to join me on this raid, rather than pick the bones when the work is done? Fine.
Burn the wagons. Smash their supplies. Kill any that oppose you. When all lies in ashes, we will speak again."
You can continue talking to Jaxsik to get more information about her, her tribe, and/or Xukas, or you can end the conversation and bring chaos to the Blackguards.
Blackguards and Prisoners[edit]
Xukas vanishes from sight and Jaxsik sprints into the camp, leaving you to follow. There are many Blackguards and many quest objectives here; simply work your way through the camp, burning wagons, destroying supplies, and finally freeing the captives. As you approach the hostages, Jaxsik will appear, execute the paddock guard, and then disappear again into the shadows. Kirstaleth and a number of other friends will call out for you to free them. Destroy the gate and free the hostages.
Now that you've freed the prisoners, go meet up with Xukas and Jaxsik to solve a little dispute they're having. They've captured one of the officers of the Blackguards, Hostia. You must help them decide whether or not to spare her life. Each of them has logical reasons for their preference. Make your decision (it will have consequences!) and return to Lilmoth to talk with Famia and Kassandra to complete the quest.
- Despite pickpocketing being a feature in the game, and having been used in previous quests, you cannot pickpocket Lozwug yourself.
- While Xukas says the alternate way into the depot cannot be used to exit back the same way, this is false, as there is a prompt on both sides to enter and exit whenever you wish.
- Whiptail won't exist with Kassandra until she comes down and sees you in the Cyrodilic Collections' office during the related objective.
- During the objective to "Negotiate with Jaxsik-Orrn", the objective description states that she arrives after you reach the meeting spot, despite her already being there first before your arrival.
- While displayed as a hint needed to progress the quest, rather than an optional objective, asking Xukas for help isn't mandatory.
- Following Jaxsik-Orrn can be tricky, as the quest marker closest to the player character is over Xukas's head for hint he can provide. It will lead you in the wrong direction if you try to follow it.
- Talking to him will remove the hint marker, and crouching will reveal individual quest markers for any damage plants nearby which can help clear things up.
- The prisoners won't exist at the Blackguards camp before reaching the related objective.
- No matter whether you let Hostia live or die at the end of the quest, a future sidequest (The Skin Taker) will guilt-trip you. If you spared Hostia, she will become the principal villain of that quest: if you allowed Jaxsik to kill her, her daughter will become the villain and have the motive for revenge. Sometimes you just can't win either way.
- The quest marker showing the alternate way into the Dragonstar Caravan Company depot lacks an optional objective related to it in the objectives HUD, which does appear on the compass if you hover over the marker. ?
- * At said alternate entrance, you can use the prompt on the interior side of the depot while on the outside, which simply puts you back outside where you already are. ?
- Xukas retains his follower icon during the meeting with Jaxsik-Orrn, and later when catching up with her, despite not being a follower anymore during those moments. ?
- After freeing the prisoners from the pen, unlike the others, Xureiik remains in place inside the pen instead of fleeing. ?
Quest Stages[edit]
Missing in Murkmire | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
Famia informed me that Xukas has been looking for information on the people who went missing from Cyrodilic Collections. He may know something. I should be able to find him at Alten Meerhleel, outside Lilmoth.
Objective: Talk to Xukas
Xukas believes that a thuggish mercantile organization called the Dragonstar Caravan Company might have some information on the missing explorers. He needs me to distract one of the company's couriers—an Orc named Lozwug—so he can pickpocket him.
Objective: Talk to Lozwug
I should make small talk with Lozwug, long enough for Xukas to sneak up behind him and pickpocket the correspondence he carries.
Objective: Distract Lozwug
Xukas snatched a piece of correspondence from Lozwug's purse. I should speak to Xukas to find out what he stole and how it will help us find Famia's missing explorers.
Objective: Talk to Xukas
According to Xukas, the correspondence he stole from Lozwug contains copious notes on Famia—information vital to someone planning to kidnap her. Xukas thinks we can find more information in the Dragonstar Caravan Company depot in Lilmoth.
Objective: Get Varo Dossier
Objective: Get Zadaza Dossier
Objective: Get Newcomer Dossier
Objective: Gather Any Other Clues
Optional Step: Don't Kill Anyone at the Depot
I retrieved a number of interesting items from the Dragonstar Caravan Company depot. I should show them to Xukas and see what he thinks.
Objective: Talk to Xukas
Optional Step: Don't Kill Anyone at the Depot
I told Xukas what happened when I infiltrated the Dragonstar Caravan Company depot. Hopefully the clues I retrieved will help us determine the whereabouts of the missing explorers.
