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Clockwork City

Online:Saint Olms the Just

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Saint Olms the Just
(lore page)
Home City Brass Fortress
Location Asylum Sanctorium
Species Clockwork Titan
Health Normal26,129,964Veteran89,263,744 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Ordinators (Founder)
Random Asylum Weapon
Saint Olms the Just

Saint Olms the Just is the final boss, or the only boss if you so choose, of the Asylum Sanctorium trial. In life he was a saint of the Tribunal Temple and has now had his soul transported into the body of a Clockwork Titan, where he has been gradually losing his sanity.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

As a boss type creature, Saint Olms is immune to all forms of crowd control effects.

A basic melee attack that does high physical damage. If taunted the boss will be forced to use this on the tank only.
Gusts of Steam
At 90%, 75%, 50% and 25% health he will jump from between the left and right side of the arena, dealing very high damage when he lands. At the same time, all players will get small red circles around them that deal moderate physical damage every time he lands. Stay near the entrance or opposite the entrance to avoid the main damage from the jumps and avoid stacking to minimise damage from the smaller AOEs. Blocking and shielding will also help mitigate the smaller AOE damage.
Exhaustive Charges
Saint Olms will place a lightning AOE on the furthest away player in front of him. Standing in the red circle will drain your resources and deal damage to you. It is common for most groups to have a non-tank person (usually a healer) be the "kiter" to deal with this mechanic; that person will stand some distance in front of the boss near the edge of the arena, where they are out of range of Scalding Roar. This will bait the boss to place the AOE on the kiter instead of the main tank, allowing the main tank to keep the boss still.
Scalding Roar
A breath attack that hit all targets in front of the boss for very high flame damage as indicated by a red cone. This attack must be avoided at all costs by the tank as being hit by this will cause your armor to shatter (basically reducing armor to 0) and you will receive a healing debuff.
Storm the Heavens
Lightning will fall on each player's position as indicated by red circles. Each time you are hit by one of these you will take more damage from the next. Saint Olms will jump in air just before this attack, and all players have to move continuously to avoid being hit. Avoid stacking with other players when this mechanic happens as AOEs will stack making them harder to avoid.
Trial By Fire
When low on health (around 20%), Saint Olms will create 3 large fire AOEs. Being inside one of these will put a damage over time effect on you which must be purged on veteran mode. Two AOEs will always be on the left and right side of the arena, and the last will either be near the entrance or opposite the entrance.
Shocking Slam
If standing behind him, Saint Olms will slam his axe tail into the ground violently, causing five traveling shock fields to move outward from the impact point, indicated by circular AoEs, dealing high shock damage each. The tail itself doesn't inflict damage.
Saint Olms is invulnerable for as long as there is an Ordinated Protector present, they must be killed immediately to progress the fight.
Summon Spiders
Throughout the fight, Firepot Spiders will spawn and explode near players leaving behind flaming red circles, dealing continuous high flame damage.


Before accepting the quest, Saint Olms the Just can be heard from the entrance.

"This is not just! This is not right!"
"What is the lesson in this torment? What are we to learn besides the depths of cruelty?"
"Have I not been loyal? Have I not been faithful? How long must I be tested?"
"This is no test. Seht has forsaken us."

During combat:

"There is no justice here, only judgement!"
"Redemption is a lie! There is only torment for you here."
"You are not wanted, none of us are wanted!"
"I am beyond your judgment, or salvation!"
"Can you feel Red Mountain's judgment? I cannot."
"How much will you endure to see justice done?"
"Those born of fire should be returned to the ash."
"My only pulse is lightning. How it burns!"
"Flame is merciful before the end."
"I am numb to the suffering of the flesh."
"Truth always comes to light in the flicker of flame."
"They sustain me through my ordeals, but it's a cruel mercy!"

Upon defeat:

"Judgment is release. Release is mercy."
"Order is restored."

After his defeat, Alienist Llandras will arrive and Olms will speak with a disembodied voice. If Saint Olms was defeated alone:

Alienist Llandras: "It may have been more fitting for the three Saints to depart as they arrived, in unity, but I'm glad Olms was not alone in the end. The burden of their existence weight heaviest on him."
Saint Olms the Just: "It grows lighter as this body fades."
Alienist Llandras: "Holy one, let others carry the burden now. I cannot make you whole, but I will offer you comfort until Lord Seht has unraveled the sacred puzzle."

When Saint Olms is defeated alongside Felms and Llothis:

Alienist Llandras: "I know it will seem no comfort to you, but I'm glad that their bonds of fidelity brought them together in the end. Madness is a lonely affliction in all its forms."
Saint Olms the Just: "Isolation and exile... are second only to death in the eyes of the law."
Alienist Llandras: "I wish you the company of dreams in your rest, and that our prayers will be a balm against all that ails. I have faith that Lord Seht will see you restored. One day."


achievements associated with this enemy:

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-Asylum Sanctorium Completed.png Asylum Sanctorium Completed 15 Defeat Saint Olms the Just, Saint Llothis the Pious, and Saint Felms the Bold in Asylum Sanctorium.
ON-icon-achievement-Asylum Sanctorium Conqueror.png Asylum Sanctorium Conqueror 50 Defeat Saint Olms the Just, Saint Llothis the Pious, and Saint Felms the Bold in Veteran Asylum Sanctorium.
ON-icon-achievement-Asylum Sanctorium Vanquisher.png Asylum Sanctorium Vanquisher 50 Defeat Saint Olms the Just, Saint Llothis the Pious, and Saint Felms the Bold in the same fight in Veteran Asylum Sanctorium.
ON-icon-achievement-Asylum Sanctorium Contender.png Asylum Sanctorium Contender 50 Defeat Saint Olms the Just, Saint Llothis the Pious, and Saint Felms the Bold in the same fight in Asylum Sanctorium.
ON-icon-achievement-Executioners' Judgement.png Executioners' Judgement 10 Defeat Saint Olms the Just and Saint Felms the Bold in the same battle in Veteran Asylum Sanctorium.
ON-icon-achievement-Righteous Condemnation.png Righteous Condemnation 10 Defeat Saint Olms the Just and Saint Llothis the Pious in the same battle in Veteran Asylum Sanctorium.
ON-icon-achievement-Perfect Purification.png Perfect Purification 10 Defeat Saint Olms the Just, Saint Llothis the Pious, and Saint Felms the Bold in the same battle without suffering a group member death within 15 minutes of entering the Sanctuary Atrium in Veteran Asylum Sanctorium.
ON-icon-achievement-UD Skill Master.png Sanctified 50 Defeat Saint Olms the Just, Saint Llothis the Pious, and Saint Felms the Bold without suffering a group member death in Veteran Asylum Sanctorium.
ON-icon-achievement-Veteran Speed.png Swift Mercy 50 Defeat Saint Olms the Just, Saint Llothis the Pious, and Saint Felms the Bold within a time limit of 15 minutes in Veteran Asylum Sanctorium. Timer starts when players enter the Sanctuary Atrium.
ON-icon-achievement-Beatific Beatdown.png Beatific Beatdown 50 Defeat Saint Olms the Just, Saint Llothis the Pious, and Saint Felms the Bold at the same time without allowing Saint Felms or Saint Llothis to enrage during the fight.


  • He can be seen flying in the distance within the Atrium prior to approaching his cell.
  • The Canton of St. Olms the Just in Vivec CityMorrowind is named in his honor, and features a statue of him.
  • He is only called "Saint Olms, The Clockwork Titan" in concept art and named ClockWorkTitan_A_Basic in the files. He is the only Clockwork Titan in the game.
