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Online:Danel Telleno

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Danel Telleno
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Mages Guild
Danel Telleno

Danel Telleno is a Dark Elf and a master craftsman. He will help train you in enchanting, alchemy, and provisioning to earn a certification. In order to take advantage of this service, you must meet him at the Mages Guildhall in Vulkhel Guard, Davon's Watch or Daggerfall, depending on the Alliance your character is a part of. Alternatively, you can meet him in the capital city of any zone added by a Chapter.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Crafting Certification[edit]

If you choose to approach him directly to start the quest:

"If you came for crafting certification, I can assist you."

Speaking to him:

"You must be here to learn a craft, yes? Your alliance covers my considerable fees, allowing me to impart my knowledge at no cost to you.
If you prove yourself, I'll certify you as competent to fulfill crafting writs."
Crafting writs? What are they?

Or, if you got the quest by reading the writs board.

"You're here for crafting certification, yes? Fear not, your alliance covers my considerable fees.
If you can prove your basic competence, I'll certify you so you may fulfill crafting writs."
Yes, I saw a notice. How do the crafting writs work?

Either way, the conversation goes as usual.

"Crafting writs are daily requests for crafted goods. You must be a certified crafter to fulfill them.
Prove you know what you're doing, and I'll certify you."
All right. Tell me what you can certify.
"I'm authorized to train and certify provisioners, alchemists, and enchanters. If this interests you, we should begin immediately."
Who else can certify me?
"Hmm. I suppose I should mention Millenith. She certifies blacksmiths, clothiers, and woodworkers … if you're into that sort of thing.
But that's uncharitable of me. She's a true master of the material crafts."
All right, I'll go speak with her.

If this option is chosen, the quest will redirect you to Millenith. If Danel is spoken to again, he'll say:

"At times I wonder if I should have remained a chef rather than join the Mages Guild. Perhaps I'd have served the Emperor. "Served" … a jest, you see?
But I have no regrets. Mastery of three crafts is its own reward."
I want to know more about the crafts you certify. / Tell me more about the crafts you cerify.
"Certainly. Please specify."
What do provisioners make?
"Food and drink—anything that warms the belly, reinvigorating body and mind. If you choose to learn this art, I will impart the culinary knowledge I acquired over the course of decades."
What does an alchemist make?
"Potions of all kinds. The subtle art of mixing reagents can produce rather unsubtle effects."
What can enchanters make?
"Glyphs to empower weapons, armor, and jewelry with magical properties. I can teach you how to wreath your axe with flames, or give cloth robes the strength of iron."
All right, I've got it.
"Hmm. I suppose I should mention Millenith. She certifies blacksmiths, clothiers, and woodworkers … if you're into that sort of thing.
But that's uncharitable of me. She's a true master of the material crafts."
No, I want you to certify me./All right, I'm ready for certification.
"Good. We should begin while things are busy for neither of us."

If you exit out of the conversation before turning in the quest, he will say:

"If you're ready to be certified, we should begin."
I'm ready to be certified. (Leads to quest completion dialogue)

After this you'll have completed the quest, and you can ask him to certify on his crafts.

If you haven't been certified for any craft, he'll say:

"There is much more I can teach you. What else do you hope to learn from me?"

If you have been certified for one of the crafts, he'll say:

"Your command of the craft is impressive, but not yet in totality. I am still capable of instructing you."

If you have been certified for two of the crafts, he'll say:

"Your command of the crafts is impressive, but not yet in totality. I am still capable of instructing you."

Alchemist Certification[edit]

