Online:Cynric Ginise
Cynric Ginise | |||
Location | Garick's Rest | ||
Race | Breton | Gender | Male |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Condition | Spirit |
Cynric Ginise is the spirit of a Breton knight who can be found at Garick's Rest.
Related Quests[edit]
- Race for Honor: Complete the three Trials of Worth.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
You can first see Amunara speaking to Cynric:
- Amunara: "This will keep you out of Amunara's fur until she gets the shield."
<As you approach the scene, she disappears in smoke>
- Cynric Ginise: "Tides swallow her! Ah … traveler, may I ask a favor?"
When spoken to:
- "I have honorably guarded Lady Garick's trials for more lifetimes than I can recall. And this necromancer thinks she can cow me? I'll have none of it!
Apologies. Thank you for stopping. Would you kindly douse that censer and unbind me?" - Who are you? And what trials do you guard?
- "I am the steward of Garick's Rest. And I am bound to this place until someone completes the Trials of Worth. Three tests that measure the qualities a knight needs to bear Lady Garick's Sacred Shield.
Unless you're a schemer like Amunara." - What does she want?
- "To take the Sacred Shield without daring the Trials of Worth. But only one who passes the trials learns the words that dismiss the wards guarding the shield.
If you can win the shield before the necromancer steals it, I will reward you." - Let me take these trials. I'll get the Sacred Shield before Amunara.
- "Perhaps you are the very soul I've waited for all these years. Someone worthy enough to earn Lady Garick's most treasured possession.
Please pick up the censer and extinguish it. I suspect that should end the necromancer's binding." - I have some questions before I release you.
- "Yes, I'm certain you do. Only an incurious fool wouldn't seek to know more.
But, it may surprise you to learn that I find being bound like this deeply unpleasant. Please, collect and extinguish the censer. I will answer every question once I'm free."
Once freed:
- Cynric Ginise: "Now I'll gladly answer your questions. Hmm … you should hold on to that censer."
Speaking to him to know more about the trials:
- "Already you show more virtuous character than Amunara ever will. Your compassion will go remembered.
Now, enter Garick's Rest to begin the Trials of Worth. Pass with honor, but move quickly. I cannot allow Amunara to cheat her way to the shield." - What can you tell me about these Trials of Worth?
- "As I said, three trials await you. Perseverance, Wits, and Constitution. They each test a virtue that Lady Garick sought in those she sailed with.
I will meet you before each one to explain your goal and offer guidance. After that, it's up to you." - And the Trials provide a password?
- "Correct. Magical wards surround the shield. After honorably completing each Trial, you'll learn a phrase that dispels this protection.
Amunara wanted me to tell her this phrase, but I refused. I worry about her plans to get around the wards." - Why did Lady Garick create the Trials of Worth?
- "They began as a way to weed out those who would serve her poorly. Many aspired to sail with the great Lady Joslin Garick. But she'd only accept the best.
If an applicant passed each challenge while maintaining their honor, she welcomed them aboard." - So when did the trials become about earning the shield?
- "Before her last voyage, Lady Garick asked me to find a new bearer for her shield if she did not return. I swore an oath to find someone worthy.
That oath holds me here to this day. Only when the shield is fairly won can I rest."
- "As I said, three trials await you. Perseverance, Wits, and Constitution. They each test a virtue that Lady Garick sought in those she sailed with.
- What makes this shield so valuable? / I'd like to know why the shield is so valuable?
- "Lady Garick called it her Sacred Shield. She claimed that a saint of Arkay blessed it with his blood. While she held it, no injury could befall her.
I have no reason to doubt this belief. Only when she left it behind did she die in battle." - Why did Lady Garick leave it with you?
- "I have thought on that question for ages. At the time, my place was not to question her judgment.
I keep reflecting on what she told me—If I don't return, may this preserve my memory. Perhaps she knew the voyage was doomed no matter what." - Why do you think Amunara wants it?
- "She declined to tell me. To be honest, I chose not to ask. I knew from the moment I saw Amunara that she wasn't honorable enough to deserve the shield.