Objective: Talk to Xukas
I learned that the Blackguards have been kidnapping Famia's friends. Xukas believes that the Dead-Water tribe might know more about the disappearances. He urged me to inform Famia while he sets up a meeting with his Dead-Water friend, Jaxsik-Orrn.
Objective: Talk to Famia
Famia urged me to talk to her primary benefactor, Kassandra. I should introduce myself.
Objective: Talk to Kassandra
Famia and Kassandra were relieved to hear that Xukas and I are making progress toward finding the missing explorers. I should meet up with Xukas outside Bright-Throat Village so we can continue our investigation.
Objective: Talk to Xukas
Xukas arranged a meeting with a Dead-Water representative just outside Bright-Throat Village. I should head to the meeting place.
Objective: Go to the Meeting Spot
Jaxsik-Orrn, a Dead-Water warrior, arrived to meet us. I should attempt to negotiate with her.
Objective: Negotiate with Jaxsik-Orrn
Our meeting with Jaxsik-Orrn was very brief. She told us the Dead-Water tribe would hunt the Blackguards alone, and urged us to leave. Maybe Xukas can provide some insight. I should talk to him.
Objective: Talk to Xukas
Xukas believes Jaxsik-Orrn is stalking one of the Blackguards. We should track her to find out what she's planning.
Objective: Track Jaxsik-Orrn
Objective: Continue Tracking Jaxsik-Orrn
Objective Hint: Crouch to Look For Damaged Plants
Objective Hint: Ask Xukas For Help If You Lose the Trail
We found Jaxsik-Orrn observing a Blackguard caravan. I should talk to her to learn her intentions.
Objective: Talk to Jaxsik-Orrn
Jaxsik-Orrn reluctantly agreed to work with me—just long enough to deal with the Blackguards. I can ask her more questions about what we're up against, or begin my assault on the caravan.
Objective: Talk to Jaxsik-Orrn
Blackguard mercenaries abducted Dead-Water Nagas as well as Famia's explorers. I should help Jaxsik-Orrn burn the Blackguard's wagons, destroy their supply crates, and free all the prisoners.
Objective: Burn Wagons: 0/4
Objective: Smash Crates: 0/6
Objective: Free the Prisoners
I finished demolishing the Blackguard caravan and freeing the captives. I should rejoin Jaxsik-Orrn and Xukas.
Objective: Find Jaxsik-Orrn
Jaxsik-Orrn captured a Blackguard who was trying to escape. Xukas seems to be holding her at bay. I should speak to Jaxsik-Orrn to see if she learned anything.
Objective: Talk to Jaxsik-Orrn
Jaxsik-Orrn wants to execute the Blackguard captive. However, the woman surrendered voluntarily and presents no threat. I should see what Xukas thinks about the situation.
Objective: Talk to Xukas
Xukas believes it would be better to release the woman, Hostia, so she can warn the Blackguards not to attack the Dead-Water tribe again. I should interrogate Hostia and find out what she knows.
Objective: Talk to Hostia
The Blackguards are abducting and interrogating explorers and local Nagas—looking for information on something called the Remnant of Argon. Now that I know the truth, I can encourage Jaxsik-Orrn to execute Hostia or let Xukas free her.
Complete one: Let Jaxsik-Orrn Execute Hostia or Let Xukas Free Hostia
(This text appears if you choose to let Hostia go)
I allowed Xukas to release Hostia, against Jaxsik-Orrn's wishes. Perhaps Xukas can tell me more about this Remnant of Argon. Objective: Talk to Xukas
(This text appears if you choose to let Jaxsik kill Hostia)
I allowed Jaxsik-Orrn to execute Hostia, against Xukas's wishes. Perhaps Jaxsik-Orrn can tell me more about this Remnant of Argon. Objective: Talk to Jaxsik-Orrn
Xukas and Jaxsik-Orrn agree on one thing: the Remnant of Argon must not fall into the wrong hands. I should return to Famia and tell her what I learned.
Objective: Talk to Famia
Famia was pleased that I rescued her explorers, and urged me to speak to her benefactor, Kassandra. I should see what kind of offer Kassandra has for me.
Objective: Talk to Kassandra
Kassandra wants to both reward me for the help I've given Cyrodilic Collections so far, and offer me another job to perform. I should collect my payment and learn what she wants of me.
Objective: Talk to Kassandra
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
Prev: Sunken Treasure | Next: Whispers in the Wood |