Tell me more about alchemy certification.
"Alchemists are masters of the elixir. They trap magic in a bottle for later use.
But I can only certify you in one discipline at a time. If this is agreeable, we can begin your training."
I want to be certified as an alchemist.
"As with master chefs, every alchemist must assemble the right components before crafting a special concoction. Are you so capable? We shall see.
I require you to locate a solvent and some reagents. Then, you shall craft me a potion."
I need to create a potion to be certified?
"Yes. Every alchemical mixture requires a solvent—a pure liquid base—and reagents, such as herbs and flowers.
Now go, find a solvent and some reagents. Once you have what you need, return to me."
If you need any of the materials required:
If you already have the materials required:
If your Alchemy skill is high enough:
Where can I find solvents and reagents?
"There's a quiet area nearby with mountain flowers and columbine. A fresh source of water can't be far from them.
If you find nothing there, venture into the wilds and seek them for yourself."
Where else can I find solvents and reagents?
"In the wilderness. You'll find herbs, flowers, and mushrooms all around. These make the best reagents.
As for solvents? Look for bubbling springs in lakes, ponds, streams, and shores—sealed bottles, as well. Purity of the solvent is key."
I'll return with the ingredients.
I believe I already have those ingredients.
"Good. Now, go to an alchemy station. Use a solvent and two differing reagents to craft a potion. The reagents must possess common traits, or you'll waste all components.
You see? Alchemy is as simple as pairing like with like."
I'll go craft that potion, then.
"Blend the solvent's purity with the reagents' traits. Return to me when you've crafted a potion."
The ingredients were a good blend. I have the potion here.
"Your potions have a slight fizz to them, but your skill with admixtures is unquestioned … far better than my former apprentice.
You are now authorized to obtain and fulfill alchemy writs. May your elixirs remain potent and your reagents fresh."
I'm very familiar with alchemy already.
"I know your skill. I can smell the potency of your elixirs from here. Yet I wondered if an accomplished alchemist such as yourself would be humble enough to learn from a master.
So? Are you?"
I want you to certify me.
"Very well. You remind me of a former apprentice.
Now that you're certified, you can obtain and fulfill alchemy writs. May your titrations avoid the kind of shortcuts you took today."

Once you've gathered all the materials:

"Locate a solvent and some reagents so you may craft a potion.
I'll remain here. For now."
Ingredients located. Have them right here.
"An apprentice of mine tried to use sea water as a solvent. I had him drink the results.
He agreed it was a terrible idea … after he finished retching."
I'll remember that. I'm ready for the next step.
"Good. Now, go to an alchemy station. Use a solvent and two differing reagents to craft a potion. The reagents must possess common traits, or you'll waste all components.
You see? Alchemy is as simple as pairing like with like."
How do I know which reagent traits are common?
"Open your knapsack and place them in your mouth. The first time you consume a reagent, you'll learn its most rudimentary trait.
True, some taste quite foul. But it's a small price to pay for the power of alchemy."
How can potions benefit me?
"Potions have far too many benefits to recount. Expect them to have strong effects for short periods of time.
Or are you asking how to use them? Open the stopper, place them to your lips, and swallow. Don't pour them on your hair … lesson learned."

Once you've made the potion:

"Blend the solvent's purity with the reagents' traits. Return to me when you've crafted a potion."
The ingredients were a good blend. I have the potion here.
"Your potions have a slight fizz to them, but your skill with admixtures is unquestioned … far better than my former apprentice.
You are now authorized to obtain and fulfill alchemy writs. May your elixirs remain potent and your reagents fresh."

Talking to him again before turning in the quest:

"Discovering the effects of potions comes with trial and error.
Often, far too much error."
I'll remember that. I'm ready to be certified as an alchemist.
"Your potions have a slight fizz to them, but your skill with admixtures is unquestioned … far better than my former apprentice.
You are now authorized to obtain and fulfill alchemy writs. May your elixirs remain potent and your reagents fresh."

Talking to him again before turning in the quest if your crafting skill level is high enough:

"What do you require? Does the matter demand urgency?"
I'm ready to be certified as an alchemist.
"Very well. You remind me of a former apprentice.
Now that you're certified, you can obtain and fulfill alchemy writs. May your titrations avoid the kind of shortcuts you took today."

Enchanter Certification[edit]

