Waking Flame

Online:Cyronin Artellian

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Cyronin Artellian
Location The Dread Cellar - Confessional
Race Imperial Gender Male
Health Normal2,873,301Veteran9,324,750 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Order of the Waking Flame
Imperial Battlemages, Imperial Legion (formerly)
Cyronin Artellian

Cyronin Artellian is an Imperial Waking Flame cultist that serves as the second boss of The Dread Cellar.

He is a disgraced Imperial Battlemage that was posted to the Cellar with Martus Tullius as an interrogator, and they both tortured many of the inmates to extract their memories. Unlike Martus, he enjoyed the work.

The Spire Council eventually abandoned the Cellar. Martus did not know what happened to Cyronin after he left, but tried to forget him. Cyronin stayed behind, and with the help of the Waking Flame, he is now overseeing the creation of the Antecedent Cataclyst.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

Dread Surge
The Crystal Cathode

Cyronin Artellian is initially accompanied by two sturdy Storm Atronachs.

A basic ranged attack dealing moderate shock damage.
A basic melee attack dealing low physical damage.
Staff Strike
Cyronin Artellian performs a jumping attack with his staff, dealing high physical damage. This can be blocked.
Lightning Bolt
Follow-up of "Staff Strike", regardless of if it landed or missed. A red circle appears on who was targeted previously, where a shocking bolt strikes down, dealing very high shock damage. Try to make it land away from other group members.
Dread Surge
Cyronin Artellian animates the Crystal Cathode on the arena's ceiling by shooting it with electrified orbs, which in turn causes waves of crimson energy to flow throughout the room. They navigate in quick successive waves, leaving only a short route to navigate around. Being touched by one deals massive magical damage. Counter by looking where Martus puts up a shield wall and lead the boss there.
Cyronin Artellian raises his staff upwards, releasing large red skull projectiles from it at targets, each dealing massive magical damage. These must be dodged. Going further back will help with detection.
Summon Boltwyrms
Cyronin Artellian summons a group of Boltwyrms nearby. These will tether to a specific target at random and need to be destroyed by whoever is tethered (even a tank) as they will take increasing damage and snares, which can make dodging "Dread Surge" harder.
Summon Dead
Occasionally, Restless Dead will burrow out of the ground to harass the party.
Summon Atronachs
If the initial two Storm Atronachs have been slain, Cyronin Artellian will summon two more not long after.


At the Confessional:

Martus Tullius: "We stopped its harvesting, at least, but I feel far greater concentrations of this power ahead."
Cyronin Artellian: "Is that you, Martus? I thought you'd lost your appetite for screams."
Lucilla Caprenia: "A battlemage? Martus, you know him?"
Martus Tullius: "Whatever you've gotten yourself involved in, Cyronin, it ends here."

If you delay starting combat:

"You know, Martus, I might have offered a place here to an old comrade, but I have no need for a man who's lost his resolve."
"What's the saying? That which does not kill me, makes me stronger? Oh, ho ho ho. If only they knew."
"You can't imagine what the Waking Flame has accomplished here, with me. Maybe I'll let you live long enough to see it."
"Has the Battlespire stooped to hiring mercenaries, Martus? Or did you run away from there too?"
"Is that a potential with you? She still has a sparkle of innocence in her eyes. I love watching it die."
"To be honest, I'm glad the Empire fell. Abandoning the pretense of interrogation has made my work so much more fulfilling."

During combat:

"Can you feel it? The palpable dread?"
"Cower and beg for release!"
"Drown in their fear!"
"Claw over yourselves for an escape."
"If you listen carefully, you can still hear all their screams."
"It won't be near so quick or so gentle for you, Martus."[verification needed — Circumstances for saying this?]
"Do you know what it's like to beg for death? I'll show you."

Upon a group wipe:

"A little fresh agony for the Scorions to lap up."
"I expected more, Martus. But I suppose I always was superior in the application of pain."
"No, no. I can't have you all die on me. Where would be the fun in that?"
"They were lucky to die so quickly. Come, Martus, we have catching up to do."
"Clear your minds of all but pain and fear!"

With Martus:

Martus Tullius: "He's channeling short pulses!"
Cyronin Artellian: "Is that malice in your eyes, Martus? Have I rekindled your passion for causing pain?"
Martus Tullius: "You've always had a special place of loathing in my heart, Cyronin."
Cyronin Artellian: "It's not the killing I enjoy most. But I do enjoy it."
Cyronin Artellian: "Your potential didn't know the depths you were leading her down. Maybe I'll show her how deep they go."
Martus Tullius: "Our concern for how low you've sunk ends when we bury you."
Cyronin Artellian: "The terror wells up in this place. It wells up in you."
Martus Tullius: "He's gathered a fair amount of energy. Be ready to dodge!"
Cyronin Artellian: "Can you feel it? The palpable dread?"
Martus Tullius: "Stay light on your feet, he's about to make you dance."
Cyronin Artellian: "Why so glum, Martus? Aren't you pleased to know I turned all that pointless suffering into something greater?
Martus Tullius: "I do take some satisfaction knowing you've damned your soul to Oblivion."
Cyronin Artellian: "Your problem is you always think too small. You can't even imagine what the Prince of Ambition has planned."
Martus Tullius: "No need to imagine when it ends here."


The following achievements are related to this dungeon.

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-The Dread Cellar Vanquisher.png The Dread Cellar Vanquisher 10 Defeat the Scorion Broodlord, Cyronin Artellian, and the Magma Incarnate in the Dread Cellar.
ON-icon-achievement-Rest in Pieces.png Rest in Pieces 10 Destroy 200 Restless Dead as a group while fighting Cyronin Artellian in the Dread Cellar.
ON-icon-achievement-The Dread Cellar Challenger.png The Dread Cellar Challenger 50 Complete the listed achievements for Veteran Dread Cellar.
ON-icon-achievement-The Dread Cellar Conqueror.png The Dread Cellar Conqueror 10 Defeat the Scorion Broodlord, Cyronin Artellian, and the Magma Incarnate in Veteran Dread Cellar.
ON-icon-achievement-Tormenting the Torturer.png Tormenting the Torturer 50 Defeat the Cyronin Artellian after placing the challenge banner in Veteran Dread Cellar.
ON-icon-achievement-Dreadful Dash.png Dreadful Dash 50 Defeat all encounters in addition to the Scorion Broodlord, Cyronin Artellian, and the Magma Incarnate within 25 minutes of entering Veteran Dread Cellar. Your timer starts when you engage the first group of enemies.
ON-icon-achievement-Stay of Execution.png Stay of Execution 50 Defeat all encounters in addition to the Scorion Broodlord, Cyronin Artellian, and the Magma Incarnate in Veteran Dread Cellar without suffering a group member death.
ON-icon-achievement-Battlespire's Best.png Battlespire's Best 50 Defeat all encounters in addition to the Scorion Broodlord, Cyronin Artellian, and the Magma Incarnate after placing the Challenge Banners in Veteran Dread Cellar within 25 minutes without suffering a group member death.