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Location Corgrad Wastes
Race High Elf Gender Male
Health 39,959
15,000 (In the ruined hall/During the ritual/At the end of the quest)
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Follower Wasting Away

Faidur is a High Elf found outside the Corgrad Wastes. He claims to own the land and is questioning the squatters found on the outskirts.

Related Quests[edit]

  • Wasting Away: Assist an estate's heir as he uncovers the truth about his family's past.

Quest-Related Events[edit]

As you approach the Corgrad Wastes, you'll spot a small camp with a mixed group:

Puhnara: "Quiet! Someone approaches! Is it Karnhar? I can't scent him!"
Faidur: "Disappearances are all the more reason for you to leave."
Ruliel: "No, Puhnara. I'm sorry."

If you speak to him before speaking to Ruliel, he'll only say:

"How many squatters are living out here?"

Once you've agreed to help Ruliel find his friend, Faidur will say:

"For a place with such a terrible reputation, this estate certainly gets a lot of trespassers.
You're not another layabout squatting on my land, are you?"
You have a problem with these people?
"I didn't expect to find anyone living out here. I thought they could help me shed some light on the mysteries of this place, but it turns out they're just idle squatters. I guess you could call that a problem."
What mysteries are you hoping to uncover?
"This place barely exists outside of fables. My family kept no records of it—or our relatives here—other than our claim to the land. It took years of digging to locate these old ruins, and there's still so much more to uncover."
People are disappearing on your estate. Doesn't that concern you?
"So those vagrants say. For all I know they're just trying to frighten me off. Their missing friends could be looting as we speak.
I'm not leaving until I've searched the ruins myself."
I want to take a look around as well.
"I don't mind having some company in this endeavor. Most people are barely willing to speak of this place above a whisper, let alone offer any help.
Let's try to find a way inside the sunken ruins, shall we?"
The outcasts claim you're trying to run them off the land. Is that true?
"I asked them to leave when it became clear they were up to no good. If they're trying to blame me for their friends running off—or what have you—that is utter slander."
[Intimidate] If I find out otherwise, you're going to regret lying to me about it.
"I'm not! I swear I'm as in the dark about these missing persons as you are! The only reason I haven't been to the ruins myself is because I'm not sure how dangerous things really are and no one was willing to help me."
What do you mean when you say they're up to no good? / Why do you assume these people are up to no good?
"They're outcasts. Most likely criminals. My concern isn't so much about why they're here as what they may be doing to my family holdings. They could be using priceless records for campfire tinder for all I know."
Your family doesn't seem terribly interested in this land.
"My kin feel I'm wasting my life on a footnote. My parents even threatened to disown me if I continued my search, but that only spurred me on. I want to know why this branch of the family was all but forgotten."
You think they're hiding something?

If you're an Altmer, he says:

"You know how important lineage is to our people. We should have preserved everything we could about this please, but instead, nothing.
I must know why this place was buried. Figuratively and literally."


"Lineage is everything in Altmer society. The queen alone could fill a library with her genealogy. We should have preserved everything we could about this place, but instead, nothing.
I must know why this place was buried. Figuratively and literally."

Find a broken window in one of the buildings and he'll say:

Faidur: "This breach looks promising. Take a look?"

Once inside, he'll add:

Faidur: "Not exactly cozy, but it's not completely demolished. Let's poke around."

Speaking to him once in the ruined manor:

"Can't say I care for the naturalized aesthetic. Keep your eyes out for anything that may have survived the elements."
What are you looking for down here?
"Some answers. What happened to my family here? This place is fascinating. And I suppose I'm curious about the rumors.
As long as I don't get murdered by vagrants in a dank cave. I'll just stick with you, if you don't mind."

Faidur approaches you after investigating a worn statue in the room:

Faidur: "Something about that statue catch your interest?"