I'm interested in enchanting certification.
"Enchanters harness the possibility of runes, transforming them into the certainty of glyphs.
I'll teach you, but I can only focus on one certification at a time. Is this agreeable?"
I want to be certifed [sic] as an enchanter.
"Potency, essence, and aspect. All beneath the stars bear these component concepts. When combined they form glyphs, which add enchantments to items.
First, you'll find these component runes. Then, I will have you create a glyph."
I need to create a glyph to be certified?
"Absolutely, for such is the essence of enchanting.
Runes of potency, essence, and aspect are the fundamental components of glyphs. Collect one of each variety before you return."
If you need any of the materials required:
If you already have the materials required:
If your Enchanting skill is high enough:
Where can I find a potency, essence, and aspect rune?
"I know of a cache outside this town. It is a rare exception for runes to be clustered so close together, so thank whatever gods you worship.
Should the runes be absent, you must search further afield."
Where else can I find runes?
"There are many places one can find runes, but the ancient ruins of Tamriel are where I look first. Outside, primarily—they tend to gutter out if kept away from starlight."
I'll return with the runes.
I already have the runes you're talking about.
"We begin at the enchanting table. There, you will combine a rune of potency, essence, and aspect. This simple puzzle forms a glyph.
Now go, piece them together."
I'll go craft that rune, then.
"Craft a glyph using a rune of potency, essence, and aspect. Return when you have forged intent into form."
Form accomplished. I have the glyph here.
"You should attach it to an item, so you can see the enchantment's effects.
You are now certified to fulfill enchanting writs. May you unravel the secrets of Nirn."
I'm already an experienced enchanter.
"Ha … I admit to testing you. Your aura hums with potential, and I wished to see if you knew it as well.
Also, if you were humble enough to learn from a master such as I. Are you?"
I want you to certify me
"Ah. I understand, you are far too certain in your grasp of the concept.
Well then, you are now certified to fulfill enchanting writs. Best of luck avoiding mistranslations. The self-immolating glyphs are quite easy to misread."

Once you've gathered all the materials:

"Once you recover three runes—one each of potency, essence, and aspect—we shall begin the enchanting process."
I have them right here.
"You likely noticed their distinctive flares of light."
I did. What's our next step?
"We begin at the enchanting table. There, you will combine a rune of potency, essence, and aspect. This simple puzzle forms a glyph.
Now go, piece them together."
How do I use glyphs?
"Each glyph is best suited for weapons, armor, or jewelry. Simply place the glyph upon an unenchanted item of that type and the enchantment will take hold.
A word of caution—once applied, they are permanent."
If I can put glyphs together, can I take them apart?
"Indeed you can. Bring the glyph to any enchanting station. There, you can extract it to recover some runes that went into its creation.
To note, extracting another enchanter's glyphs can teach you far more than extracting your own runes."

Once you've made the glyph:

"Craft a glyph using a rune of potency, essence, and aspect. Return when you have forged intent into form."
Form accomplished. I have the glyph here.
"You should attach it to an item, so you can see the enchantment's effects.
You are now certified to fulfill enchanting writs. May you unravel the secrets of Nirn."

Talking to him again before turning in the quest:

"Glyphs are powerful things. They transform potential into certainty.
Also, you can sell them for coin. I once bought a fine pony with my proceeds. And before you ask, it was delicious."
Sounds tasty. I'm ready to be certified as an enchanter.
"You should attach it to an item, so you can see the enchantment's effects.
You are now certified to fulfill enchanting writs. May you unravel the secrets of Nirn."

Talking to him again before turning in the quest if your crafting skill level is high enough:

"How may I enlighten you this day?"
I accept certification.
"Ah. I understand, you are far too certain in your grasp of the concept.
Well then, you are now certified to fulfill enchanting writs. Best of luck avoiding mistranslations. The self-immolating glyphs are quite easy to misread."

Provisioner Certification[edit]

What can you tell me about provisioning certification?
"A provisioner condenses the essence of ingredients into food or drink. A true artist balances palate with nutrition.
I can share this noble profession, but I can only certify one craft at a time. Understood?"
I want to be certifed [sic] as a provisioner.
"Provisioning is a rewarding, yet grueling profession. "Gruel," you see? I am capable of levity … on occasion.
First, you'll need a recipe and some ingredients. Then, you shall roast a pig."
You'll certify me if I roast a pig?
"Yes. I hope you don't think it beneath you.
As bards learn lyrics before singing them, provisioners must work from recipes. A recipe specifies volume, proportion, and preparation time. Understanding these principles is key."
If you need any of the materials required:
If you already have the materials required:
If your Provisioning skill is high enough:
Very well. Where should I find a recipe?
"I keep an old rival's recipe nearby. Go—find and memorize it. Return to me when you have done so."
Where else can I find recipes?
"Provisioners are quite secretive, but all is fair in brews and stews. Some provisioners hide recipes in old drawers or shelves, thinking themselves clever. Better to memorize the recipe. Then others cannot possibly learn your secrets."
Is there anywhere I can purchase recipes?
"Should coin be of no issue to you, guilds often sell such items in their guild stores.
You may also trade with an ally, if they have any excess."
I have the ingredients to make roast pig, and I know the recipe. What's next?
"Now, the moment of truth. Go to a cooking pot with your ingredients and follow the recipe.
Return to me with the results, so your worth as a cook may be judged."
Do I have to cook roast pig? I'm already a skilled provisioner.
"I know who you are. I know every competitor. I merely wondered if you were humble enough to learn from a master.
Well? Are you?"
No. Certify me as a provisioner.
"Hmph. I had hoped to learn the secret to your trotter pie.
No matter, I'll certify you immediately. You may now fulfill provisioning writs. Try not to poison anyone."
-This dialogue finishes the quest-
All right, but I know that recipe and have the ingredients to make it.
"Now, the moment of truth. Go to a cooking pot with your ingredients and follow the recipe.
Return to me with the results, so your worth as a cook may be judged."