Strange, though. A shield blessed by the power of Arkay should repel a necromancer."
- "Lady Garick called it her Sacred Shield. She claimed that a saint of Arkay blessed it with his blood. While she held it, no injury could befall her.
- Tell me more about Lady Garick.
- "Ah, Lady Joslin Garick. A premier captain of the All Flags Navy. Sailors flocked from all across the sea to sail with her.
She was stern, efficient, and shrewd. And she was loyal. Always brought her crew home safely. Except the last time." - What happened during her last voyage?
- "I can't say for certain. That Colovian admiral—oh, what was his name …. Well, he ordered the whole fleet to Thras. Lady Garick and her crew never returned.
The Rest became quite lonely with her gone. But I managed to stay honorably occupied." - What did you do in her absence?
- "I kept watch over Garick's Rest. I wanted it to stay pristine, just in case.
Challengers continued to arrive, looking to pass the Trials of Worth. Word spread that the prize was now Lady Garick's fabled shield. That kept me quite busy, for a time." - Only for a time?
- "The rush to earn the shield slowed to a trickle. I think people started to believe the task was impossible. Eventually, they stopped all together.
But I stayed at my post! Lady Garick gave me an order, and I refused to shirk it. Even after I died." - How did you die?
- "Oh, I met my end as an old man. While cleaning cobwebs off one of the traps, I felt a pain in my chest. Then, just darkness.
I woke up above my body. Quite the shock, I'll say. But it made sense. From there I just … kept to my routine."
- "Ah, Lady Joslin Garick. A premier captain of the All Flags Navy. Sailors flocked from all across the sea to sail with her.
- I'd like to change the subject. (Goes right back to previous questions)
- "Certainly. Any time you wish.
But, please remember that Amunara has already entered Garick's Rest. We should hurry to get started before too long."
- "Certainly. Any time you wish.
After speaking to Amunara:
- Cynric Ginise: "Ignore her poisonous words! Stay true to your honor!"
- Amunara: "This one's binding failed? I worked hard to make that!"
When spoken to:
- "Words from a hateful creature such as her can only poison your heart. Even attacking someone so lowly would bring dishonor.
You must continue on to the Trials of Worth without fail. Let none break your stride!"
As you head towards the first trial:
- Amunara: "Say goodbye to the shield, ghost-knight!"<Amunara vanishes in a puff of smoke>
- Cynric Ginise: "Hmm. Quickly, enter the first trial."
When you enter the Trial of Perseverance:
- Cynric Ginise: "Welcome to your first test—the Trial of Perseverance."
- Cynric Ginise: "Best the foes awaiting you and unlock the door to pass."
When spoken to:
- "A person of honor demonstrates that they will overcome any obstacle with tenacity. The Trial of Perseverance challenges you with unending foes who will attack ceaselessly until you escape.
Or … it did until Amunara's lackeys wrecked the test." - What challenges do I face?
- "Two rooms with locked exits. Each room swarms with hideous creatures ready to destroy you.
Fight through the hordes, then pull the levers to unlock the doors. Only then may you escape."
- "Two rooms with locked exits. Each room swarms with hideous creatures ready to destroy you.
- How did Amunara's hirelings wreck the trial?
- "Typically I've stocked the room with so many creatures that a challenger must wade through them like mud. As those brutes came through, they had enough people to easily thin the swarm.
No matter. You weren't involved, so it's no harm to your honor."
- "Typically I've stocked the room with so many creatures that a challenger must wade through them like mud. As those brutes came through, they had enough people to easily thin the swarm.
Unlock the next door:
- Cynric Ginise: "The first exit is now unlocked. Proceed!"
Unlock the second door:
- Cynric Ginise: "The second exit is unlocked! Exit to complete this trial."
In the next room:
- Cynric Ginise: "You've shown great endurance, challenger. Well done."
- Cynric Ginise: "To learn the phrase needed to win the shield, memorize the words on this tablet."
Speaking to him before reading the tablet:
- "After each trial, I'll present you with a tablet. Every tablet has words of honor from Lady Joslin Garick herself.
