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Online:Fleet Queen Taleria

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Fleet Queen Taleria
(lore page)
Location Dreadsail Reef, Coral Caldera
Race Maormer Gender Female
Health 52,831
Reaction Friendly → Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Dreadsails
Fleet Queen Taleria before her transformation

Fleet Queen Taleria, also known as the Dreadsail Queen and Pirate Queen, is the leader of the Dreadsail Pirates. When fought, she turns herself into a coral monstrosity named Tideborn Taleria.

Related Quests[edit]


Reef Warren[edit]

After defeating Lylanar and Turlassil, and your group will travel through the Reef Warren. Taleria will be taunting you as you move through:

Fleet Queen Taleria "Shame I can't host you longer, but I've got some fool sailors to drown."
Fleet Queen Taleria "And they've dumped some uninvited guests overboard. Feel free to gut them on your way out."

The Reef Guardian[edit]

Before the fight:

Fleet Queen Taleria "None of those useless louts managed to stop you? Well, I have other means at my disposal."
Fleet Queen Taleria "I have a prize for you getting this far. It's a little something I whipped up for just the occasion."
Fleet Queen Taleria "I suppose only the Fleet Queen can give you a proper Dreadsail welcome. Say hello."
Fleet Queen Taleria "Your defiance is almost cute."

Activating the Challanger Banner (Hardmode Only):

Fleet Queen Taleria "That's the flag you'll be burried in."
Fleet Queen Taleria "You dare raise your flag on my island? See, now I'm going to make it painful."
Fleet Queen Taleria "Hope you can back up that swagger, loves."
Fleet Queen Taleria "When I'm done here, let's see how you like having your carcasses raked over every barnacle on this island."

Starting the fight:

Fleet Queen Taleria "Let's see how good you really are."

During the fight she will call out from the platform above:

Fleet Queen Taleria "Did you think you have things under control? I'm afraid it won't be that easy."
Fleet Queen Taleria "Oh, you've made it angry. Kidding, it doesn't feel anger. Or pain. Or pity."
Fleet Queen Taleria "Can you feel its pulse quickening? You don't have long now."
Fleet Queen Taleria "My guardian draws its power from the sea and storm. You'll never outlast it."

If you go down below the hole during the fight:

Fleet Queen Taleria "You can try hiding down with the sea leeches and lampreys, but it won't save you."
Fleet Queen Taleria "Cower and hide while the sky comes crashing down and the reef surges!"
Fleet Queen Taleria "The heart of the reef is racing now! Beating like thunder!"

When the Reef Guardian divides itself up:

Fleet Queen Taleria "Seems that one's eager to spawn."
Fleet Queen Taleria "Can you handle another I wonder?"
Fleet Queen Taleria "Cut a starfish in half and two are born."
Fleet Queen Taleria "Splinter constructs all you like, more will rise to replace them."
Fleet Queen Taleria "Forming these guardians is trivial. Killing them? Not so much."

After defeating the Reef Guardian:

Fleet Queen Taleria "Impressive."
Fleet Queen Taleria "A reprieve, for your victory."
Fleet Queen Taleria "Commendable performance."
Fleet Queen Taleria "But if you want my head, you'll have to come for it. Follow if you dare."
Fleet Queen Taleria "If you think you're ready to face my full power, by all means, give chase."
Fleet Queen Taleria "Flee now and you might still escape what I unleash."

Group wipe:

Fleet Queen Taleria "Well, that was dull. I should have brought some drinks to liven things up."
Fleet Queen Taleria "I rule over everything on this island. Even you."
Fleet Queen Taleria "Bow before the queen!"

Coral Caldera[edit]

On the way to the Coral Caldera she will call out from the parlours:

Fleet Queen Taleria "Welcome to my parlor. Enjoy the hospitality!"
Fleet Queen Taleria "Oh no! You have me on the run now!"
Fleet Queen Taleria "Watch your step. Be a shame if you came this far just to take a plunge."
Fleet Queen Taleria "Dreadsails! Double rum rations to whoever guts these land worms."
Fleet Queen Taleria "Fit them for slave collars, mates! I want this lot wiping my arse by the end of the battle."
Fleet Queen Taleria "Keep their heads in one piece! I want them dangling from the bow of my ship when I go sink the Lofte Empyrean."
Fleet Queen Taleria "Look alive! The battle's come to us!"
Fleet Queen Taleria "Shake of the drink you laggard! We've got company!"
Fleet Queen Taleria "Anyone falls here, I'll string you up for the harpies to nip at!"
Fleet Queen Taleria "That's right, kill 'em all! Show me how tough you are! Hahaha!"
Fleet Queen Taleria "Delay these bastards! It's time I end this."
Fleet Queen Taleria "You've almost got me cornered! Whatever shall I do?"

Entering the Coral Caldera:

Fleet Queen Taleria "Barging into a lady's private chambers. You are bold."
Fleet Queen Taleria "But I won't be conquered so easily."
Fleet Queen Taleria "Let me show you the power that's going to crush that little flotilla of yours."
<She will dive into the water and transform into Tideborn Taleria.>
Tideborn Taleria "My power is as vast as the sea itself!"
