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Location Telvanni Peninsula, Anchre Egg Mine
Race Wood Elf Gender Female
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly

Cindieth is a very stressed Wood Elf and auditor for the Kwama Consortium of Necrom.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]


Approaching her:

"Where are all the workers? The overseer was suppose to meet me hours ago!"

She initially mistakes you for an Anchre Egg Mine worker and starts to give you a piece of her mind because she thinks you and your coworkers are slacking off.

"You there! Do you work here? As a notary for the Kwama Consortium of Necrom I demand that you explain why production has halted.
Are you aware of the irreparable harm this is inflicting on our image?"
No, I don't work at this mine.
"The Consortium will be none too pleased. Apologies, traveler. I came on a little strong there. I'm an auditor sent to inspect Anchre Egg Mine. It's been a few days since their last shipment and the higher ups are growing restless."
They sent you to investigate all by yourself?
"Please, this isn't the first worker's strike I've negotiated. Wait. You don't think something dangerous happened here, do you?
Well, I have expense funds for this assignment. Might I hire you as a bodyguard while I perform my audit?"
I can accompany you while you investigate the mine.

Once that gets straightened out, she asks you to help her with her audit and figure out what has happened to everyone.

"I'm required to inform you that as a contractor for the Kwama Consortium you are held to the highest standards of conduct. But on a personal note, thank you
Now, we'll need to inspect the pens, speak with the overseer, and take note of the queen."
Tell me more about the details of the audit.
"It's routine really. Whenever the Consortium believes a mine is operating below standards, they send along an auditor to run an inspection. This usually entails the overseer providing a comprehensive tour of the kwama pens and the mine's queen."
Are you familiar with the mine's overseer?
"Ulfengar? I've met him once before, back when the mine was first opened. Nord fellow. Tough as rocks and sweet as salt, but a hard worker. You want that in an overseer.
To be honest, I'm surprised he's late. It's definitely out of the ordinary."
Do you think something's gone wrong?
"I haven't the faintest idea. I was only sent along to conduct an audit, though the Consortium did seem rather on edge. They said I should expect to hear all sorts of excuses, from cave-ins to cultists. Laughable, I know, but it's part of the job."
You think the miners are making excuses for lack of productivity?
"I shouldn't jump to conclusions, especially when I haven't had the chance to assess anything yet.
But yes, my employers certainly seem to think so. After all, not every worker keeps their company's best interests in mind."
Did you mention a Kwama queen?
"Oh yes, a healthy Kwama queen is as good as gold around here. Their eggs are a staple food for Dark Elves. The Consortium outfits these mines with the best tools and workers money can buy."
And what is the Consortium?
"The Kwama Consortium of Necrom oversees the care and husbandry of egg mines on the peninsula. Their export of eggs is second to none, but even one mine operating below expectations can lead to grumbles among shareholders."
And that's where you come in?
"Myself and others like me, yes. Auditors. Adjusters, if you will. We assess the egg mines to ensure they continue to meet the Consortium's production standards. Though, that's certainly not to say I'm irreplaceable."
You're worried you might get fired?
"Anchre Egg is a particularly important mine. It may seem dramatic, but I'm convinced any failure here will result in my dismissal. It isn't easy for an outsider like myself to be accepted into a Telvanni business so, yes. I'm a bit worried."

Once inside the mine, she'll have more to say:

"The smell really just hits you right in the face, doesn't it? Not all together displeasing, but certainly potent. Let's get a move on, shall we?"
Can you tell me more about the remaining tasks for your audit?
"Yes, of course! You are taking the lead down here, after all. Which part of the audit do you wish to know more about?"
Why do we need to inspect the kwama pen?
"The egg-hands use the pens to efficiently track and corral the workers and scribs to cut down on overcrowding and the dangers that come with it.
In fact, most production errors originate with the pens, so it's always a good place to check."
What will finding the overseer do for your audit?
"Naturally the overseer must, in triplicate, sign off on the state of the mine and provide records as to its upkeep and production goals. The Consortium will then review his records with my findings to root out any inconsistencies."
What is the importance of the kwama queen?
"The importance? The queen is the mine. The workers tend her, the warriors defend her, and the egg-hands harvest her eggs and other byproducts for the people of the peninsula.
Knowing her health is critical information for the Consortium."

