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Online:Legionary Baro Catiotus

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Legionary Baro Catiotus
Location Outside Fort Colovia
Race Imperial Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) West Weald Legion

Legionary Baro Catiotus is an Imperial who was recently recruited to the West Weald Legion. He can be found outside Fort Colovia as one of the survivors of the recent attack by the Dark Company on their training grounds.


As you approach the group, you will find some of the legionaries in discussion about recent events. Legionary Baro Catiotus will be lying on the ground and talking with Legionary Claudia Papus and Legionary Amiel Sestius:

Legionary Baro Catiotus: "The captain won't send us back in there, will he?"
Legionary Claudia Papus: "The Legion doesn't know what happened here."
Legionary Baro Catiotus: "How's your leg?"
Legionary Amiel Sestius: "Augh … bad. I can't stand."
Legionary Claudia Papus: "Stop faking. We're not going back in there."
<Legionary Claudia Papus sits down beside them.>

Once you have spoken with Captain Dromius Terrus, he will have you accompany Legionary Calvo Dorso to collect the payroll and to ring the bells in the correct sequence to call for Legion reinforcements. After you have completed this, Legionary Calvo will opt to stay behind to keep ringing the bells until the reinforcements come or he is stopped by the bandits.

When you return, you will find the legionaries talking about the bells:

Legionary Claudia Papus: "How long before reinforcements arrive, do you think?"
Legionary Tariana Macatus: "I knew Calvo could do it!"
Legionary Madia Varr: "Someone's ringing the bell. Does that mean they made it?"
Legionary Baro Catiotus: "Those bandits won't stick around once an experienced Legion cohort arrives!"
<One of the legionaries notice you approach.>
Legionary Amiel Sestius: "Look! Here comes the adventurer the captain hired! But where's Calvo?"

You can talk to Captain Dromius to report and inform him of what Legionary Calvo has done.