Speaking to him about your find:

"Even in such disrepair, I can imagine how opulent this manor must have been. My relatives must have been very influential here."
I think they founded the town, based on what I could glean from that statue's inscription.
"The whole town? That's incredible! My family has wealth and holdings, but not much in the way of titles. Why in the world would they show so little interest in our ties to nobility?"
Maybe there was some sort of falling out between your ancestors.
"That's a sound theory. Simple, but sound. There has to be something here that could reveal the truth of the matter. Let's keep searching."

In the next room, upon spotting the journal, he'll say:

Faidur: "Damn. These papers are practically mulch, but maybe something survived. Help me look."

Speaking to him about Rultari's Journal:

"I wonder whose chambers these were. What was their life like before they abandoned it, and why?"
I found a journal that belonged to someone named Rultari. A child of the family here.
"May I have a look …? Merciful Syrabane! This sounds like the Thrassian Plague."
Thrassian Plague?
"A gruesome disease that decimated the population of Tamriel, Summerset included. It made the Knahaten Flu seem like the sniffles. Everyone here could have been wiped out ….
Still, most people alive had family afflicted by the plague. Why hide it?"
Could the plague have originated here?
"No, it was a vile creation of the Sload, brewed in their kingdom of Thras, but it's possible it harbored the first outbreak on Summerset. That can't be the reason this place was buried."
I couldn't say.
"We're finding more questions than answers. There has to be more. There has to be.
Try the room across the hall."
Could this plague have been dormant until the sinkholes exposed it to the surface?
"For thousands of years? Doubtful. I can see how this place may have gotten its reputation with the locals, but their fears are still unfounded."

Next pick-up and read Please Respond. Faidur will hail you from below:

Faidur: "Down here! I found something!"

Speaking with him downstairs:

"I thought I heard something down here, but the sound must have carried up from this tunnel. It looks formed by erosion. Maybe related to the sinkholes?
What about you? Did you find anything else upstairs?"
A letter from a relative who didn't approve of bringing the sick onto the estate.
"Makes sense, the journal mentioned taking the afflicted to the family vaults.
It would have been easy for the Corgrads to seal off their estate and leave the town to fend for itself. It's tragic that their compassion probably led to their downfall."
You said you heard something?
"Murmurs and splashing. I thought maybe one of those missing squatters was down here, but I think the sound was coming from deeper down. I don't hear it anymore."
I'll go first.

Speaking to him while he follows you in the tunnel:

"I'll keep close. Don't want to get lost down here."

Emerging into the large cavern ahead:

Cavern Dweller: "Nebarra …."
Faidur: "Is that a person? Hey, you there! Wait!"

Upon getting close to a campfire in the cave:

Faidur: "This camp looks recent. I'll bet your missing persons just discovered that these ruins make decent shelter."

Speaking to him at the small camp:

"Did you see that? Why did they run from us?"
Who was it?
"I'm not sure, I just caught a glimpse of a silhouette. Whoever they are, they seem scared of us."
We'll need to approach cautiously. Be on your guard.

After reading Karnhar's Journal, and he'll say:

Faidur: "I have a bad feeling about the fate of these people. Maybe they are further in the cavern."

Speaking to him afterward:

"I don't think that was one of your vagrant friends."
They were here though. This journal belonged to Karnhar.
"Somehow I doubt they received a warmer reception than we did, but at least we know the curse of Corgrad has been greatly exaggerated. Whoever we saw just now was a being of flesh and blood."
That doesn't mean they aren't dangerous.
"Agreed. Much as I'd like to get to the bottom of all this, we should make finding the squatters our priority."

Upon encountering another cave dweller shortly after:

Cavern Dweller: "Avad!"
Faidur: "Voices!"

After hearing voices after that:

Cavern Dweller: "Vey Arillas! Abameld shauta!"
Faidur: "I heard it again! Be careful."
Faidur: "Gone…."

Upon entering the ruined hall:

Faidur: "What do you think came first: the caverns or the construction?"

On the far side you'll see another camp. This time it is occupied with cavern dwellers. Faidur rushes over to it:

Faidur: "Look, people! Best approach with caution."
Arillas: "Please, approach. We know you are here."

