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Online:Falantar (Silvenar)

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Home City Silvenar
Race High Elf Gender Male
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Easy Profession Beggar
Falantar (Silvenar)

Falantar is a High Elf beggar found in the city of Silvenar after the Hound is defeated. You can find him south of the Altmer Enclave with Boriel.


He will be in pain but doesn't have the funds to afford medicine:

"Oh, it hurts! It hurts!"
What's wrong?
"The Houndsmen and the mer. When they attacked the city, I tried to fight them off, but there were too many.
I'm lucky I escaped to this hut."
You are lucky. You don't look injured.
"I'm too good a fighter to let the wounds show. But they're here … on the inside.
Maybe you could give me a little gold for medicine, though."
Anything for a hero of Silvenar. [ leveledLow leveled Gold]
"Thank you! May the stars always shine upon you."
I don't remember seeing you fighting.
"I, well, I did most of my work in the shadows … at night. I took two, maybe three … no, four! Four mer on before they hurt me too badly to continue.
Look, can you help me or not?"
You've convinced me. [ leveledLow leveled Gold]
"Thank you! May the stars always shine upon you."