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Home City Orsinium
Location Skalar's Hostel
Race Redguard Gender Male
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Easy Profession Commoner

Lathdanvir is a Redguard commoner seated by the fire upstairs at Skalar's Hostel in Orsinium. He catches and sells birds for a living.


Before dealing with the shipwreck:

"Pull up a seat by the hearth, friend. I could use the company."

After dealing with the shipwreck:

"Hey! You're the one who settled that business on the coast? With the shipwreck? What a mess that was!"
What do you do here in Wrothgar?
"Birds! Catching and selling. It's been a lean season, what with all these strange storms along the coast. But I still turn a healthy profit.
You're not in the bird business, are you?"
No, not me.
"Good, good. It's a fine profession with quite a few perks. Take my coat, for instance. Genuine chub loon-down lining and duck-leather trim. Warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and always dry as a bone!"
Do you sell coats like that?
"Oh, no. This was a special order. A custom job.
I suppose it's less useful in your line of work. Duck feathers aren't going to turn a blade or deflect an arrow. Still, you won't find a finer garment! And handsome, to boot!"