As you explore, she'll remark:

Cindieth: "I expected more activity in the mine but, oh. By the Green, what happened here?"

When you approach the pen, you will see dead Kwama Warriors:

Cindieth: "They've torn each other apart. Look, a notice on the pen. Let's see what it says."

Read Attention All Egg-Hands and she'll say:

Cindieth: "Green ichor? Could that be the source of this frenzy? This poor hive."

Speaking to her at this point:

"By the Green this is ghastly. I can't even begin to surmise the damage."
What do you think happened in the pens?
"I haven't the faintest clue, but whatever it was has done incalculable damage to the mine."

Examine Egg Hand Gine:

Cindieth: "From my notes, I think this is, was, Gine. One of the chief egg-hands."

Speaking to her about Gine:

"Gine was a very talented egg tender. Came highly recommended from one of our other mines."
Were you close with this person?
"No, but he had a smile almost as glowing as his recommendations. Felt like he lit up the room when he came by the Consortium to turn in his paperwork."

Examine Foreman Fomesa:

Cindieth: "Fomesa! Is she …? Oh, no."

Speaking to her to ask more about Fomesa:

"I met Fomesa during an inspection just a few seasons ago. She was a hard worker. Terrible sight—seeing her like that."
Were you close with this person?
"She was kind to me during my last visit. Workers aren't too keen on Consortium auditors, but she … well, she learned my name and I learned hers."

Approaching the Overseer:

Overseer Ulfengar: "Is someone down there? Please, help us!"
Cindieth: "Someone's alive? Let's hurry!"

After speaking with the Overseer, she'll tell you:

"I promise, I had no idea Overseer Ulfengar asked for aid. If I had known? Regardless, we're here now. We have to do what we can to help them."
What do you make of Ulfengar's story?
"This is the first I've heard anything about cultists. I've never known Ulfengar to exaggerate, so if he asked the Consortium for guards I believe him. As to why the Consortium wouldn't supply them, let alone give me a warning? It's troubling."

Continue on into the mine and you'll notice the cultists of the Hidden Kindred:

Cindieth: "Wait, who are these people? And what are they doing to this mine?"

Enter the central area with Zaedare the Afflicted and she'll say:

Cindieth: "Gods. All this destruction. All this suffering. Why are they doing this?"

If you choose to take down Zaedare, she'll remark:

Cindieth: "These cultists have done irreparable harm to this egg mine, but at least you dealt with their leader. Thank you."

Find the dead Kwama Queen:

Cindieth: "No no no, what have they done to her? The mine is dead without its queen!"
Cindieth: "Perhaps we can still harvest her pheromone gland? It's the only thing that might help us rebuild."

After examining the queen:

Cindieth: "Thank you. The Consortium may be able to rebuild the hive with that. Poor thing."
Cindieth: "That's everything. Let's head outside. The overseer and the others should have made it out by now."

Speaking to her before heading out:

"That's everything I needed to conduct my audit, though it doesn't take a professional to know the mine is in a disastrous state. Let's get out of here and meet up with Ulfengar and the others outside."

Once outside:

Cindieth: "Overseer! I'm glad you all made it out. With your expertise and the Queen's pheromone gland, we should be able to reopen the mine in—"
Overseer Ulfengar: "Reopen the mine? After the Consortium left us to die? To Sovngarde with this mine. You've got the Queen's gland. Re-queen the mine yourself. We're leaving!"
Cindieth: "Ulfengar, please reconsider …. Ulfengar?"
Cindieth: "Friend, can you please talk to the overseer? The people of Necrom will starve without this mine!"

