Online:Loading Screens/Hints
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This page contains general loading screen hints. These can appear on any loading screen. Usually you will see a generic hint when logging in or when you repeatedly view the same loading screen.
- Some quests grant skill points as a reward upon completion.
- When you collect three skyshards, you get one skill point. You can see the skyshards you have collected in your Achievements Window, as well as find hints about skyshard locations you might have missed.
- Reading books from bookshelves will sometimes grant you a rank in one of your skill lines.
- To dodge attacks, double-tap a movement key in the direction you wish to dodge.
- At level 15, you can equip two weapons and swap between them during combat. You will also receive a different ability bar to match the swapped weapon.
- You can't sprint and use abilities at the same time.
- When you unlock weapon-swapping at level 15, you can decide to place the same type of weapon in both slots but select different abilities for your ability bar.
- Powerful monsters lurk in the wilderness of Tamriel. Sometimes you will need help to defeat them. If you find one of these creatures, use the grouping tool to call for help.
- Pay attention to the effect your abilities have on different types of monsters. Some powerful creatures are immune to certain effects, while whole groups of monsters might be resistant to others.
- Explore different ability combinations on your ability bar. But remember, you can't change equipment or abilities while you're in combat unless you've unlocked weapon-swapping.
- You don't just have class abilities; you have lots of skill lines. Press <<1>> to view your abilities, and to review skill lines for weapons, armor, race, and the many other types you may have acquired.
- Sometimes you can reduce the legwork required to complete a quest by using the Intimidating Presence and Persuasive Will abilities during conversations.
- Every once in a while, just pick a direction and run. Quests are everywhere, and exploration can reveal unexpected surprises, valuable treasures, and other rewards.
- Wayshrines aren't just for resurrection. When you discover a wayshrine, you can use it to fast travel to other wayshrines you've visited.
- Speaking to some NPCs or reading specific books in towns can reveal new locations on your map.
- The art of lockpicking involves both sight and sound. Watch the tumblers, and when one trembles and begins to rumble, release it.
- Fishing requires using the proper bait at the proper location. Your chances of getting a rare fish improve when more people fish at the same spot, but that can also make a fishing hole dry out faster.
- If you lose track of where you are in a quest, press <<1>> to open your journal and read task information related to that quest.
- Old books, notes, and journals can be found throughout Tamriel. Some just tell interesting stories, but others can unlock quests or provide clues to hidden treasures. Read everything!
- If choices in a conversation show up in red, the choice presented is significant and cannot be reversed without abandoning the quest. Select your response carefully!
- If you don't know what to do next in a quest, look for hints in the tracker text on the right side of your screen.
- While using a cooking fire you can view recipes you've learned and ingredients required by unchecking the "have ingredients" and "have skills" check boxes.
- Enchanters use three types of runestones to make glyphs: Aspect, Potency, and Essence. As long as you have one of each type, you will be able to create a glyph.
- Items come in five quality levels represented by five colors: white, green, blue, purple, and gold. The colors signify the quality of the item in ascending order, but only for that particular level. For example, a gold level 10 item might be better than a green level 12 item.
- To craft, you will need to locate an appropriate crafting station. These can be found in most towns, and sometimes even out in the wilderness.
- Items with enchantments sometimes display lock icons in their tooltips. If an item displays a lock beside its enchantment, that enchantment cannot be replaced.
- While using a crafting station anywhere in the world, all of the crafting materials stored in your bank will be available to use.
- To add an enchantment to an item, right click the item and select "enchant." If you have a glyph of the appropriate level, you will be able to enchant that item.
- There are three types of glyph categories that can be used to enchant item types: Armor, Jewelry, and Weapon.
- Weapons with enchantments possess charges. If your weapon runs out of charges, you will need to recharge it using a full soul gem. If you have a full soul gem in your inventory, right-click on the weapon and select "charge."
- Press <<1>> to cycle through your active quests, and to select which quest you are currently tracking.
- To place a 'waypoint' on your map, open the map and press <<1>>. A custom waypoint will appear on your map and on your compass.
- Consumable items (potions, food, etc.) can be loaded to your quickslot menu for use during combat. Press <<1>> to open your Inventory, then click the 'quickslots' button in the top right corner and drag the item to an empty slot.
- Press <<1>> to use an item in your currently selected quickslot. To select an item in a different quickslot, hold down <<1>> while not in a menu screen, and highlight the item you wish to select for quick use.
- You can enter Cyrodiil once you reach Level 10 by hitting <<1>> to open the Alliance War window and set a campaign. Once set, press <<2>> to join!
- Enter 'cursor' mode by pressing <<1>>.
- Be sure to spend your skill and attribute points after you level up.
- While in Cyrodiil, you can fast travel to any keep your alliance controls via the 'Transitus Shrine' network. You cannot travel to a keep when it is under attack or when other alliances control all of its resources.
- You can resurrect yourself or another player on the spot if you have a full soul gem of appropriate level in your inventory.
- Soul gems can be filled using the Soul Trap ability, found in the Soul Magic skill line, by casting the ability on a foe and killing it before the effect wears off. You must have an empty soul gem of appropriate level in your inventory to trap a particular soul.
- Fleeing is a perfectly valid tactic if you wander into a tough situation. Find or craft better gear, use skill points, or level up a bit more, then come back to fight another day.
- Adventuring takes its toll, so don't forget to check your gear every once in a while. Most merchants can repair damaged gear—for a modest fee, of course.
- You can speak to other members of your guilds in guild chat by typing "/guild1," "/guild2," etc.
- You can be a member of up to five guilds at the same time.
- Want to sell items to other players? Guilds have built-in guild stores. Join a guild and sell them to other members.
- If you need help completing a quest or a dungeon, try using the Group Finder Tool in your group window. It looks like a magnifying glass.
- If you accidentally sell something to a merchant, you can buy it back from the buy-back tab of their store.
- Real Gamemasters will always have the following icon beside their name:
Don't be fooled by imposters!
- Delves will always have the following icon beside their name:
- Group Delves will always have the following icon beside their name:
- Group Instances will always have the following icon beside their name:
. After you discover a Group Instance, you can fast travel to it at any time.
- Trials will always have the following icon beside their name:
. Once you discover a Trial, you can fast travel to it at any time.
- Solo instances will scale to your level. Group instances will scale to your group leader's level.
Note: <<1>>, <<2>> refer to different user-set keybindings.