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Online:Idrenie Beren

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Idrenie Beren
Achievement Furnisher
Home Settlement Vastyr
Store Touch of Home Furnishings
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Achievement Furnisher
Idrenie Beren

Idrenie Beren is a Dark Elf achievement furnisher who works at Touch of Home Furnishings in Vastyr.


Initially speaking to her:

"If you're seeking something to commemorate your adventures, you've come to the right place. A piece that sparks conversation can always pull a room together."
"I was dreadfully homesick when I first came here. But nothing makes a place feel more like home than having it styled to your liking.
Let me know how I can help you with yours."
"The Systres aren't so different from where I grew up. The archipelago has all the better parts of home… and even a volcano.
When you're home, what of your adventures will you want to remember?"

After the events of Guardian of Y'ffelon:

"I suppose that shifting environments are just something I'm used to. One grows accustomed to a changed horizon, just as one might to a newly furnished room."
"I may set the cost, but the sentiment of a piece is entirely up to the buyer. What a treasure it is to see how different people prize different things."
"A well-furnished space is the sign of a well-furnished mind."


Furnishing Type Price Description
ON-furnishing-Ascendant Knight Banner.jpg Ascendant Knight Banner (page) Parlor
0001200012,000 Gold A rally banner for the Ascendant Order, knights and brigands all as one.
ON-furnishing-Druid Ritual Stone.jpg Druid Ritual Stone (page) Courtyard
(Yard Ornaments)
0002000020,000 Gold Every one of these standing stones are said to be in sympathetic communion. Whispers at one may be heard far, far away.
ON-furnishing-Druidic Statue, Left Hand.jpg Druidic Statue, Left Hand (page) Courtyard
000020002,000 Gold This druidic statue gestures to the left, inviting the viewer to be wise in their workings, centered in their teachings.
ON-furnishing-Druidic Statue, Right Hand.jpg Druidic Statue, Right Hand (page) Courtyard
000020002,000 Gold This druidic statue gestures to the right, inviting the viewer to be skillful in their workings, compassionate to others.
ON-furnishing-Druidic Throne, Floral Stone.jpg Druidic Throne, Floral Stone (page) Gallery
0002500025,000 Gold Carved for envoys of the Draoife, these regal chairs resonate with the teachings of the True Way.
ON-furnishing-Eerie Sconce, Emerald.jpg Eerie Sconce, Emerald (page) Lighting
0001400014,000 Gold Mystically enchanted and suitable for your own secret passages.
ON-furnishing-Firesong Spring, Basalt.jpg Firesong Spring, Basalt (page) Undercroft
(Symbolic Decor)
Still resonating with the ritual prayers of the Firesong circle, it soothes the muscles and the soul.
ON-furnishing-Flower Trap, Tamed.jpg Flower Trap, Tamed (page) Conservatory
0001500015,000 Gold The druids know the ancient bindings required to tame this overactive child of Y'ffre.
ON-furnishing-Lava Spout.jpg Lava Spout (page) Miscellaneous
0007500075,000 Gold A cunning artistic work hand-made of volcanic rock by a stoneshaper of the Firesong circle.
ON-furnishing-Systres Trinket Box, Painted.jpg Systres Trinket Box, Painted (page) Parlor
000025002,500 Gold Rattles when shook. Full of merchant coin or druid runes? One can never tell.
ON-furnishing-The Druid King's Ivy Throne.jpg The Druid King's Ivy Throne (page) Gallery
0005000050,000 Gold A cunning recreation of an ancient throne from the legend of the Druid King.