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Online:Juxheis the Dread

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Juxheis the Dread
Location Silorn
Race Skeleton Gender Female
Health 538,171 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Condition Undead
Lead: Ayleid Sculpture, Grand Tree
Juxheis the Dread

Juxheis the Dread is a not a beast race who serves as one of the champions of Silorn.

Skills and Abilities[edit]

As a champion rank enemy, Juxheis the Dread is immune to all crowd control effects. She starts in her living form.

Living Form[edit]

Necrotic Spear
Basic ranged attack dealing moderate-high frost damage.
Summon the Dead
Juxheis summons four Bone Reavers to fight for her.
Juxheis dashes in the arena by using magic.
Run Away!
Juxheis puts some distance between her and her target.
When reaching 80% Health, Juxheis dashes to her altar and transforms into her Bone Colossus form.
As a bone colossus

Bone Colossus[edit]

Basic melee attack dealing moderate physical damage.
Wake the Dead
Juxheis summons four Risen Dead to assist her in battle.
Necrotic Wave
Juxheis overcharges with energy, and then stomps the ground, indicated by a very large growing red circle, dealing high flame damage and knocking back affected targets. Blocking negates the knockback.
Crushing Charge
Juxheis charges in a straight line, dealing moderate physical damage and knocking back targets hit while leaving blue flames in her path (Necrotic Fire), dealing continuous moderate flame damage. Blocking negates the knockback.
Disperse/Necrotic Burst
At 60% and 40% Health, Juxheis disappears in necrotic energy and deals high flame damage in a large growing area which knockbacks targets hit. Then are summoned 2 Bone reavers, 1 Wraith and 1 Ayleid Vanquisher to fight you (2 wraiths at 40%). When all are dead, Juxheis reappears at the same place in a green orb of energy and again deals high flame damage in a large growing area which knockbacks targets hit.


When combat is initiated:

Juxheis the Dread: "Begone wretch! The power of the well is mine!"

She will summon skeletons to help her:

Juxheis the Dread: "Rise, minions, and break this fool's bones!"

Once you dispatch her minions, she transforms into a Bone colossus:

Juxheis the Dread: "Enough! You cannot stop me!"


There is one achievement associated with this character:

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-Silorn Conqueror.png Silorn Conqueror 50 Defeat all of the champions in Silorn.