Remember these words. They will form the pass phrase needed to open the wards that protect the Sacred Shield."
Read the tablet...
- "Lady Garick rose from a low-born child to become a highly respected captain in the All Flags Navy. She knew the value of pushing past any obstacle, even when you believe all is lost.
You demonstrate this same tenacity. I am impressed." - What is next for me?
- "Next, you will encounter the Trial of Wits. Sailors must know how to think on their feet. No one writes a manual for everything you encounter on the high seas.
Now, move quickly. Amunara continues her destruction of the fortress to bypass the wards." - I'll proceed to the next trial.
- "Continue south out of this room and through the caves. You will find the Trial of Wits just beyond.
Or you can take the shortcut through the east wall, if heights don't scare you." - I saw Amunara and one of her hirelings perform some sort of magical attack. /I saw Amunara and one of her minions performing some sort of magical attack.
- "Yes, I have watched them tearing down walls across the fortress. She was not exaggerating about her plans to gain the shield.
The only way to honorably defeat her is to pass the Trials of Worth. So hurry! Our time slips away."
- "Yes, I have watched them tearing down walls across the fortress. She was not exaggerating about her plans to gain the shield.
- What was Lady Garick like? / Can you tell me about Lady Joslin Garick?
- "A magnificent knight. An incredible sailor. She was unrelenting, intelligent, and kind. Serving under her in the Order of the Sacred Shield, even for a millennium, would be an unsatisfying amount of time."
At the Trail of Wits:
- Cynric Ginise: "The Trial of Wits begins here. Observe the four tablets around the room. In the proper order, they will light your path."
Read the tablets and Cynric will give you a hint:
- Cynric Ginise: "Every part of the story points in a direction. But only the proper order of events provides illumination."
Speaking to him:
- "The worthy must stay clear-minded in unfamiliar situations. They devise solutions to unexpected conundrums. Think through the challenge and keep your wits.
Good luck, challenger." - You mentioned a story? How will a story help me know the order to light the braziers in? / How will a story help me know the order to light the braziers in?
- "Each story will mention a cardinal direction. Use those, along with the order of the tablets, to help you succeed."
- Amunara was just here. She's looking for you.
- "I made it clear to her that I would not bend to her demands. I can make it clear again if I need to."
Light the wrong brazier:
- Cynric Ginise: "A wise sailor learns from their mistakes. Try once again."
Light the first correct brazier:
- Cynric Ginise: "A strong first step."
Light the last correct brazier:
- Cynric Ginise: "Impressive. The next tablet waits beyond the northern door."
In the next room:
- Cynric Ginise: "Read the tablet to learn the next part of the pass phrase."
Speaking to him before reading:
- "You may not always have a map to guide you in life. Sometimes you need to learn from the stories of those who came before. Then use your wits to chart a path.
Read the tablet to learn the next portion of the pass phrase to gain the Sacred Shield."
After reading the tablet, Cynric will suddenly be pulled from the room:
- Cynric Ginise: "Huh? What sorcery comes now?"
- Cynric Ginise: "Brigand! Unhand me!"
- Amunara: "Lower the wards, ghost-knight!"
- Cynric Ginise: "Nay!"
- Amunara: "Your lady is dead. What does it matter?"
- Cynric Ginise: "It's a matter of honor!"
- Amunara vanishes.
- Cynric Ginise: "She's changed the rules. We must speak."
Speaking to him about what happened:
- "I have not felt pain in so long. How cruel a villain who causes suffering in an innocent spirit! Before, I was defending Lady Garick's honor. Now, mine is at stake.
Since you passed the Trial of Wits, you may proceed. With one alteration." - What kind of alteration?
- "I previously refrained from asking you to attack Amunara. It seemed that defeating her by the Trials of Worth was the more honorable path.
But she's bound me, torn at my home, and now summoned me like a common specter. I shall refrain no longer." - You want me to attack her?
- "Yes, but not in some plain manner. We can use Amunara's own censer to bind her. As you carried it, the device will have reattuned for living energies.
