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Online:Grandmaster Delmene Hlaalu

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This article is about the Tales of Tribute Patron and Deck. For the person it is named after, see Lore:Delmene Hlaalu.

"From the earliest days of the House, Hlaalu focused on trade and crafts. The Book of Grasping Fortune reminds us to seize every chance to make a profit, but remember that your reputation also has value."
—Hlaandu Hlaalu
Saint Pelin Patron

The Grandmaster Delmene Hlaalu Deck is a Tales of Tribute Patron and Deck themed after House Hlaalu's Age of Gilded Glory under the leadership of Delmene Hlaalu. The deck consists of 1 starter card, 8 standard cards (20 total), and 4 upgrades.

This Patron is available by default.


This deck focuses on effects that Acquire cards from the Tavern for free, as well as gaining Coin, with most cards giving a lot more compared to other decks. For example, Luxury Exports costs 2 Coin to purchase but gives you 3 Coin whenever it is used. While you cannot win a game with Coin alone as any unspent Coin is completely lost at the end of your turn, this is very useful for building a powerful deck early on by acquiring and purchasing cards from other Patrons.

The Patron's effect goes hand-in-hand with its deck, giving you Prestige in exchange for cards you've purchased and don't need anymore. This is especially useful near the end of a game when you're either approaching 40 Prestige or trying to gain a lead over your opponent by removing an expensive card you won't use again, such as Hlaalu Kinsman or Hlaalu Councilor. Alternatively you can use this effect to remove and gain Prestige from already damaged Contract Agents (assuming any Patrons with Contract Agents were chosen), since they will be removed from play if your opponent kills them anyway.



Sacrifice 1 card you own in play that cost 1 or more Coin: ON-icon-tribute-Gain Prestige.png Gain Prestige equal to the card's cost minus 1.

Sacrifice 1 card you own in play that cost 1 or more Coin: ON-icon-tribute-Gain Prestige.png Gain Prestige equal to the card's cost minus 1. This Patron now FAVORS you.

Sacrifice 1 card you own in play that cost 1 or more Coin: ON-icon-tribute-Gain Prestige.png Gain Prestige equal to the card's cost minus 1. This Patron is now NEUTRAL.



1 copy of the starter card Goods Shipment is added to each player's decks at the start of the game.

Card Name Type Effect
ON-tribute-card-Goods Shipment.png Goods Shipment Action ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 1 Coin.


There are 8 unique cards, with all copies totaling to 20 cards.

Card Name Type Cost Health Effect Copies
ON-tribute-card-Currency Exchange.png Currency Exchange Action 7 ON-icon-tribute-Replace Card.png Replace up to 1 card from the Tavern.
ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 5 Coin.

Combo 2
ON-icon-tribute-Additional Patron Interaction.png Call on 1 additional Patron this turn.

ON-tribute-card-Customs Seizure.png Customs Seizure Action 4 ON-icon-tribute-Acquire.png Acquire 1 card from the Tavern with a cost up to 6. 3
ON-tribute-card-Hireling.png Hireling Agent 6 2 ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 2 Coin.

Combo 2
ON-icon-tribute-Acquire.png Acquire 1 card from the Tavern with a cost up to 5.

3 (1)
ON-tribute-card-Hlaalu Kinsman.png Hlaalu Kinsman Agent 10 1 ON-icon-tribute-Acquire.png Acquire 1 card from the Tavern with a cost up to 9.

Combo 2
ON-icon-tribute-Replace Card.png Replace up to 1 card from the Tavern.

2 (1)
ON-tribute-card-Hostile Takeover.png Hostile Takeover Action 5 ON-icon-tribute-Gain Power.png Gain 1 Power.

Combo 2
ON-icon-tribute-Acquire.png Acquire 1 card from the Tavern with a cost up to 7.

ON-tribute-card-House Marketplace.png House Marketplace Action 8 ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 6 Coin.

Combo 2
ON-icon-tribute-Acquire.png Acquire 1 card from the Tavern with a cost up to 7.

2 (1)
ON-tribute-card-Kwama Egg Mine.png Kwama Egg Mine Contract Action 3 ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 2 Coin.

Combo 3
ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 3 Coin.

3 (1)
ON-tribute-card-Luxury Exports.png Luxury Exports Action 2 ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 3 Coin. 3


There are 4 upgrades, obtainable from completing achievements or opening hidden chests with a clue.

Card Name Type Cost Health Effect Copies Replaces Obtained from
ON-tribute-card-Ebony Mine.png Ebony Mine Contract Action 3 ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 2 Coin.

Combo 3
ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 4 Coin.

2 Kwama Egg Mine (2) Achievement: Roister's Club Novice
ON-tribute-card-Hlaalu Councilor.png Hlaalu Councilor Agent 10 2 ON-icon-tribute-Acquire.png Acquire 1 card from the Tavern with a cost up to 9.

Combo 2
ON-icon-tribute-Replace Card.png Replace up to 1 card from the Tavern.

1 Hlaalu Kinsman (1) Found in Deshaan after obtaining the Hlaalu Councilor Clue
ON-tribute-card-House Embassy.png House Embassy Action 8 ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 7 Coin.

Combo 2
ON-icon-tribute-Acquire.png Acquire 1 card from the Tavern with a cost up to 7.

1 House Marketplace (1) Found in Vvardenfell after obtaining the House Embassy Clue
ON-tribute-card-Oathman.png Oathman Agent 6 2 ON-icon-tribute-Gain Coin.png Gain 2 Coin.

Combo 2
ON-icon-tribute-Acquire.png Acquire 1 card from the Tavern with a cost up to 6.

2 Hireling (2) Achievement: Great House's Mandate
Tales of Tribute Patrons
ON-tribute-patron-Ansei Frandar Hunding.png
Ansei Frandar Hunding
ON-tribute-patron-Druid King.png
Druid King Kasorayn
ON-tribute-patron-Blackfeather Court.png
Duke of Crows
ON-tribute-patron-House Hlaalu.png
Grandmaster Delmene Hlaalu
ON-tribute-patron-Hermaeus Mora.png
Hermaeus Mora
Psijic Loremaster Celarus
Rajhin, the Purring Liar
ON-tribute-patron-Red Eagle.png
Red Eagle, King of the Reach
ON-tribute-patron-Saint Alessia.png
Saint Alessia
ON-tribute-patron-Saint Pelin.png
Saint Pelin
Sorcerer-King Orgnum