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Online:Elin Gousse

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Elin Gousse
Home Settlement Wind Keep
Location Cumberland Falls, Manteau Manor
Race Breton Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Elin Gousse

Elin Gousse is a Breton who can be found in Wind Keep. She is a servant of Countess Ilise Manteau.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Elin can first be encountered outside Manteau Manor in shock due to her friend's sudden death.

"No. This can't be happening.
Not Mathias. He wouldn't have stomped on a diseased rat, let alone hurt a person …."
What happened?
"We were just standing here talking. He said you went in to talk to the countess, so we were waiting….
Then all of the sudden an arrow flew out of nowhere right into his chest. He was dead before he hit the ground."
Why would someone kill Mathias?
'I don't know. Maybe it was something to do with what happened to the countess?
Did you talk to her? What did she say? Is she all right?"
Yes, but I need to know who gave her the mirror.

She would suggest questioning Yarelion and Sir Brice about the mirror:

"The mirror? Is that what was wrong with her? Oh goodness! Mathias would've known. I don't really know the suitors ….
Maybe it was Sir Brice … or that Altmer, Yarelion? Probably the Altmer. He's shady. I'd check him first."
Can you tell me more about Yarelion? / What about Yarelion?
"I think he's from some rich family in the Aldmeri Dominion.
All I've ever heard him talk about is gold. He even described the countess's hair as 'strings of gold.'"
What do you know about Sir Brice? / What about Sir Brice?
"Sir Brice is really respectable. I don't why the countess isn't more receptive to him.
He's a Knight of the Flame and everything. I think he would make a good husband. Of course, he's never even noticed me."

Elin can be spoken to again to get a refresher on the suitors.

"Whoever did this to Mathias needs to pay. Hope you figure out who it was. I bet it was that creepy Altmer, Yarelion.
I suppose it could have been any of the suitors though."
I wanted to ask you about the suitors.
"Like I said, the only ones I know at all are Yarelion, Sir Brice, and Raolin Munier. And I've only seen them in passing.
I'll tell you what I know though, if you think it'll help."
Tell me more about Yarelion.
"I think he's from some rich family in the Aldmeri Dominion
He's really twisted. Something in his eyes. I always want to bathe after he looks at me. Don't really know any more than that."
What do you know about Sir Brice?
"Sir Brice is really respectable. I don't why the countess isn't more receptive to him.
He's a Knight of the Flame and everything. I think he would make a good husband. Of course, he's never even noticed me."

When looking for Sirion at Cumberland Falls, Elin can be found there tied up.

"Oh praise the Eight it's you! Quick! Untie me!"
How did you end up here?
"The countess was so sad about Mathias. She sent me to get flowers for his funeral, but on the way, one of these crazy cultists snuck up and just grabbed me.
He dragged me back here and they asked me all these questions."
What was it they were after?
"This whole thing—the mirror—it wasn't the suitors. These cultists wanted to get rid of the countess so they can take over the town.
They forced me to talk. I think they're planning to kill the countess at the funeral. You have to go stop them!"
Yes. Let's go. I'll untie you.

Once the Countess is rescued and the cultists defeated, Elin will thank you for your efforts back at the countess's home:

"You did it! You made it in time! I don't know what we would've done without you."

After completing the quest, she will express relief:

"This whole thing was so terrible! Who would've known those people were just hiding outside of town planning to take over and only Julianos knows what else!
I'm just glad it's all over."