If he's spoken to before learning his recipe:

"Return to me when you learn the recipe. Commit it to memory. Then we'll speak of ingredients."

Once you've learn the recipe:

"Roast pig is an easy recipe to learn, but difficult to master."
I learned the recipe. What's next?/I already know the recipe for roast pig. What next?
"Provisioners are only as good as their ingredients. The fewer, the better—simplicity of pairing is key.
Now, go find ingredients for roast pig. If my stocks are empty, you should find what you need in town."
Where else can I find ingredients?
"Barrels. Sacks of grain. Kitchens, of course.
It's food. It's simply around. Find what you need and take it."
Is there anywhere I can purchase ingredients?
"Should coin be of no issue to you, guilds often sell such items in their guild stores.
You may also trade with an ally, if they have any excess."

Once you've find the ingredients:

"Once you return with the ingredients, we'll determine whether you know how to combine them."
I'm ready to try. I have them right here.
"I've always believed the hunt for ingredients is its own reward."
I had a successful hunt. What's my next step?
"Now, the moment of truth. Go to a cooking pot with your ingredients and follow the recipe.
Return to me with the results, so your worth as a cook may be judged."
If I run out of ingredients , where can I find some more?
"Barrels. Sacks of grain. Kitchens, of course.
It's food. It's simply around. Find what you need and take it."
What is the difference between cooking and brewing?
"Ingredients? One is solid, the other liquid?
Truly, I don't understand the question."
How can provisioning benefit me?
"Quality food and drink boosts your energy, and a full belly lasts for quite some time.
A provisioner's fare is much healthier than any old slop you find around. Why eat a bandit's grilled capon when you can make your own?"

Once you've cooked a roast pig:

"Bring me your culinary creation so I might inspect it. I'll determine whether or not you deserve certification."
It's right here. Eat up.
'Interesting scent. Do I detect a hint of wamasu? No, that can't be right.
Not how I'd do it, of course … but interesting enough to pass certification. You may now fulfill provisioning writs. Keep your pots warm and your ladle clean."

Talking to him again before turning in the quest:

"Well? Have you mastered the art of roasting a pig?"
I think so. What do you think?
'Interesting scent. Do I detect a hint of wamasu? No, that can't be right.
Not how I'd do it, of course … but interesting enough to pass certification. You may now fulfill provisioning writs. Keep your pots warm and your ladle clean."

Talking to him again before turning in the quest if your crafting skill level is high enough:

"What can this humble master of the craft provide?"
I'm ready to be certified as a provisioner.
"Hmph. I had hoped to learn the secret to your trotter pie.
No matter, I'll certify you immediately. You may now fulfill provisioning writs. Try not to poison anyone."


If you talk to him after getting all his certifications, but not the ones Millenith can provide, he'll say.

"You show promise in every discipline I certify. Perhaps you seek to challenge my position as thrice-accredited master craftsman.
If so, Millenith offers blacksmith, clothier, and woodworking certification. I last saw her at the local Fighters Guild."

Or if you have already all the certifications available:

"Mastery of three crafts is its own reward."

Either way, you can ask him about himself:

I have a few questions.
"Certainly. Please specify."
How did you become a master crafter?
"Decades ago, before all the trouble, I was a renowned chef in Cyrodiil. I had engaged an exclusive contract to provide the Mages Guild in their travels, providing food and drink that wouldn't spoil when carried through portals."
How did you learn enchanting and alchemy?
"Broiling fish, forging glyphs, or mixing potions—it's all recipes and ingredients. I proved the theory when I joined the ranks of the Mages Guild. Mastered both crafts within three years. Not that I'm bragging."