Speaking to her to hear out why supporting the mine is important:

"Please, can you speak with Ulfengar? I respect whatever decision he comes to, but without him, the mine may never recover.
We have a real chance here. With the queen's gland and a steady hand like Ulfengar's we can save Anchre Egg Mine, I know it!"
Would closing the mine be that bad?
"This mine is critical to the people of Necrom! Anchre's proximity makes it a boon to the city's markets. And we're not just talking about the food produced here. Every broken shell, every kwama gland, every shard of chitin has value."
And you think convincing Ulfengar and the others to stay will help?
"Of course! Having experts who know the mine well will be essential for bringing the operation back up to speed, particularly given the cultists' mischief. Ulfengar saw those skeevers in action and can describe it to our alchemists firsthand."
They were poisoning the eggs. Do you think the Consortium's alchemists can clear out the corruption?
"With Ulfengar's help? Yes.
Without it, though? Well, it will be slow going, for sure."
You said the queen's gland can help reestablish the mine. How does that work?
"Introducing a new queen to an ailing colony is a delicate affair. The few healthy kwama that remain are still loyal to the dead queen and they won't hesitate to kill a new one unless egg handlers use the gland to mask her scent."
And you need Ulfengar to do it?
"Yes! His familiarity with this colony, his years of experience … the Consortium hired him for a reason.
We only get one chance to re-queen, and I fear that a new overseer will botch the job. Then we really will have to shutter the mine for good."

Convince the Miners to Stay[edit]

If you convince Ulfengar and the miners to stay, she'll say:

"That sounded like it went well. Please tell me you have some good news. I really need something to soften the blow of this report to my superiors at the Consortium."
Ulfengar says they will stay, but only if the Consortium meets his demands and cleans the mine.
"Oh, trust me, I'll make sure the Consortium does what is right. To send an auditor in place of soldiers? Unbelievable. The safety of the people of Necrom is my highest priority.
Take my thanks, and everything that I owe you."

Cindieth will promise Ulfengar that changes will come soon:

Cindieth: "Overseer Ulfengar, I cannot thank you enough for your decision to stay with the mine. I'll make sure the Consortium looks out for you. You have my word!"
Overseer Ulfengar: "Good. You can start by making sure the families of those lost in the mine are properly taken care of."
Cindieth: "Of course. Honoring those lost is the first step towards making things right. The first of many!"

Speak to her after the quest:

"Thank goodness you came across me when you did! I'd have completely lost my head in there without you. And I just know I'd never have been able to convince the miners to stay on by myself. The people of Necrom have you to thank, mercenary."
Do you think you'll be able to convince the Consortium to help the survivors?
"I'll do everything in my power to try. The Consortium is obligated to serve the needs of the citizens of the peninsula, and that includes its miners.
I may not be much use in a mine, but bureaucracy I can handle."
What will you do if you lose your job?
"Funny how anxious I used to be about such things. Ulfengar put his life on the line for his workers! The least I can do is pressure the Consortium.
This is my battlefield, after all. It might surprise you what a few strongly-worded letters can do."

Convince the Miners to Leave[edit]

If you convince Ulfengar and the miners to leave, she'll say:

"Just tell me quick, please. The sooner I know their intentions, the sooner I can write this dismal report and start looking for a new job."
Ulfengar and the others are leaving. They can't trust the Consortium to keep them or Necrom safe.
"Well, I'll likely lose my job over this, but what the Consortium did was wrong. These people needed help and they sent me. But I'm done being useless. Know that I'll raise plenty of noise before I'm done.
Thank you. Take this, you earned it."
<Complete Quest>
"Ulfengar is right to be concerned. The Consortium might very well try to sell these tainted eggs, but I can fight bureaucracy with bureaucracy. Even if they fire me, I'll make sure these eggs never make it to Necrom without a proper cleansing."
Do you think you'll be able to convince the Consortium to help the survivors?
(See above dialogue)

Chronicle of Fate[edit]

At the gathering in the Necropolis, if you've helped Cindieth, she'll be there to add her admiration:

"I'm glad I made it! Would you believe my superiors thought attending this celebration was frivolous? I wouldn't dare miss a chance to thank the savior of Anchre Egg Mine again.
The Consortium may underestimate the good you did, but I surely won't."
How are the workers doing?
"Very well! Things at the mine are so much better since you came along."