Online:Duchess of Anguish

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This article is about the person. For the book, see The Duchess of Anguish.

Duchess of Anguish
Location Halls of Torment
Race Xivkyn Gender Female
Health 152,964 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile
Daedra Heartss
Duchess of Anguish

The Duchess of Anguish is a powerful Xivkyn torturer and a close ally of Molag Bal found in the Halls of Torment. She has been placed in charge of Sai Sahan's interrogation and torture, as to learn the location of the Amulet of Kings.

She later appears as a prisoner in Heart's Grief during God of Schemes, and can be freed if desired.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

Halls of Torment[edit]

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack that deals low physical damage.
Heavy Attack
The spellblade performs an overhead swing that causes a frost explosion, dealing high frost damage. This can be blocked.
Hand of Flame
The spellblade sends three fire lines towards its target, indicated by moving red circles, dealing moderate flame damage. The fires split off a second time shortly afterward. This can be interrupted.
Lightning Grasp
The spellblade raises their hand and shoot a bolt of lightning which spawns numerous small pools of energy on the floor, indicated by small red circles, dealing low shock damage each.
Ice Cage
The spellblade summons a ring of frost around themselves, indicated by a donut-shaped red circle, dealing continuous moderate frost damage and snaring targets.
Xivlai's Servant
The spellblade summons a Daedra. It can either be a Clannfear, Flame Atronach, Flame Ogrim, Scamp, Spider Daedra, or a Winged Twilight.
Royal Strike
The Duchess brings down her axe, dealing major flame damage.
The Duchess of Anguish's health (and the health of every other enemy in the Halls of Torment) lowers every time you die at any point in the dungeon. She starts with 152,964 hp in total, which is reduced to (?) if you die once and (?) if you die a second time. The lowest her health can get is (?); a value achieved if you die three times.


In Heart's Grief, the Duchess is armed with nothing but her fists and spellblade abilities. She starts out friendly, turning hostile once you free her. Her health starts at 120,741 by default, which is reduced to 96,593 if you die once and 78,482 if you die a second time. The lowest her health can get is 60,370; a value achieved if you die three times.

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack that deals low physical damage.
Heavy Attack
The spellblade performs an overhead swing that causes a frost explosion, dealing high frost damage. This can be blocked.
Hand of Flame
The spellblade sends three fire lines towards its target, indicated by moving red circles, dealing moderate flame damage. The fires split off a second time shortly afterward. This can be interrupted.
Lightning Grasp
The spellblade raises their hand and shoot a bolt of lightning which spawns numerous small pools of energy on the floor, indicated by small red circles, dealing low shock damage each.
Ice Cage
The spellblade summons a ring of frost around themselves, indicated by a donut-shaped red circle, dealing continuous moderate frost damage and snaring targets.
Xivlai's Servant
The spellblade summons a Daedra. It can either be a Clannfear, Flame Atronach, Flame Ogrim, Spider Daedra, or a Twilight Matriarch.

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Halls of Torment[edit]

After defeating the Tharn Doppelganger, she drags Sai Sahan to another room to continue his interrogation.

Duchess of Anguish: "How touching! Your friends are here to save you. Pity they arrived too late. It's time for your next round of torture. You'll enjoy this one."

As you traverse the Brimstone Steppes, she will announce to her minions about your intrusion:

Duchess of Anguish: "We appear to have some unwanted visitors in the Halls of Torment. Let's make them feel welcome, shall we?"

When you reach the middle of the road, she directs her attention to you.

Duchess of Anguish: "Your friend always had the opportunity to free himself. All he needs to do is reveal the location of the Amulet of Kings, and you can all be on your merry way."

As you near the Chamber of Dark Seduction, she leaves you with a warning.

Duchess of Anguish: "Enjoy your visit. You will never leave the Halls of Torment alive!"

After defeating the Lyris Doppelganger, she once again whisks Sai Sahan away.

Duchess of Anguish: "Too late, once again. Come, my pet. Time for your next session!"

As you head for the exit in the Chamber of Dark Seduction, she addresses you again.

Duchess of Anguish: "We don't get many visitors in the Halls of Torment, but there's always room for a few more … permanent residents."

When you reach the middle of the hallway, she teases you.

Duchess of Anguish: "Such tenacity! Such ambition! Such bravery! Such a pity we're going to skin you alive and feast on your intestines!"

When you cross the bridge that passes over the lava falls:

Duchess of Anguish: "Fools! Time is meaningless in the Halls of Torment! Whether it takes a day, or a thousand years, Sai Sahan will be broken!"

When you enter the Chamber of Agony, she tries to appeal to Sai Sahan for the information she wants.

Duchess of Anguish: "Where is the Amulet of Kings? This can all be over if you just tell me. You can finally rest. You'd like that, wouldn't you, Sai?"
Sai Sahan: "Have I been here two years, or two thousand years? I can no longer tell. But I will never break! Never!"

After defeating the three Varen Doppelgangers, she appears in-person to face you.

Duchess of Anguish: "Who dares to defy the Duchess of Anguish? I will tear out your heart and make you feast upon it!"
Duchess of Anguish: "What death do you prefer, mortal? Slow and painful, or quick and painful?"
Duchess of Anguish: "I think I'll kill you, then resurrect you and kill you slowly―an eternity of agony. It will be glorious."

God of Schemes[edit]

Duchess of Anguish
Location Heart's Grief
Race Xivkyn Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Duchess of Anguish, trapped in Heart's Grief

Within Heart's Grief, the Duchess will be imprisoned with magic shackles, as she is punished for her failure.

"You! You did this to me!
Sai Sahan, my love … let me out, would you? I promise you an eternity of delights …."

Sai Sahan will reply to her:

Sai Sahan: "Vile seductress! You have earned your place here!"

If you choose to set her free, she will immediately turn hostile and must be killed. She is armed with nothing but her fists and spells.

