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Online:Frelene Rane

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Frelene Rane
Home Settlement Vastyr
Race Breton Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Frelene Rane

Frelene Rane is a Breton who can be found in Vastyr.

Related Quests[edit]


When talked to prior to the quest:

"Don't mind me, dear. Just admiring the sea."

Quest-Related Events[edit]

After the ghost of Jocien directs you to find Frelene Rane:

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't notice you there. I get lost sometimes, looking out toward the sea ….
Where are my manners? Is there something I can help you with?"
Are you Frelene Rane? I'm sorry, your husband is dead, but he wanted you to have his ring.
"Jocien? Oh, by the Eight. He went missing so long ago, I feared the worst. I didn't want to believe it.
But how did you happen upon his ring? And … how did you know where to find me?"
I spoke with Jocien's spirit. I found his ghost while traveling the southwest coast.
"His ghost! Oh, my poor Jocien.
I can scarcely believe it, but there's no denying this is his ring. And I know my Jocien, he would have wanted me to have it. Even in death."
Here, take it. It's yours now.
"Thank you so much. You can't know how much this means to me. Having a piece of him back is more than I could have dreamed. It's as if his heart has been reunited with mine.
I can't thank you enough, kind stranger. Please, take this."

If you exit out of the conversation and before turning in the quest, she will alternatively say:

"I'm sorry, I suppose I'm still in shock. I've know Jocien was gone for some time…but you spoke with his ghost!
And he wanted me to have his ring, after all this time. Romantic, isn't it? He was always like that."
Here, take it. It's yours now. (Leads to quest completion dialogue)

Once you have completed the quest you can ask her some more questions:

"To get a piece of Jocien back after nearly twenty years … it's like seeing his face again. It's almost as if he's here with me.
I never understood his pull to the sea. But perhaps this is what he meant by its endless mysteries and surprises."
Jocien wanted me to tell you that he's at peace. / I spoke with Jocien's spirit, that's how I knew to bring you the ring.
"What a relief. I can't bear to think of him trapped in such a state for all these years, suffering. I'm glad to know he's all right.
I've heard stories of those who die upon the sea and remain in agony forever. Did he say anything else?"
Just that you don't need to worry about him.
"I can rest easy tonight knowing he feels peace. I can only hope that your selfless deed will let him rest as well."
What was Jocien like when he was alive?
"He was always full of adventure, that was what made me fall in love with him. Everything was exciting to him. He greeted each day like that specific one had the possibility to make all his dreams come true.
I loved his laugh more than anything."
Do you think you'll move on now that you know he's passed?
"I'm sure that's what Jocien would want for me, but … I don't know. I miss him, of course, but I don't feel lonely.
All these years, I've felt him in the sea air, seen him in the sun on the waves. And now, having his ring, I'm content. Truly."