Next time we meet her, light the incense then toss it at her. It will bind her as she trapped me." - What should I do until I see her again?
- "In her recklessness, Amunara buried the door to the third trial under rubble. But I know a hidden route.
First, you'll need the key. I can mark on your map where to find it in the library. We'll reconvene there. After I've pulled myself together." - What did Amunara do to you?
- "She grasped my soul as though I were still a man of flesh, but lifted me like a child.
As you saw, Amunara's patience has run out. I underestimated her. She'll raze the whole fortress for the shield. The quicker you pass the final trial, the better."
- "She grasped my soul as though I were still a man of flesh, but lifted me like a child.
- Where did you learn how Amunara's censer works?
- "During centuries of death, one finds many opportunities for study. You'll see how large the library of Garick's Rest is. I grew curious about my nature and did some reading.
Turns out that spiritual energy manipulation is fairly simple." - That's how you understand this binding magic?
- "I won't claim to be a full-fledged necromancer. But Amunara's device looks fairly standard issue to me.
The incense is energy-receptive. It passively attunes to dominant existential energy nearby. Once triggered, the trap seeks similar energy." - You sound fairly knowledgeable about the topic.
- "As I said—many centuries, my friend."
- "During centuries of death, one finds many opportunities for study. You'll see how large the library of Garick's Rest is. I grew curious about my nature and did some reading.
If you are a Necromancer, you can also ask:
- I'm a necromancer. How could I make one?
- "Most of the parts are common. You'll find the censer itself in any temple. Assuming temples still exist in this era.
I can't say where to find the energy-receptive incense though. All my sources are out of date by more than a thousand years."
Speak to him before leaving:
- "I had forgotten what exhaustion feels like. In fact, I died so long ago that I think I'd forgotten that I'd forgotten the feeling. I have mixed opinions about this.
Go ahead to the library. Find the key for the hidden route. I will see you there."
In the library:
- Cynric Ginise: "It's been a very long time since I've been here. We hid the key under one of the rugs. Hopefully, it's still there."
Speaking to him before pulling the rugs:
- "My apologies for not remembering the exact location of the key. I'm certain it is in this room, though."
- What can I expect from the third test?
- "The Trial of Constitution will test your hardiness in one of the castle's old training grounds. You can expect to be assailed by dangerous traps and snares.
No challenger has completed this trial since I walked among the living."
Find the key:
- Cynric Ginise: "Found it? Excellent. The secret passage is on the top level of the gardens. I'll meet you there."
Speaking to him again:
- "It pains me to think that I'm going to the castle's once beautiful gardens just to find necromancers and undead there."
If you found the secret message under one of the rugs you can ask him about it:
- I found a note addressed to you under one of the rugs.
- "Oh. May I see? Ah, yes. It's … from Lady Garick. The love of my life. She had to leave to fight a war. Said I could not join her in that war because I was the only one she trusted to guard the shield.
This … should have stayed under the rug."
In the garden, find the secret door:
- Cynric Ginise: "Ah, here is the secret passage. Enter, challenger. I'll see you at the third trial."
Before you go inside:
- "Careful in there. As you can likely deduce, I haven't used the passage in centuries. It probably has more than a few inhabitants that won't offer a warm welcome."
- Cynric Ginise: "You found your way. Good."
Speaking him inside:
- "Normally I would not have allowed a challenger to use secret passageways. But Amunara's minions change the nature of this test. It is no longer as Lady Garick designed. So, perhaps I can allow some improvisation.
Are you prepared for the next test?" - I am. What do I have to do?
- "You come to the Trial of Constitution. How much pain can you endure, challenger? We shall soon find out.
Find a way to unlock the exit without dying. None have passed this final room since before Lady Garick sailed." - I will be the first to succeed.
- "Good luck, challenger. I'm really hoping you'll pull through."
- I'd like to hear the hint for this trial.
- "Similar to the Trial of Perseverance, the door to the exit is locked, but a device exists to open it. Reaching both the device and the door is where the difficulty lies."
As you work your way through the challenge, Amunara will manage to sneak past the traps:
- Amunara: "Amunara doesn't need to solve some stupid puzzle to find the shield, challenger."
