Imperial City

Online:Cunning Scamp

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Cunning Scamp
Location Imperial City Sewers
Species Scamp
Health 103494 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile
Cunning Scamp's Tel Var Sack (500 (?)2500 (?)Tel Var Stones to 000 (?)3000 (?)Tel Var Stones)
Between 000001010Tel Var Stones to 0000200200Tel Var Stones[verification needed — Max/min amount]
Cunning Scamp

Cunning Scamps are unique Scamps who randomly spawn in the Imperial City Sewers, similar to Trove Scamps, though are slightly rarer. They can be distinguished by their red and white glow and do not attack. Instead, they will quickly run a certain path through the sewers and nearby many other enemies, seeking to alert them by having them see you.

If they see a player, they will quickly try to exit the sewers by taking a portal, and should be stunned or killed before they can go through it. When they reach the end of their path, they cannot be stunned and will attempt to use their portal again, but can still be killed beforehand. It is suggested to have more than one person attacking a scamp to kill it faster. Scamps can be around for approximately 25 seconds before despawning, and have varying timers for when they will respawn, depending on the sewer section.

Upon death they drop a satchel containing a set number of Tel Var Stones when opened, as well as a varying amount of Tel Var that is instantly added to your character. Anyone who does damage to a Scamp can loot it after it is killed, regardless of alliance. If one is in a group and does not do damage to it, but their teammates do, they can loot the Scamp if they were close enough to it when it died.


  • Aldmeri Dominion Branch:
    • (Bugged) Six rooms in the Training Grounds section of the Irrigation Tunnels (5 minute respawn)
    • (Bugged) Five rooms in the Lost Tombs section of the Abyssal Depths (6 minute respawn)
    • Five rooms in The Hatchery section of the Abyssal Depths (6 minute respawn)
  • Daggerfall Covenant Branch:
    • Three rooms in the Battle Gates section of the Lambent Passage (10 minute respawn)
    • Three rooms in the Nocere Oblitus section of the Lambent Passage (10 minute respawn)
    • Five rooms in the Bloodworks section of the Vile Drainage (6 minute respawn)
  • Ebonheart Pact Branch:
    • Three rooms in the Buried Artifact section of the Harena Hypogeum (10 minute respawn)
    • Two rooms in Betrayer's Catacombs section of the Antediluvian Vaults (14 minute respawn)
    • Three rooms in Feeding Pits section of the Antediluvian Vaults (10 minute respawn)


  • Scamps often don't spawn in the same room twice in a row, but it can occasionally happen.
  • Both the amount of Tel-Var Cunning Scamps' stachel gives has been increased but their spawn rate got reduced in Update 39.


  • Some Scamps in the Irrigation Tunnels and Lost Tombs section of the Abssyal Depths may despawn too early, can run at higher speeds, and may sometimes not be targetable by abilities. Their timers are also bugged, delaying their spawn times by a long amount.
  • They may not appear with the red shader applied.


There are a few achievements associated with this creature:

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-Cunning Scamp Seeker.png Cunning Scamp Seeker 10 Kill 1 Cunning Scamp while adventuring in the Imperial Sewers.
ON-icon-achievement-Cunning Scamp Seeker.png Cunning Scamp Slayer 15 Kill 5 Cunning Scamps while adventuring in the Imperial Sewers.
ON-icon-achievement-Cunning Scamp Seeker.png Cunning Scamp Exterminator 50 Kill 10 Cunning Scamps while adventuring in the Imperial Sewers.