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Online:Enigmatic Mood Mask

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Enigmatic Mood, the mask of a performer whose character might move in any direction at any moment. Expect the unexpected from one clad in this visage!
Enigmatic Mood Mask
ON-icon-hat-Enigmatic Mood Mask.png
Enigmatic Mood Mask
Type Hat
Acquired From Crown Store
Crown Crates/Unknown
Price 00700700 Crowns

The Enigmatic Mood Mask is part of the House of Reveries Mask Pack, which is available in the Crown Store for 00700700 Crowns. The mask looks the same on characters of all races; the face is no different for Khajiit or Argonians.


Slot 1: Hood
Slot 2: Face of mask
Slot 3: Brow and cheek plates


Appearances: 1

  • Crown Store — date

See Also[edit]
