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High Isle

Online:Engelreth Goldleaf

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Engelreth Goldleaf
Home Settlement Belkarth
Location Crossroads Tavern
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Engelreth Goldleaf

Engelreth Goldleaf is a Wood Elf who can be found at the Crossroads Tavern in Belkarth.

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Quest-Related Events[edit]

Isobel Veloise will have received a letter from her friend Aurelia Jourvel who was sightseeing in Stros M'kai. Aurelia was recently robbed of several of her personal items, including a family signet ring that Isobel had once given her. However, when you arrive in Port Hunding Aurelia will inform you that her travelling companion Kiv Lindres was the one to have robbed her. While tracking him, you will meet more of his victims in Seyda Neen and Wayrest. They have both decided to follow you to get revenge.

Goldleaf appears to be Kiv's next mark, so you will need to find him in Belkarth to talk with him. You can find Engelreth Goldleaf in the inn upstairs, but Galedra Athram and Julles Laurdon are already talking to him:

Isobel Veloise: "Looks like our, uh. Friends are already here."
Galedra Athram: "Goldleaf, you have to listen. That fetcher will just cut and run, the same as he did to us."
Engelreth Goldleaf: "Oof, you're giving me a headache. And what's this, more of you? This is not how I figured today would go."
Isobel Veloise: "Let's talk to Goldleaf. See what he knows."
Julles Laurdon: "She's not lying. He broke my heart! Listen to the young woman."

You can then speak with the confused Goldleaf, and let him know what is going on:

"Was just about to meet with this Kiv Lindres. Then these two show up. And now you.
Heh. Busy time at the tavern."
What was your meeting about?
"Kiv and I have kinda been … flirting with the idea of doing business for a while. Then I get a letter from him saying he's working with the Veloise Mercantile. So I say, sign me up!"
What was his scheme?
"Moving High Isle silks over here on the continent. Very desirable among some of my clientele. But from what I'm hearing now, this was all just a con."
He's using a stolen signet ring belonging to the Veloise family.
"Ah, that's the pits. Look, I have my own family's good name to protect. I was gonna meet him in the basement here. Entrance is around the side.
Why don't you and your uh, imposing friend here go chat with him?"
Thank you. My friend and I will take it from here.

Speaking with him before you leave, he will ask that you tone down the violence:

"You're not gonna kill him, right? I don't wanna deal with the guard."

You will find Kiv Lindres in the basement, and the people he was meeting with will run away. Kiv will then attack you, but soon surrenders. Talking with him, he will make a deal; the ring's location for his life. You then reveal his "friends" also want a word with him. Julles and Galedra will have different idea for punishment, and you can decide which one.

"This ain't at all what I thought today was gonne be like, but it's uhh … kinda entertaining, actually."

You have the opportunity to talk to Goldleaf before you decide:

"I was gonna give him to the town guard. But Julles and Galedra have come up with way better ideas.
Hehe. Be fun to see how this turns out."
You don't want to turn him over to the guards?
"Normally, that'd be great. But talking to the other two, it sounds like Kiv would just talk his way outta jail."
He's really that charming?
"Listen, Galedra there is a hardcore cynic. You can tell from just a few moments talking to her. And even she fell for him.
As for me and Julles, we're just emotional men. What can I say?"
I'll speak to Julles and Galedra and decide what to do.

Once you have decided the punishment, he will appear rather blasé ove the matter:

"Day turned out more eventful than expected. That Kiv was a charmer, don't get me wrong. Would have been. Heh. A lot of fun.
But I'm glad he got some justice. Live and learn, I suppose."