Online:Coldharbour Column, Skulls

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Coldharbour Column, Skulls
Category Courtyard (Posts and Pillars)
Quality Epic
Limit Type Traditional Furnishings
This is a large house item.

Available From[edit]

  • This furnishing is a Luxury item. Luxury items are on a 'week/year' rotation. Once a week, the Luxury Furnisher appears with a set of wares which rotate each week, and ultimately, may not been seen again for one year.
    There are a few exceptions to the rotation, given that there may be events and new releases that disrupt the usual ware list for a week.
  • Visit the Zanil Theran in Coldharbour's The Hollow City every Friday night after 8:00 PM EST to view the weekly Luxury Furnishings.


No player houses come with this furnishing.