Imperial City

Online:General Zamachar

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General Zamachar
Location Imperial SewersLambent Passage (Nocere Oblitus)
Species Grievous Twilight
Health 572,296 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction Hostile
Daedra Hearts, Imperial Fragments, Tel Var Stones
Lead: Hecatomb Tassets
General Zamachar

General Zamachar is an armored grievous twilight and one of the champions found in the Imperial Sewers. He runs the Nocere Oblitus, described as "The cruel wards of Zamachar nurture only the strongest foes."

Occasionally, dremora will talk about him out in the Imperial City, saying he's "brought his harem with him".

Skills and Abilities[edit]

General Zamachar deals moderate-high physical damage with his claws.
General Zamachar uses both hands to slash you with his claws, dealing moderate physical damage twice.
Shadow Bolt
General Zamachar fires a single bolt of dark magic at you, which deals moderate-high magic damage.
Shadow Strike
General Zamachar teleports behind you and strikes you hard, dealing high physical damage. This can be blocked to stagger General Zamachar.
Open Portal
General Zamachar opens two shadowy portals. Winged Twilights with average health occasionally come out of them.
Replenishing Portal
General Zamachar morphs into a shapeless shadow and enters one of his portals. He sits inside the portal to heal, causing the portal he enters to glow with a golden aura and making him untargetable and undamageable. He heals for a base 5,722 Health each tick and heals for 11 ticks, so 62,942 Health in total. He then exits the portal, which is then consummed and disappears.
Energy Pulse
General Zamachar raises his arms and sends several bolts of shadow flying towards you. Each bolt deals moderate magic damage.
Planar Eruption
General Zamachar jumps high in the air then lands with force, dealing high magic damage and knocking back targets hit in a very large area.
General Zamachar teleports in a pillar of shadow a short distance away or toward its target.


There is one achievement associated with this creature.

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-Sewer Subjugator.png Sewer Subjugator 15 Kill all the named champions lurking in the Imperial Sewers.