Speak to Faidur before engaging with Arillas and he'll say:

"He seems like he wants to talk, but this whole situation has me on edge. I'll hang back for now, if it's all the same to you."

Find out where Ruliel's friends are from Arillas and Faidur will decide to stay and speak with Arillas:

Faidur: "Go on without me. I'm going to speak with Arillas about my ancestors."

Speaking to him here:

"I'd like to spend some time with Arillas. If these people really are descendants of Corgrad's populace, there's a lot I could learn from them."
We still don't know what happened to Karnhar and the others.
"You heard Arillas, it's dangerous deeper down. And let's be honest, I'm not going to be much help crawling through tunnels."
You'd really feel safer alone?
"I'm no warrior, but take a look at them. They're positively sickly. I doubt they want any trouble.
More to the point, I think their Saviors might have been my ancient ancestors. They may be more trusting of me than other outsiders."
All right, see if you can establish a rapport. I'll be back soon.

As you carry on, Faidur and Arillas begin to speak:

Faidur: "These Saviors you mentioned. Did they happen to be members of the family?"
Arillas: "Oh, yes. The founders and protectors of this great realm. Does the surface still speak of their great sacrifice?"
Faidur: "Um, in a manner of speaking. I came here to learn more about this branch of my family."
Arillas: "It must be fate! Corgrad opened its doors so that you could enter. Oh, I have so much to show you."

<Arillas leads Faidur to the large statue nearby>

Arillas: "Here, here! This is Nemfarion, the eldest and wisest of the ancestors resting here. Yes, I can see the likeness."

Return from exploring the Narrow Passage and you'll hear Faidur being dragged off in the distance:

Faidur: "Let go! Where are you taking me?"

Follow the voices and you'll hear:

Faidur: "You don't have to do this! Please!"
Faidur: "Is that a tomb? Don't put me in there! Please! Please!"

In the next room, you'll find Faidur on a stone slab, unconscious. Rescue him by breaking the Embalming Stone and his ancestors will turn to dust. Faidur will wake and run to the other side of the room:

"Ugh, gods, that was … I could feel my skin tightening as that stone drew the moisture out of me like a wineskin.
I don't suppose you have water? My tongue is a whetstone."
We need to get out of here.
"Right … I suppose I can keep up. I'll just lick the damp off the walls if I get woozy."
Stay close.

In the next room, Faidur and the other two squatters run into an hostile Arillas, preventing their escape:

Faidur: "Don't let him kill us!"

Defeat Arillas and he will run out of the ruins with the rest of your group. Meet up with them back at the original camp and he'll thank you:

"If it weren't for you, I'd have wound up a husk like those … monsters. Withering in that pit for who knows how long. I owe you my life."

After relaying the adventure to Ruliel, you can again speak to Faidur:

"If it weren't for you, I'd have wound up a husk like those … monsters. Withering in that pit for who knows how long. I owe you my life."
What they were doing was wrong, however they were trying to justify it.
"Even now, I still feel for them. What a miserable fate. I wish it could have been different. That Corgrad might have been redeemed ….
I used up most of my means traveling here, but take this with my gratitude."

You can check up on him further after completing the quest:

"I'll stay with these people a while longer, if they'll have me. Best to stick together, and perhaps my standing will shield them from the intolerance my kind have for nebarra."
Will you tell anyone what you found here?
"I don't know. Too often my kin seem content to forget ugliness exists in our society.
If nothing else, someone will want to know about cave people harboring the Thrassian Plague. I hope someone aside from Syrabane knows what to make of that."
If you can use your station to help these people, please do. They have no where else to go.
"My name may be all the means I can lend them. I doubt my parents will offer any support. Who knows if I'll even be welcome home when I return? I might be as much a vagabond as they when all is said and done.
I'll do what I can though."
Are you recovering?
"My eyes still feel like they're covered in grit, but I think I'll be back to normal with a drink and a good night's sleep. The latter might be hard to come by until we're far from this place."