- Cynric Ginise: "Curses. The door is now unlocked. The question is, can you make it there?"
Finish getting past the traps:
- Cynric Ginise: "Well done! You actually made it through."
In the next room:
- Cynric Ginise: "The last tablet awaits you. We'll talk after."
Before reading the final tablet:
- "Congratulations, challenger. Surviving the Trial of Constitution is no mean feat!
Examine the tablet. The last of the three words you need is inscribed there."
Speak to him after reading the tablet:
- "Finally. At long last, someone has accomplished Lady Garick's third test. She was not a brutal woman, but she did not suffer the weak. It was this attitude that let her ascend so quickly.
Now I have met her equal." - Thank you. Just the pass phrase now, right?
- "Correct. Since you've passed all the trials, you've learned the pass phrase that will let you walk where none have walked for centuries. Just keep following these hallways until you reach the Shield Hall. I'll await you there."
- I'll see you in the Shield Hall, then.
- "I am certain we'll encounter Amunara at the shield hall. Be prepared to use the censer. It should have attuned itself to your unique energy by now.
We'll likely only have one chance. Let's make it count."
In the final room, Amunara will be casting a spell:
- Amunara: "I will not be denied!"
- Cynric Ginise: "She's distracted. Now's your chance. Use the censer!"
If spoken to immediately afterward:
- "Get close and trap her with the censer, challenger! I believe in you!"
Use the censer to bind her in chains:
- Amunara: "What? How?"
- Cynric Ginise: "How does it feel, necromancer? You and your dishonorable ways came close, but not close enough."
- Cynric Ginise: "Challenger, it's time for you to prove your worth. Are you ready?"
- Amunara: "Release Amunara! This one must have that shield!"
Speak to Cynric:
- "Although the necromancer has proven herself unworthy, I cannot yet allow you to pass. One more Test of Worth awaits you, a surprise to ensure you remember your lessons here.
Are you ready for the Test of Virtue?" - I'm prepared. What do I need to do?
Cynric will now ask you three questions. If you get an answer wrong, he'll just say "Incorrect, try again." and restates the question.
- "You need to recall the virtues you learned from the tablets after each Trial of Worth to answer each question, starting with this one:
Faced with overwhelming odds, what must the bearer of the shield demonstrate?" - Tenacity.
- Skill.
- Strength.
If you get the question correct, he'll ask the next:
- "Correct. Next question:
What keeps the bearer of the shield stable and informs their choices?" - Understanding.
- Intelligence.
- Compassion.
Once you get that one right, he'll finally ask:
- "Correct. Final question:
Through what quality will the bearer of the shield reach the pinnacle of their potential and ability?" - Love.
- Courage.
- Honor.
Once you've answered all the questions correctly:
- "With that final and correct answer, I will dispel the wards and grant you access to the Sacred Shield. Congratulations, champion."
Before entering into the final room:
- "After you, champion."
Enter the next room and see the shield:
- Cynric Ginise: "Claim what is yours, champion."
Before claiming the shield:
- "I remained in Garick's Rest far beyond the expectations of Lady Garick. But she gave orders and following them was my duty.
I pray she knows of my loyalty wherever she may be."
Take the shield:
- Cynric Ginise: "The shield has a new bearer—my oath is fulfilled. I'm finally … free."
Speaking to him to finish the quest:
- "Thank you, champion. You did as you said you would. You claimed the shield before that necromancer stole it from its resting place.
My duty is fulfilled. I can finally rest." - Does that mean you can … move on?
- "Indeed, champion. I confess that I was beginning to fear I'd be trapped amid these crumbling ruins forever. This day I finally follow Lady Garick on the greatest voyage of all!
Thank you again. May you bear the Sacred Shield with honor!"
Finish the quest and you can speak to him before he departs:
- "Good fortune, wherever your adventures take you!"
- What's going to happen to Amunara?
- "I'm sure that censer won't hold her forever. Once she's free, she'll likely be quite angry. I suggest you're in the wind before that happens, champion."