Gold Road


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Location West Weald
Race Nord Gender Male
Reaction Friendly

Grimmer is a Nord citizen of Leftwheal Trading Post who can be found at the Centurion's Watch Wayshrine. He will be trying to get help for the town after it was attacked by strange forces.

Related Quests[edit]


Grimmer will call out as you pass by:

"You there! Help! Leftwheal is in dire need!"

Speak to him to find out what is wrong:

"You seem like the brave sort. I for one haven't the stomach for blades and beasts, and right now, Leftwheal has more than its fair share."
What's Happening in Leftwheal?
"Shining beasts and deranged cultists have invaded the town. Baroness Eliana Cossa sent out anyone fit enough to run and find aid. She's trying to help those still trapped, but she can't do it herself."
Did you say shining beasts?
"I'd almost describe them as beautiful if they didn't just try to eat me. The baroness helped evacuate as many merchants and civilians as she could, but there are still others trapped with those beasts.
She's promised gold in exchange for aid."
I'll help the people of Leftwheal.
"You can find Baroness Eliana Cossa just inside the town walls. The entrance to leftwheal is just north of Feldagard Keep. Let her know Grimmer sent you."

Once you've accepted, you can ask Grimmer for more information:

Were you present for the attack?
"Oh yes. I was delivering letters when it happened. A terrible crackling sound and the smell of burnt hair. All at once the town erupted into chaos. I dropped everything I was carrying and ran. I'm lucky to have made it out alive."
Who is this Baroness?
"Eliana? She's a raging fire that one. Bright, powerful, unafraid to take up space. She made Leftwheal into the trading hub it is today. Without her we'd still be a handful of caravans stuck in the mud. If anyone could face this storm it's her."