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Online:High Priest Ingurt

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High Priest Ingurt
Home City Solitude
Location Hall of the Dead
Race Nord Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
High Priest Ingurt

High Priest Ingurt is a Nord priest who can be found at the Hall of the Dead in Solitude.

Related Quests[edit]


While not involved in a quest, he can be found praying within the Hall.

"Gods watch over you during these troubled times."

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Dark Clouds Over Solitude[edit]

'"Will you pray with me for these poor souls?"

While searching Solitude for signs of the assassin who killed Queen Gerhyld, you will follow his trail of bodies to High Priest Ingurt, who can be found outside the Hall of the Dead. He will be praying over the bodies of Hildyva and Thorjolf.

Talk with him to see what happened.

"Will you pray with me for these poor souls? Cut down and bound for the Hall of the Dead much too soon."
Tell me what happened here.
"It was a monster … a vampire. I have seen such creatures before, but this one wore an eye patch. It moved like a shadow and took sustenance from these poor souls.
I called upon Arkay's grace and the vampire fled before his sacred presence."
Which way did the vampire flee?
"Toward the main gate.
I pray the guard finished off the depraved creature before it took another innocent life."

Talking with him again:

"The dead should never be able to end a life. It's an abomination.
I will pray for Arkay to grant these poor souls peace."

The Gray Host[edit]

To create an elixir to protect from the effects of a harrowstorm, Fennorian will need many reagents, including Arkay's Sacred Oil. Svana will volunteer you and herself to speak with High Priest Ingurt to procure some.

When you arrive in the hall, there will be many refugees and he will greet the princess.

High Priest Ingurt: "Princess Svana? What can I do for you, your highness?"
Svana: "Listen to my friend, high priest. We need your help."

You can then ask him about the oil, though his answer will leave you with a problem.

"I'm surprised to see the princess here. As you can see, the influx of refugees has made this place much more hectic than usual.
Is there something I can do for Princess Svana?"
We need some of Arkay's sacred oil.
"Sacred oil? Strange. That's the second time today someone has come seeking Arkay's anointing balm.
Swordthane Uthlet arrived with an edict from the king. Demanded our entire supply! How we're to consecrate the dead without it, I have no idea."
Why did High King Svargrim want all of the sacred oil?
"The swordthane wouldn't say. He just mentioned that the high king needed it to defend Solitude.
I'm sorry. I can't comply with the princess's request. Things are hard enough that these refugees must take shelter here among the dead."
Do you know where the swordthane took Arkay's sacred oil?
"The swordthane took the oil to Castle Dour. That's where all of the supplies for a siege are gathered during periods of strife.
I pray that High King Svargrim receives the patience and wisdom required to see us through this crisis."

Before you leave you can ask about the castle.

Tell me more about Castle Dour.
"Solitude's foundation began with the construction of Castle Dour. It's the oldest structure in the city and the most defensible.
I tried to move the refugees there for safekeeping, but my request was denied. The high king has other plans, I suppose."

Daughter of the Wolf[edit]

He will have survived the harrowstorm and can be found in the Hall of the Dead:

"My child, it is a grace to see you alive and well. I've heard that we have been delivered from our troubles. Gods be praised."

After seeing Swordthane Uthlet and Jarl Reddharn's reaction to the report of Jorunn the Skald-King at the city gates:

"I pray that cool heads prevail. Hot blood and rash action will not benefit anyone."

High Priest Ingurt will attend the dirge at the Blue Palace and can be found among the crowd.

"Surely the gods sent you to Western Skyrim. May Arkay grant you the strength to strike down every last one of those fiends of the Gray Host."

After Svana's words and the send-off to the dead, you can speak to him again in the courtyard or find him in the throne room of the palace.

"I could not have said it better myself. Princess Svana will make a fine ruler."
You'll support her then?
"Of course. Some may choose to blame her for her father's misdeeds, but I will seek forgiveness from them. There have been enough divisions of blood and feuding. It is a new day. This is a time to mend rifts and forge new bonds."