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Online:Claim to Fame

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Quick Summary: written by Enodoc, Jimeee, checked by Talyyn

Walkthrough: written by Talyyn, not checked

Quest Stages: written by Jeancey, Talyyn, not checked
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Find out which Orcish clan deserves credit for the raids of the Torog's Spite Bandits.
Zone: Bangkorai
Quest Giver: Letter from Historian Maaga
Location(s): Torog's Spite, Evermore
Reward: Clan's Pride Necklace
Low Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Low Experience XP
ID: 4852
The Torog's Spite Bandits are dedicated to profit and vengeance from targeting families descended from those who sacked Orsinium. An Orc historian named Maaga wants to record the bandits' deeds but needs to know which Orc clan deserves credit.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Read the Letter from Historian Maaga.
  2. Explore deeper into the mine and find either Borzugh's Letter or Thorzhul's Letter.
  3. Talk to Maaga in Evermore and choose which clan should receive the credit.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

While in the Torog's Spite mine, you can find a letter sitting on a crate north of the delve's entrance. It is from one Maaga who claims to be an Orcish historian and wants some verification on the leadership of the bandit gang for historical purposes.

"To the leaders of the Torog's Spite Bandits—
I cannot condone banditry, but your actions have become legend. I understand you target Breton families descended from those who sacked Orsinium; that you pillage their estates for profit and revenge."
<Keep reading.>
"Specifically, I'm told you recently raided the Chauvry family estate and killed the descendants of the ruthless General Chauvry. He was a butcher, and I want to make a record of this event, but I'm not sure which Orc clan should get credit."
<Keep reading.>
"I've heard varied claims, some saying your group is led by Clan Agluk, while others say Clan Morkul.
"If you could send word to me at the inn in Evermore to clarify this question, it would be much appreciated."
"Maaga, Historian of Orsinium"
Interesting. I should try to find out which clan deserves credit.

You will then need to search for documentation which can verify which clan deserves credit for the attack on the Chauvry family estate. From where you start the quest, you will need to find the area where the bandit leaders are. To do this, you can take either the east or western passages around to the central chamber. If you go west, you can find the delve's skyshard in the northwestern chamber. Along the way you can fight your way through Agulk and Morkul Clan warriors, interestingly the two clans will also be fighting each other which suggests that things are not harmonious between the two clans.

Arriving in the central chamber, you can find Borzugh's Letter and Thorzhul's Letter next to their respective bodies, which are surrounded by members of the opposing clan. The letters can be read in either order and show both leaders were taking credit for the Chauvry Estate raid, and killed each other over the issue. With both letters in hand, you can head to Evermore to find Maaga. Before you leave Torog's Spite you can find the delve's boss, Lorogdu gra-Gulash lurking on the walkway in the same room to complete the area.

As Maaga's letter mentioned, he can be found in the Anchor's Point Inn reading at one of the tables. Speaking with him, he will claim that knowledge of the clan responsible for the attack could change things for either clan by increasing their status. At this point, you have a choice of which letter to hand over to him. It is purely up to you as the evidence can go either way and your choice does not to appear to cause any difference for future events. Whatever your choice, Maaga will be glad to finally be able to return home and hands you same reward: some gold and the Clan's Pride Necklace.


  • Though it is a Bangkorai quest, the journal will list it under the location's name of "Torog's Spite". As a result, this quest does not count towards the Bangkorai Adventurer achievement.
  • Despite the journal and letters claiming that Clan Agluk was more ancient, Maaga describes them as the younger, up-and-coming clan.

Quest Stages[edit]

Claim to Fame
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I should search Torog's Spite for a letter or something that might show which clan is responsible for the bandits' raids.
Objective: Look for a Letter Claiming Credit
(Found Thorzhul's Letter first)
It looks like two of the bandits' leaders may have killed each other over this issue. I found a letter from Thorzhul to Maaga claiming credit for Clan Agluk. There's another letter I should examine nearby.
Objective: Read the Other Letter
(Found Borzugh's Letter first)
It looks like two of the bandits' leaders may have killed each other over this issue. I found a letter from Borzugh to Maaga claiming credit for Clan Morkul. There's another letter I should examine nearby.
Objective: Read the Other Letter
Apparently, each leader drafted a letter to claim credit for his clan. I should find the historian, Maaga, in Evermore and choose which letter to deliver, assigning credit to Clan Agluk or Clan Morkul.
Objective: Talk to Historian Maaga in Evermore
Finishes quest☑ I've delivered the letter claiming credit for Clan Morkul. I should speak with Maaga again.
Objective: Talk to Maaga
Finishes quest☑ I've delivered the letter claiming credit for Clan Agluk. I should speak with Maaga again.
Objective: Talk to Maaga
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.