Imperial City

Online:Danrok the Insatiable

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Danrok the Insatiable
Location Imperial City SewersBarathrum Centrata, Antediluvian Vaults
Race Xivkyn Gender Male
Health 1,398,574 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Coldharbour Elite Guard
Daedra Hearts, Imperial Fragments, Tel Var Stones
Danrok the Insatiable

Danrok the Insatiable is a powerful xivkyn boss who is found in the Imperial Sewers. He is a general of the Coldharbour Elite Guard and wears a blue banner, meaning he will primarily use melee attacks.

He may be encountered walking a looping path through the sewers, or spawn after an inner portal is closed in the Barathrum Centrata.

Skills and Abilities[edit]

Drain Essence
Grabs a target with a beam of blood magic, draining the target's health and healing the boss. Deals major magic damage. The target must break free. This ability heals for 5% of the maximum health if the target dies while being drained.
Daedric Whip
A melee ability that deals immense physical damage.
Dark Talons
Roots up to two targets in place and deals major flame damage.
Quick Strike
A basic melee attack that deals major physical damage.
Fiery Breath
The boss breathes fire, dealing devastating flame damage in a frontal cone. Avoid this ability when the Xivkyn begins to channel it.
Healing Shield
The boss envelopes itself in a yellow barrier and channels a healing spell. While the barrier is up, it absorbs 4% of the monster's health in damage against 4 players.
Rotating Reflective Shield
While green, the shield reduces damage from melee attacks and reflects ranged physical attacks. While blue, the shield reflects spell projectiles.
Vampiric Ground
The Xivkyn summons a black circle of shadowy mist that saps the health of anyone who stands in it. The circle deals major magic damage. When the mist draws life from someone, the energy is siphoned to the Xivkyn, forming a green shield around it. When the mist siphons enough life energy, the barrier turns white, and the Xivkyn becomes enraged, dealing more damage on its next hit.
Summon Vampiric Totem
Summons three Vampiric Totems. These totems draw life from players standing near them by dealing continuous low magic damage, and when they disappear, they send their collected life energy to the boss, healing it for approximately 100,000 points of health for each totem left standing.
Mind Spike
While out-of-combat, the boss reveals all stealthed players in an area around them indicated by a blue ring. Any revealed player cannot return to stealth for some time.
Soul Devour
When a player dies while in combat with a Coldharbour Elite Guard, it absorps the player's energy and heals themselves for ~200k health.


There are a few achievements associated with this enemy:

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-Xivkyn Assassin.png Xivkyn Assassin 10 Kill 1 member of the Coldharbour Elite Guard.
ON-icon-achievement-Xivkyn's Scourge.png Xivkyn's Scourge 15 Kill 50 members of the Coldharbour Elite Guard.
ON-icon-achievement-Xivkyn's Bane.png Xivkyn's Bane 50 Kill 100 members of the Coldharbour Elite Guard.